2� 17�2458
<br /> L�AN#: 1�D�Q98'�2
<br /> ' Sectivn �� or otherwise, Bvrrower hereby assigns ta Lender �a} Barr�w�r's righ�s to any insuranc�
<br /> proceeds in an amount nat to exceed the amaunts unpaid under the Note ar th�s Secur��y Instrument,
<br /> and �b} any other of Barrower's rights �vfiher than the r�ght ta any refund of un�arr�ed premium� paid
<br /> by Borrvwer� under aEl insurance p��ici�s covering �he Property, insafar as such rights are applicab�e
<br /> to the coverage of�he Praperty. Lender may use the insurance proceeds ei�her to repair or restore�he
<br /> Property ar tfl pay amvunts unpaid under the Note or�his Secur�ty�nstrument, whether�r na�then due.
<br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borra►nrer shal� occupy, es�ablish, and us� the Property as Borrower's principal
<br /> residence wz�hin 6�days after the execufi�on of fih�s�ecurfty Instrurnent and shali cont�nue to occupy�he
<br /> Prvperty as Borro�ver's p��ncipal residence�or af feast one year afterthe date of occupancy,uniess L�nder
<br /> atherwise a��ees in �rr�t�ng, �nrhich consent�ha�l not be unr�asonably withheld, or uniess ex#enuating
<br /> circumstances exist which are beyond Barrow��-'s control.
<br /> 7. Pre�ervation, Ma�ntenance and Prote�tivn of th� Propert�; lnspectivns, Borrawer shal�
<br /> not des�ray, damage ar impair the Property, al�ow the Property ta de��riorate ar cammit uraste an �he
<br /> Prop�r#y. Whether or nat Barrower is residing in the Property, Barrov��r shall maintain th� Property in
<br /> order�o pr��ent the Property from det�riorat�ng ar decreasing �n value due ta its cand�tion. Un��ss it
<br /> is det�rmin�d pursuant to Sec��on � �hat rep��r or restoration is not ec�nomEcaliy feasible, Borrovver
<br /> shall promptly repair th� Pr�perty if damag�d �o aUo�d further de�eriora�ivn or damage. lf�nsuranre Qr
<br /> condemnati�n proceeds�rre paid in cannection w��h damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrawer
<br /> shall be respans�bie for repairing ar restoring th� Property only if Lender has released proceed� far
<br /> such purposes. Lend�r ma}r disburse proceeds far th� repairs and restora#�vn in a single payment or
<br /> in a serEes of progress paymen�s as�he work is comple�ed. If the insuranc��r cond�mnation p�oceeds
<br /> are not sufficient tv repair ar�estore the P�aperty, Barr�wer is not re��eved af Barrvwer's obligation for
<br /> the compietion of such repair or restorati�n.
<br /> Lender or �ts agent may mak� r�asonabCe en�ries upon and tnspecti�ns af th� Property. �f it has
<br /> reasonab�e caus�, Lender may inspec�th�interivr of the improvemen#s an the Pr�perty. Lender shall g�ve
<br /> Borrow�r no�ice a�the time of or prior t�su�h an inte�ior inspectian specifying such r�asonalale caus�.
<br /> 8. Borrawer's LaanAppl�cation.Borrow�rsha[I be in default if,during the Loan app�ication pro�ess,
<br /> Borrower�r any persons or er�����es acting at the direction of Barrower or with Borra�rv�r'S kn�►n�ledge ar
<br /> cons�nt gaWe materially false, misleading,�r inaccurate information or statements t�Lender�or fai��d to
<br /> prav�de Lender�nrith ma�erial inf�rmatian�in cvnnec�ion with fihe Laan. Material representati�ns inc�ude,
<br /> bu�are not limited ta, representations cancerning Borrow�r's occupancy of the Praperty as Borrower's
<br /> principal res�dence.
<br /> 9. Rrotectian af Lender's lnterest in the Prap�rty and Rights Under this Security lnstrument.
