2� 17�2458
<br /> L�AN#: '16�2�98"�2
<br /> ' 2`. Appl�catian of Pa�ments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise described in this S�ctian 2, a�l
<br /> payments accepted and appiied by Lender shall be applied in the follow�ng order of pr�ority: {a} i�terest
<br /> due under the Note; �b} principa�due und�r the No�e; �c}amounts du�und�r Section 3. �uch paymen�s
<br /> sha�l be app�ied to each Periodic Paym�nt[n the vrder in which it became due.Any remaining amaunts
<br /> shal! b�applied first to late charges, second to any ather amaunts due under this�ecur�ty Instrum�nt,
<br /> and �hen�o r�duce�he principa� balance of the No��.
<br /> If Lender recei�es a payment frvm Barrawer for a delinquent P�riodic Payment which inc�udes a
<br /> suff�cient amount to pa}r any late charge due,th�paym�nt may be appl��d ta th�de�inquent payment and
<br /> .
<br /> th��ate charge.�f mvre than ane Periodic Payment�s outstanding,L�nder may appjy any payment received
<br /> from Borrower ta�h�repaymer�t of�h�Periodic Payments if, and to the extent that, each payment can be
<br /> pa�d in fu�l.To the extent that any excess ex�sts after the payment is applied ta the full payment vf ane or
<br /> mor� Per�odic Paym�n��, such excess may be applied to any ia�e charges due. Valuntary prepa�ments
<br /> shall be applied firsfi ta any prepayment charges and th�n as described in th� Nofie.
<br /> An}�applicativn of paymen�s,insurance praceeds,orM�scellaneous Proceedsto principal due under
<br /> the Note shall not extend or pvstpon�th�due date, ar change the amount, of the Periadic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds far Es�row�tem�. Barrower sha�l pay#a L�nder on�he day Period'[c Payments ar�due
<br /> under the Note, unf�l the Nvte is paid in futl, a sum�the"Funds"}to provide for payment af am�unts due
<br /> for: �a}taxes and assessments and�ther items whi�h can attain priority over this S�curity Instrum�nfi as
<br /> a lien ar encumbran�e on the Property; �b} �easehold paymen#s or ground r�n#s an the Praperty, if an�I;
<br /> �c}premiums fvr any and all insurance r�qu�red by Lender under Section 5; and �d}Mortgage lnsurance
<br /> premiums,if any,orany sums payab�e b}r Borra►�verto Lende�in iEeu af the payment of Mvrtgage�nsurance
<br /> prem�ums in accordance with th� prov�sians af SectEvn 1�. These items are cali�d "Escrow It�ms."At
<br /> origina�ion or at any time during the term of the Loan, Lender may require�hat�ammunifiy Assaciation
<br /> ❑ues, Fe�s, and Assessments, if any, be escrauved la}�Borrawer, and such dues,fe�s and assessments
<br /> shall b�an Escraw Item.Borrower shall pr�mpt�y furnish t�Lender a�i natices of amaun�s to be paid under
<br /> #his Section. Borrower sha�l pay Lender�he Funds for Escrow Et�ms unfess Lender wai�es Borrower's
<br /> obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Es�ro�rv Items. L�nder may waive Borrar�rver's ob�igation to pay
<br /> �o Lender Funds for any or ai� Escrow Items at any�ime.Any such waiver may anly be in v�r�ting. ln�he
<br /> even� af such waiv�r, Borrawer sha�l pay direc�ly, wh�n and u�here payab�e, the amounts due for any
<br /> Escro►n�r Items for whi�h payment of Funds has been �rvaived by L�nder and, if Lender requ�r�s, sha�t
<br /> furnish to Lender receip�s ��idencing �uch paymenf within su�h �ime pe�iod as Lender may requir�.
<br /> Borrower's obltgation to make such paymen�s and fv provide receipts shall f�r a�� purposes be deemed
<br /> to be a cov�nant and agreemen� cantained �n this Secur�ty Instrument, as the phrase "covenanfi and
<br /> agr�ement" fs used in Section 9. lf Borrower �s obl�gated to pa}� Escraw I�ems d�rect�y, pursuant to a
<br /> waiver, and Borra�er fa�ls to pay the amoun� due far an E�crow lt�m, Lender may exercise its rights
<br /> under Secti�r� 9 and pay such amount and Barrow�r shal! then be obligated und�r Section 9 to repay
<br /> to Lender any such amaunt. Lender may revoke the rnraiv�r a�s to any or all Escrav�r ltems at any�ime by
<br /> a notice giv�n in accardance w��h �ec��an �5 and, up�n such reWocation, Borrower sha�l pay to Lender
<br /> all Funds, and in such amounts, thaf are then r�quired under this Section 3.
<br /> L�ndermay, atanytime, col�ectand ha�d Funds in an amounf�a�sufficientto p�rmit Lenderta appiy
<br /> th� Funds at th�t�m�specifed und�r RESPA, and �b}no#t�exceed the maximum amount a lend�r can
<br /> requ�r� under RESPA. Lend��shall estimate fhe amaunt of Funds due on�he basis af current data and
<br /> reasonable estimates Qf expenditures of future Escraw Ifems or otherwise in accardance with Appiicable
<br /> Law.
<br /> The Funds sha�!be held in an instEtution whose deposi�s are insured by a federai agency,instrumenta�i�y,
<br /> or entity �includ�ng Lender, �f Ler�der is an institu��an wh�s� deposi#s are so insured} or in any Federal
<br /> Home Loan Bank. Lender shail a�ply the Funds to pay the Escr�w�tems no la�er than the#ime specifed
<br /> under RESPA. Lende�shal!nat charge Borrower��r ho�ding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing
<br /> the escrow accaunt, or ver�fying the Escrow Items, unl�ss Lender pays Borrvwer interest�n the Funds
<br /> and App�icable Law permi�s Lend�r to mak�such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in►nrrit[ng or
<br /> Appl�cable Law requ�res�nterest to be paid on the Funds, Lender shalf n�t b� requEred to pay Barrower
<br /> any inter�st or earnings on the Funds. Borrowerand Lend�rcan agree in writing, however, that inter�st
<br /> shall be pa�d an�he Funds. Lender shai� give to Borro�er, withvut cha�ge, an annuaf acc�unting of the
<br /> Funds as required by RESPA.
<br /> If fhere is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shal� accoun� fo
<br /> Borrnv�►er for the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. �f there rs�shortage of Funds held in escrv�v,
<br /> as defined under RESPA, Lender sha1�notify Barro�rrer as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender the amount necessary ta make up the shartage in accordance with RESPA, but in na mare than
<br /> 1�manthly paymenfis. If ther�is a deficiency vf Fur�ds he�d in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender
<br /> shal� notify Barrower as required by RESPA, and Barro�ver shall pay to Lender th� am�unt necessary
<br /> �o make up the deficienc�r �n �ccardance with RESPA, �ut in na mor�than �2 monthly payments,
<br /> Upon payment in fu�l of all sums secured by this Security Ins�rum�nt, L�nd�r shal� promptly refund
<br /> to Barrower any Fu nds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shal� pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and imposit�ons
<br /> attr�butable tv the Property which can attain pr��rit� av�r this Security Instrument, leaseho d aymen s
<br /> R j
<br /> �nit�als: -
<br /> NEBRASKA--S�ngle Family--Fannie MaelFreddie IV�ac Uh#IFQRM INSTRUMENT Form 3Q28110'�
<br /> Ellie Mae, Inc. Page 4 of 11 NEEDEED 0315
<br /> D31�312�17�2:��PM PST
<br />