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201702574 <br />USE AT ANY TIME. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES ARE <br />SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. ALL USE OF THE LAKE SHALL BE AT THE SOLE <br />RISK AND DANGER OF EACH INDIVIDUAL. <br />10. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Each Owner of a Lot shall comply with any <br />additional rules, regulations and standards which may be established by the Association from <br />time to time. <br />Article V. <br />RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />To effectuate the intent of these covenants, the Association may establish and publish <br />appropriate rules, regulations and standards, including a map defining common -use areas and <br />allowable land use. A full and correct copy of the rules, regulations and standard currently in <br />effect will be provided to every property owner. The Association may revise and amend such <br />rules, regulations and standards from time to time by sending a copy to the Owner of each Lot at <br />the last address of record. Wherever in these covenants the term "rules and regulations" appears <br />it shall mean the rules and regulations so established and currently in effect at the time of the <br />events to which they apply. <br />Article VI. <br />ASSOCIATION PROVISIONS <br />1. MEMBERSHIP TO ASSOCIATION. Every Owner of a Lot, or any part or <br />subsequent re- subdivision thereof, shall be a Member of the Association. Membership shall be <br />appurtenant to and shall not be separated from ownership of any Lot. The Association shall have <br />as its purpose the promotion of the health, safety, recreation, welfare, and enjoyment of the <br />Owners of the Lots, including, but not limited to the following: <br />(a) The acquisition, construction, landscaping, improvement, equipment, <br />maintenance, operation, repair, upkeep and replacement of streets and easements <br />for the general use, benefit and enjoyment of the Owners. <br />(b) <br />The promulgation, enactment, amendment and enforcement ofrules and regulations relating to <br />the use and enjoyment of property, or any portion thereof, not inconsistent with these <br />Covenants, Restrictions and Conditions, provided always that such rules and regulations <br />are uniformly applicable to all Owners. <br />(c) The exercise, promotion, enhancement and protection of the privileges and interests of <br />the residents of property, and the protection and maintenance of the residential <br />character of property. <br />(d) All powers conferred upon not-for-profit corporations by the Nebraska Nortnofit <br />Corporation Act, and any amendments thereto, and all powers and duties necessary and <br />appropriate to accomplish the purposes and administer the affairs of the Association <br />not inconsistent with this Covenant <br />11 <br />