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2� 17�24�4 <br /> ��nd�mnati�n. The proceeds af any award or claim f�r damabes, direct or�onsequential, in conne�tion vvi�h any <br /> condemna�ion or other tak�n� of any par� af�he Pr�perty, �r f�r con�eyance in �ieu af candemnat�on, are �ereby <br /> ass�gned and s��a��be paid�o Lender. <br /> Zn �he e�en� �f a t��al takin� af�the Prflper��, the proceeds sha�� be applied to �he sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> Instrument, whether or not then due, vvith any excess paid to Borr�wer. In �he e�en� of a partia� taking of�he <br /> Property in which the fa�r marke� �a�ue of�he Property �mmediate�y b�f�r� �h� taking �s eaual to or brea�er than <br /> the am�un� of�he sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument immedia�ely before�he �aking, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> Lender o�her�ise agr�e in writinb, the sums secured by���is Securi�y �ns�rument sha�l be redu�ed by the amaunt�f <br /> �he proceeds multXpl�ed by�he foll��v�ng frac�ion: �a}�he ta�a� amaun� af�he sums secured immediate�y befare the <br /> �ak�ng, di�ided hy �b) �he fair �a�ue of�he Proper�y immedia�ely before the takin�. An� ba�ance shall be <br /> paid ta Borrower. In �he event of a par�ial takin� af�he Prflperry in which �he fair marke� �a�ue of the Property <br /> immedia�ely bef�re �he takin� �s less �han ��e amoun� of�he sums secured immediately before�he �aking, un�ess <br /> B�rro�ver and Lender atherwise agree in writin� or unless Applicable Lavv atherwise pr�vides, �he pro�eeds sha11 <br /> be app�ied�a�he sums secured by this Secur��y Ins�rumen�whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If�he Property is abandoped by Borr�wer, or if, after n��ice by Lender�o Borrower that�he condernnor offers to <br /> ma�e an award �r set�le a claim f�r damages, Sorrovver fails to respond to Lender within t�e minimum number of <br /> d�ys es�a�lished by Applicable Law after the date the notice is gi�en, Lender is au�h�rized to co��ec�and app�y�he <br /> praceeds, a� its �ption, ei�her to re�toration or repa�r af the Property or t� the sums se�ured by this Securi�y <br /> Instrument, whether or not��en due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer a�herwise a�r�e in wri�ing, any applicatian of proceeds to principa� shall nat extend <br /> or pos�pone the due date af�he payments due under the�ontrac��r chanbe�he amount of su�h paymen�s. <br /> �orrawer No� ReleaSed; F�rbearance By L�nder Nvt a Wai�er. Extensian of the time for payment or <br /> madificatian �f amor�izati�n of�he sums secured by �his Security �ns�rument granted by Lender�� BQrr�wer or <br /> any success�r in �nt�res� of Borrfl�ver shall not �pera�e �o release the I�ability of �he origina� B�rrower �r <br /> Borrower's successors �n �n�eres�. Lender shall na�be re�uired to commence proceedings a�ainst any success�r in <br /> interes� or refuse �� ext�nd time f�r paymen� or oth�rr�v�se modify amflrti�a�ion of the sums secured by �his <br /> Security Ins�rumen� by reas�n of any demand made by�he�ribina� Borr�vver tir Bnrrawer's success�rs in in�erest. <br /> Any f�rbearance by Lender in ex�rcising any ribht or remedy shall na�be a vvai�er of�r preciude the ex�rcise of <br /> any r�gh�ar remedy. <br /> Su�cessvrs and Assigns Sound; J��n� and S���ral l�iab�lity; A�commoda#inn S�gners. The �ovenants and <br /> a�reernen�s of th�s Secur��y Instrument shal� bind and benefit�he successors and assi�ns �f Lender and Borrower, <br /> subjec� to the pravisians of section tit�ed Transfer of �he Proper�y �r a Benefcial �nteres� in Borrawer. <br /> B�rrovver's co�enants and abr�emen�s shall be joint and se�eral. Any pers�n vvho CD-51�t75 �his Secur��y <br /> Instrum.en� bu� has no pers�nal liab��ity un�ier the �on�rac� �"Acc�mmada��on Signer"�: �a} is C�-Sl�pinb �his <br /> Secur��ty Instrumen� �nly to mortbage, grant and con�ey that Ac�ommoda�iop Signer's lntereSt lI1 �h� Properry <br /> und�r�he�erms of the Security Instrumen�t; (b�is no�personal�y obliga�ed�o pay the sums se�ured by�his S�curi�y <br /> Ins�rument; and �c}agrees that Lender and any other Borrov�er may a�r�e to extend, modify, forbear or make any <br /> acc�mmodations with regard t��he�erms of this Se�urity Ins�rument or th�Con�ra��withau�tha�Accommfldation <br /> Signer's c�nsen�. <br /> L�an �harges. If th� loan s�cured by this Security �ns�rument is subje�� �o a law vvhich se�s maxirnum loan <br /> charges, and�hat law is finally interpreted sa that the in�erest or o�rher loan char�es coliected �r�o be�ollected xn <br /> connecti�n wi�� �he �oan exceed the permitted limi�s, then: �a� any such iflap charbe shali be reduced by the <br /> amoun� necessary to reduce the charge to �he permit�ed l�mits and �b}any sums already collected fr�m Borr�wer <br /> which exceeded permit�ed l�m��s wiil be ref�.�nded �o Sorrower. Lender may cha�se �o make �his refund by <br /> re�iucing �he principal owe� under the Contract or by ma�in� a d�rec�paymen� t� Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> principal,�he reduc�ion w�ll be trea�ed as a par-t�al prepaymen� under the�antract. <br /> l�otices. Any no�ice to Borr�wer pravided for in this Securi�y Instrumen� shall be �i�en by del��erinb i� �r by <br /> mailin� it by firs�class ma�t unless Applicabie Law rec�uires use af ano�her m��h�d. The notice shali be dire�ted t� <br /> the Pr�perty Address or any o�her address Borrower designates by natice to Lender. Borr�v��r abrees �a pro�ide <br /> Lender w�th Borrawer's mos� curren� mai�ing address, as i�may c�ange fr�m �ime-��-�i�r�e. Any n��ice ta Lender <br /> shall be gi�en by firs� class ma�� �o Lender's address stated herein �r any o�her address Lend�r designates by <br /> n���ce �o Barrawer. Any no�ice pro�ided for in t��is Se�urity �ns�rumen� shal� be deenned to have been gi�en t� <br /> Borrov�er ar Lender vvhen biven as pro�ided�n this parabrapn. <br /> �o�erning Law; Se�erabi�ity. This Security instrument shal� be governed by federal lavv and fhe laws af the <br /> sta�e of Nebraska. In the e�ent tha� any pro��sian or clause of�his Se�urity Instrument or�he C�p�rac� c�nflicts <br /> with Applica�ie Law, such c�nflic� shall not affec� ather provis��ns �f�his Security Ins�rument �r the �on�ract <br /> which �an be gi�en eff�c��vithau�the conf�i�tinb pr�visian. T��h�s end�he pro�isions of�his Security Instrumen� <br /> and�he�ontra��are declared�o be severable. <br /> l�orrawer's�opy. Borrower shall be gi�en �ne copy of this Secur�ty Instrumen�. <br /> Transfer of�he Praper�y or a Benefic�a� Interes� in �orrawer. �f ail ar any part af�he Praper�y ar any in�eres� <br /> in i� is sold or transferred �or if a beneficial in�erest in Borrt�vver is s�ld or transferred and Borrower is not a <br /> natural pers�n} wi�hflu� Lender's prior vvritten con�ent, Lender may, a� its op�ion, reau�re immedia�e payment in <br /> full af all sums secured by �h�s Securi�ty Ins�rument. ��we�er, th�s option sha�l nat b� exercised by Lender if <br /> exercise is prohib��ed by federal law as of�he date of�his Securi�y �ns�rument. <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses this op�ion, Lender sha�l gi�e Borrower notice of acce�era�ion. The n���ce shail pro�ide a <br /> period of not less �han �he minimum number of days estabiished by Applicable Law from �he da�e �he no�ice is <br /> delivered �r mailed wi�hin wh�ch Barrawer must pay aI� sums secured by �his Securi�y Instrument. If Borrower <br /> C�?OQ4-2�16 C`ompliar�ce 5ysterns,Inc.cdbfc77c-f�fS3id8-?O 1 G.2�0.4.8 <br /> Consumer R�al Estate-Security Ins€run�es�t DL2fl3G Pa�e 3 of 5 www.con�pliancesystems.cvm <br />