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4/21/2017 3:46:00 PM
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201702574 <br />2. POLLUTION. Each Owner or said Owner's permitted tenants, guests, and <br />invitees shall take all precautions to avoid polluting or littering the Lake. <br />3. VEGETATION. Cottonwood trees shall not be planted or permitted to grow on a <br />Lot. Vegetation of any sort shall not be planted or permitted to grow on or along the shoreline of <br />the Lake. <br />4. WASTE. No grass clippings, pet waste, or other waste shall be dumped or <br />deposited into the Lake or the easement area adjacent to the Lake. <br />5. NUISANCE. No Owner of a Lot shall use the Lake in such manner as to interfere <br />with the use of the same by any other Owner or in such a manner as to create a nuisance, <br />annoyance or unlawful disturbance. The Owner of any Lot shall be responsible for the conduct <br />and safety of his, her or their guests. <br />6. SUPERVISION. No person under the age of thirteen (13) years old shall be <br />permitted to use the Lake in any manner without appropriate adult supervision. <br />7. USE AND ACCESS. In consideration of the quiet enjoyment of the Owners of <br />the Lots which abut the Lake, the Association may enact separate rules or regulations from time <br />to time to (a) restrict the use of the Lake to reasonable daytime hours, (b) limit otherwise <br />permitted activities such as fishing and boating to specific areas of the Lake or shoreline, or (c) <br />place general access restrictions on specific areas of the Lake or shoreline. In the event any such <br />rules or regulations are enacted, the Association shall provide written notice thereof to all the <br />Owners or display such rules or regulations in plain view on appropriate signage. Furthermore, <br />the Lake privileges granted herein shall in no way be construed to grant a mutual access <br />easement over or across any of the Lots which abut the Lake. Any person accessing the Lake by <br />entering on or crossing over a Lot which abuts the Lake without prior permission of the Owner <br />thereof shall be deemed to be trespassing and subject to all available penalties. Any person <br />permitted to use the Lake shall accordingly access the Lake only through one or more access <br />points designated by the Association or through other means free of trespass. <br />8. ASSUMPTION OF RISK; INDEMNIFICATION. Each Owner of a Lot <br />acknowledges that the Lake is potentially dangerous, including, but not limited to, the following <br />respects: there are no lifeguards present, the water is very deep in certain places, there is no <br />guarantee that potentially harmful substances are not present in the water, and there may be <br />attacking predators in the Lake. EACH OWNER OF A LOT AGREES THAT THE USE OF <br />THE LAKE SHALL BE THE SOLE RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY OF SUCH OWNER <br />AND /OR SAID OWNER'S PERMITTED GUESTS AND INVITEES. EACH OWNER <br />FURTHER AGREES, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER NEBRASKA LAW, TO <br />INDEMNIFY, SAVE, AND HOLD HARMLESS ALL OTHER OWNERS AND THE <br />ASSOCIATION FOR ANY ACCIDENT, INJURY, LOSS, OR DAMAGE OCCURRING <br />TO ANY PERSON OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE LAKE. <br />9. NO WARRANTY. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY THAT <br />THE LAKE WILL BE IN SUCH CONDITION TO PERMIT SAFE RECREATIONAL <br />10 <br />
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