2� 17�24�4
<br /> App��cabie Lawa As used in this Securi�y �n�trument, th� term "�pplicable Law" shal� mean al� ct�n�r�Il�ng
<br /> appl�cable federaI, sta�� and I�cal statutes, re�ula�ions, ordi�an�es ar�d admin�strati�e rules and orders �that ha�e
<br /> �he effect af lav�} as well as 4�I1 a�plicable final, non-appea�abI�j udiciai�pinions.
<br /> �'harges; L�ens. Borr�wer sl�al� pay a�� taxes, assessments, charge�s, f nes and impasitians a�tributa�le �a �he
<br /> Property w��ich may a��ain ��riar�ty oWer this Security Ins�rum�nt, and �easeh�ld payments or ground rents, if any.
<br /> A�the request of L,ender, Barrov�er sha�1 promp�l�furnisla to Lender r�e�e�p�s ev�dencin�the paymen�s.
<br /> Barrower s�►all promptly discharge any lie� whi�h has p�i�ri� ��er�his Security Ins�rumen� unless ��rrov�er: �a}
<br /> agrees �n v�ri�in� ta the pa��meY�t of the obligation sec�red by �l�e l�en xn a manner a�ceptable ta L��nder; �b}
<br /> �antests �n �ofld farth the l�en by, or defer�ds a�ainst �nfor�ement �:F the l�en in, �e�al praceedings whi.ch in �he
<br /> Lender's opinion operate ta preven� �he enfnrc�ment af�h� �ien; ax �c� secures fr�m �he hoIder af the li�n a�
<br /> a�reement saE�xsfactory to Le�nder subardina�in� the lien to�his Se�ur�ty �ns�rument. �f Lender de�ermine�s�ha�an�
<br /> par� af the Praperty is subject�� a lien which rr�a� a�tair� prior�ty ��er this Se�uri�y Instrumen�, Lender may b��e
<br /> Borr�v�er a nflt�ce identifying thU �Yen. B�rrower shall s�tisfy the lier� or take �ne or more of�he ac�ions� s�t forth
<br /> abo�e within ��days of the�i��ng of notice.
<br /> Hazard vr l�ro�erty �n�ur��nc�. Sarrower sha�l keep the �mproveme�nts now existing or hereafter erected on �he
<br /> Proper�y�nsi:�red a�ains� ��s��by fire,hazards included wit�in the�e�-m "ex�ended co�e�age"and any a�her hazards,
<br /> inctuding flc��ds or fl�odin==, fc�r which Lender rec�uires insurance. This insuran�e sha�I be maintain�:d ir� the
<br /> amounts and for�he peri�ds�hat Lender requires. The in�urance carri�:r pro�id�nb the �nsuran�e sha�l be chasep b�
<br /> S�rr�wer su��ec� to Lender's approvaI �h��h s�a�I not be unreasonab�y w�thheld. If Borr�wver fails �o maYntai�
<br /> �overa�e de�sc�ribed above, L�nder may, at Lex�der's op��o�, ob�ain co�erabe ta pr��e�t Lender's r�g���s in the
<br /> Property in a�c�rdan��wi�th sec�ian titled Protection af Lend�r's l[�i�hts in th�Praperty.
<br /> AI� insuran�e p�l�cies ar�d r{�n�v�als shal� be accep�ab�e �� Lender an�d shal� �nclude a s�andard m�r�ga�e �lause.
<br /> Lender shall have the ri�ht�fl h�ld�he p���c�es and renetival�. If Lender requires, Barrower shaIl promptlfy bi�e��
<br /> Lender ali receipts of pa�d premiums and renewal natic�s. �n �he everi�of Iass, Borr�wer sha�l �ir�e prarr�pt nati��
<br /> to the insurarace carrier and I�ender. Lender may xnake proof�f Ioss if not made pramptly by Ba�-�-ower.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borraw��r othervv�se a�ree �n writ�n�, �nsuran�e proceeds shali be applied �o res��►rativn �r
<br /> repai�- �f�he Prflper�y d�ma�ed, if, in Lender's sole discre�ian, �h� r�s�ora�ion ar repa�r is econami�all�f feasi}��e
<br /> and Lender's se�urity is �at tessened. If, in Lender's so�e �is�reti���, �he res�orat�on flr repair is no��car�or�ical�y
<br /> feasible or Lender'� securi�y� wo�ld be Iessened, �he insuran�� pr�ce�ds shali be applied �a the sums s��cu�red �y
<br /> thxs Securit� �ns�rument, wr�ether or nat then du�, vvith a�y excess �aid to S�rra�er. If Borr�vver aba�adons �he
<br /> Property, or does not answer within �he number�f days pres�ribed by App�icable Law as se�f�r�h in a no�ic�fror�
<br /> Lender�o �arrower�hat the insura��e ca�-�-ier has offered �� s�ttle a claim, then Lender may c�llect th� iinsurance
<br /> proceeds. Le:nder may use t��e proceeds t� repair or restore �he P�op�rty or to pay sums secured by this Securi�ty
<br /> �nstrument, �vhe�her or not �then due. Th� peraod of�im� for �orro�nrer �a ansvver as set forth in the nc3�ice wilI
<br /> begin v�hen �;he n�tice is�i��sn.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Borravve��otherwise a�ree in writing, an�� appli�atian of proceeds�o principal sha�l n��t�x�end
<br /> or p�stpone�he due da�e of=�he�ayments due under�he ���trac� or change �he am�un� of�he paymen�s. �f under
<br /> the sec�ion �i�t�ed Accelera�i+��n; �temed�e�, th� Proper�y is acquired b�y Lender, Sorrower's righ�to any ins�xrance
<br /> p�lici�s and pr��eeds result:in� from da�nabe ta �he Pr�perty prior t� the acyuisit�on shall �ass �o Lencler�o �he
<br /> ex�ent af the sums secured�.�this Securxty Instr�ment �mrr�ediately prior�fl�he acquis��ion.
