2� 17�2458
<br /> LDAN#: 15�209812
<br /> ' or gr�und rents on the Property, �f any, and Cammunity Associativn Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f
<br /> any. Ta the extent that these items ar� Escrow Items, Borrower shal! pay�hem [n the manner pravided
<br /> in Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Borrower shaf� prompt�y discharge any li�n vvh��h has pr�ority vver�his Secur�ty Instrument unless
<br /> Barrower:�a}agrees in writing to the payment�f the obliga�ion secured by�he lien in a mann�r a�ceptable
<br /> to L�nder, but anly so fong as Borr�wer is performing such agreement; �b}contests#he lien in govd faith
<br /> b}r, ordefends against enfo�cement�fthe�ien in, lega�proceedingswhich in Lender's opinion operate to
<br /> pr�vent th�enforcement of th�li�n�vhiie thase praceedings ar�pending,but anly un�il such proce�d�r�gs
<br /> are�onclud�d;or�c}secures fram�he holder of the lien an agreement satisfact�ry to Len�ersubvrdinating
<br /> the IEen to th�s S�curity Instrument. �f Lender de�ermines tha#any part of the P�operty is sub�ecfi to a��en
<br /> which �an attain priority over this Security Instrumen�, Lend�r may give Barrower a nQtice iden�i�y�ng
<br /> the lien. Vlfithin 10 days of�he date on which that not�ce �s�iven, Borrower shall sat�s�y the lien or�ake
<br /> �ne ar more of the actians set farth above in this Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrovver �a pay a one-��me charge for a r�al �state tax verification andlor
<br /> reporting serv�ce used by Lender in cannection�i�h this Laan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance.Borrov��r shaii keep the improvements now exist�ng or hereafter erect�d�n
<br /> the Property insured agains�lass by fire, hazards included with�n the�erm"extend�d c�v�rage,"and any
<br /> other ha�ard�EncludEng, but nat limited to,earthquakes and flovds,for v�rhich Lend�r requires insuranc�.
<br /> Th�s insurance shall be maintained in the amaunfis �including deductible levels}and forthe periods that
<br /> Lender r�quires. V'Vhat Lender requires pursuan� to the preceding sentences can change during the
<br /> ��rm of th� Loan.The insurance carrier praviding the insurance sha�l be chasen by Borrower sub�ect to
<br /> Lender's right ta disapprove Barrower's choice,wh�ch righ#shal�nat be�xercised unreasonably. Lender
<br /> may require Borrov�rer to pay, in conn�ctian with this Laan, either: �a} a one-t�me charge fvr ffood zone
<br /> determination, cert�fcatton and tracking services; ar�b}a one-time charge for f�ood zane d�terminatian .
<br /> and certificati�n services and subsequ�nt charges each time remappings ar similar changes occur�vh�ch
<br /> reasanab�y rnigh�affect such d�termination or�ertif cation. Bvrrower shall also be responsibl� fv�-the
<br /> payment of any fees imposed by the Federa� Emergency NlanagementAgency in connecti�n ►►vith the
<br /> revie�v�f any ffood�one dete�mination resul�ing from an objectian by Barrower.
<br /> ff Borro�ver faifs to mainta�n any �f the coverag�s descri�ed above, Lend�r may obta�n insurance
<br /> co�r�rage, at Lender's optEon and H�rrower's expens�. Lender is under no olaliga�ion tv purchase any
<br /> particu�ar type ar amoun�of ca��rage.Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might
<br /> not protect Bar���rer, Borro�nrer's equ�ty in the Prvpe�ty, arthe contents af the Praperty, agains�any r�sk,
<br /> hazard or liability and might provide grea���or lesse�caverage than was pre�rivusly in effecfi. Borro�►er
<br /> acknowl�dges that th� cost of the insurance cov�rage so obtained might significant�y exceed th� c�st
<br /> of insurance that Borrower cauld have olatained.Any amounts disbursed by Lender under th�s S�ction
<br /> � shall become additE�nal debt af Barrower secured hy this Security Ir�strument. These amounts shall
<br /> bear interes� a�th� No�e rate from the date �f disbUrsement and shajl be payable, wi�h such interest,
<br /> upon notice from Lend�r ta Borraw�r requesting paym�nt.