<br /> �f �a} Barrower faifs to perform the covenants and agreemen#s �ontain�d �n th�s Security Instrumenf,
<br /> �b} there is a legal proceeding �hat m�ght �ignificanfly affect Lender's inter�st in the P�aperty andlor
<br /> r�ghts under�his Security Instrumen��such as a proc�ed[ng in hankruptcy, probate,far candemnatian or
<br /> farfeiture, for enfor�ement of a lien which may attain pr�ority over this Security lnstrument or to enfarce
<br /> laws or reguiatians}, ar �c} Barra►r�er has abandoned �he Pro�erty, then Lender may da and pa}� for
<br /> �hatever is reasanable or appropr�a��to protect Lender's Enteresf in the Property and �ights under this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument, including pratectEng andlar assessing the vaiue of the Praperty,and securing andlor
<br /> repairing the Property. Lender's actEans can�nclude, but are not limited to: �a}paying any sums secured
<br /> by a lien v�hich has prinrity overthis Security�nstrum�nt;�b}appeartng in court;and�c�paying reasanabE�
<br /> attarneys'fees ta protect fts�nteres�in the Prop�rty andlar rights underthis Securi�y�nstrument,includ�ng
<br /> �ts secure� position in a bankrup�cy proceeding. �ecuring the Praperty inciudes, but is nvt Iimite�l ta,
<br /> entering the Property to make repairs, change �acks, repla�e or board up doors and �indows, drain
<br /> water from pipes, eliminate buildi�g or athet�code violati�ns ar dangervus candi#ions, and ha�e utilities
<br /> #urned on ar off.Although Lender may tak� action under#his Section 9, Lender daes not haWe to do so
<br /> and is nat und�r any duty or�bliga�ian ta do so. i�is agreed that Lend�r incurs no liabi�ity fvr not taking
<br /> any ar afl act��ns authoriz�d under this Section �.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this �ection 9 shall become additiana! debt af Borrow�r
<br /> s�cured b}�this 5ecurity Instrumen�.These amoun�s shal�bear interest at the Nate rate fram the date of
<br /> disbursem�nt and shall�e payable,►rv�th �uch interest, upon notice from Lender to Borro►lver requ�s�ing
<br /> pa}Iment.
<br /> If this �ecurity Instrument is on a ieas�ho�d, B�rr�v�er sha�l camply with all the provisians of the
<br /> lease. Borrower shal! nat sur�-ender the i�a�ehold esfate and �nterests herein conv�}�ed or t�rmina�e
<br /> or cancel the ground lease. Borrvwer sha�l not, without the expres�written consenfi of Lende�, alter or
<br /> am�nd the ground lease. If Barrower acqu�res fee ti�Ee to the Praperty, the leasehold and the fee t[tle
<br /> shafl not merge unless Lend�r agrees tv the m�rger in v�rriting.
<br /> 'IU. Mortgage Insurance.�f Lender required Niortgage Insurance as a condit�an of mal�ing�he Loan,
<br /> Borrower shall pay�he prem�ums required ta maintain the 111lortgage Insurance in effect. lf,far any�eason,
<br /> the Martgage Insuranc��average required by Lender ceases to be aWatlabE�fr�m the mortgage insurer
<br /> tha� previously provEd�d such insurance and Borrow�r was required ta make separately designated
<br /> payments #�ward the premiums for Mortgag� lnsurance, Borrov�ver shall pay the premiurns requ�red
<br /> ta abtain �ov�rag� substantially equiva[ent ta the Mvrtgage Insurance previously in effeGt, at a cast
<br /> substant�ally e�uivalent to the cost to Barrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in e ec .fro n
<br /> ,
<br /> lnit�als:
<br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e Family--Fannie MaelFreddie�IAac UN�F�RM INSTRUARENT Form 30281Ia1
<br /> Eliie Mae,�nc. Page� of 11 NEEDEE❑ Q315
<br /> 031231���7�2:1 fi PM PST
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