<br /> Ali insurance p�lici�s required �y Lend�r and rene►�rals of such palici�s sha��be subj�ctto Lender's
<br /> ri�h�ta disapprove such po�ic�es, shall inciude a�tandard m�rtgage ciause, and shall name Lender as
<br /> mortgagee andlor as an additional I�ss payee.Lender shall have the r�ght#o hold the p��icies and rener�val
<br /> certificates. �f Lender requ�res, Borrower shall promptl}�give to Lender ali receipts vf pa�d premiums an�1
<br /> renewal not�c�s. If B�rrawer abtains any f�rm of insura�ce caverage, no�otherw�se required by Lender,
<br /> for damage to,or destructian of,the Pr�perty, such pv�icy shal��nc�ud�a standard mortgag�cfause and
<br /> sha�l name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an add�tiona! loss payee.
<br /> ln �h�event af I�ss, Borrower shall gi�e prompt not�ce ta th� insurance carrier and Lender. Lender
<br /> may make proof af loss if not made promptly by Barrower. Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree
<br /> in `n�►riting, any �nsurance praceeds, wh�ther ar not the under�ying insurance was required b� Lender,
<br /> sha�E be appfied to restorati�n or repair of the Prap�rty, if the restoration or repair�s economica�Ey feasible
<br /> and L�nder's security is no�Eessened. During such repair and restaratian periad, Lender shail have fihe
<br /> right ta ho�d such insuranc� proceeds unt�l Lender has had an apportunit��o [nspec�such Prop�rty to
<br /> ensure the wark has be�n comp�e�ed to Lender's sa�isfac�ian, pravide� �hat such �nspec��an sha�� be
<br /> undertaken promptiy. L�nd�r may disburse proce�ds forthe fepairs and restoration in a single payment
<br /> or in a ser�es af progress payments as�he work�s comp[eted. Uniess an agreem�nt is made in�vriting�r
<br /> A�Op�icable Law requires En��rest ta be paid on such insuranGe proceeds, Lender sha�f not be r�equir�d�o
<br /> pay Borrow�r any inte�est or earnings an such pr�ceeds. Fees for pub�tc adjusters,ar vther third p�rt�es,
<br /> retained by Borrower shall not be paid aut of the�nsuranc� pr�ceeds and sha�l lae the sole obfigation of
<br /> Borrower. If the r�staration or repair is not ecanamically feasible ar Lend�r's se�urity wou�d be lessened,
<br /> the insuranc� proce�ds shall be app�ied �a the sums secured by this Security �n�trument, whether or
<br /> not then du�,►�ith the excess, if any, paid to 6arrower. Such insuran�e pra�eeds shalt be app�ied �n th�
<br /> arder prov[ded for�n Section �.
<br /> lf Bvrro�er abandons the Prop�rty, Lender may file, negatiate and settle any available insurance
<br /> cIa[m and rela�ed matters. If Barrow�r does not respand�vith�n 3�days to a notice fr�m L�nder that the
<br /> insuranc�carrier has offer�d to settle a ctaim, th�n L�nder may negat[afe and s�ttle th�c�a�m. The 3�-
<br /> day period will �e�in when the natice is given. ln e�ther event, ar if Lender acquires�h� Pro und r
<br /> [nitials: '
<br /> NEBRAS�CA-�Single Family�-Fannie f'VIae�F�eddie Nfac UNIF�RM INSTRU�lENT Form 3028110'I
<br /> Ellie Mae, Inc. Page 5 of 11 NEE�EEQ �315
<br /> NEEDEE❑tCLS}
<br /> 03/23/2017'I 2:1 fi PM P5T
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