<br /> Preser�atiorn, l�ain�enanc�a and Pr��e���on af the Pr��erty; Ba�rrawer's Laan AppIi�a��on; L,e�Seho�dsa
<br /> Borro�er sh�,I� na�dest�oy, �a�amage or imEpair�he Property, alla�v t&�� Praper�y�o deteriorate, ar com��nit�uaste on
<br /> the Proper�y. B�rrower sha�� he in defau�� if any forfeiture a�tio�� �3r proce�ding, whether c�WiI �r crimina�, is
<br /> be�un that in Lender's good��aith jud�ment�ould result�r� forfei�ure��'the Prope�-t�ar�fherwise materialIy impa�r
<br /> �he �ien created by �h�s Sec��ri�y Instrumen� o� Lender's sec�ri�y �r�teres�. B�rrovver may cur� such a defa�It and
<br /> reinstate, as pro�xded in section �i�Ied B�rrower°'s Right to Re�n�tat�e, by causing the actian ar proceedin�to be
<br /> dismissed vvi�th a ruling �ha�, in Lender's �ood fai�h determinatian, precludes forfe�ture of the B�rr�vver'� �nteres�
<br /> in �he Proper�y or a�her ma�{�riai impairrnent of the Iien c�-eated by �lais Secur�ty Instrument or Lender's securi�y
<br /> �nterest. Borrovver shail �.lso be in defauit if B�rrawer, du�-ing�he �o�n applica�xon pracess, ga�e ma�eri���iy false
<br /> or inac�urate �nfa�-mation or statements to Lender �or failed to pr�vicle L�nder w��h any ma�eria� infarrn�ati�n� in
<br /> c�nne�ti�n o�i�h �he Ioan e�idenced by th� �ontrac�. �f tl�is �ecuri�� Instrumen� is fln a lease�o�d, B�rro�w�r sha��
<br /> comply with .ail the pravisioris�f the �ease. If Barrower a�quires fee ti�le to�he Proper�y,the Ieasehald and�he fee
<br /> title shall n��merge un�ess Lender agrees to the mer�er in vvriting.
<br /> Pro�ectian af Lender's Ri�;h�s in the PrflpQr�y. �f Borr�wer fa�I� to perf�rm �he covenan�s and ag:reements
<br /> c�nta�ned �n �h�s Se�urity �n��trumen�, or t�ere is a Ie�ai prac�edin�that may si�nif�can�ly affec� Lender's rights ir�
<br /> the Property �such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, �f�r �or�d�mna��on or forfei�ure or ta enforcE. Iaws �r
<br /> rebulat�ans}, �h�n Lender may do and pay for vvha�ever is r�ecessar�y to pra�ect #he vaiue of��e Pro��er�y and
<br /> Lender's �rghl:s ��the Pr�per�y. Lender's actiflns may include payip�a��y sums secured by a lien which ha;�priari�
<br /> over�h�s Sec��ri�y Instrumen�, appear�ng in �our�,pay�ng reas�r�able a����rneys' fees and entering on the Pr��perty��
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender may tak�act�on under thi�se���ox�, Ler�der does no��ave to da so.
<br /> Any amoun�s dis�ursed by ��end�r under �his sec�ion shall become additional debt of Borr�wer secure�� by �his
<br /> Securi� �ns�r�ume�t. Unless Borrower and Lender a�ree t� other �erms of payment, �hese amaurits slaa�l bear
<br /> in�erest from the da�e af d���bursement a� �he sa�ne rate a.ssessed �� ad�an�es under �he �on�ract and shall be
<br /> payab�e,with interes�, upon r.�otic�frflm Lender�a Borr�wer�-eques�in�;paymen�.
<br /> Inspectinn. Lender �r i�s agE�nt �-r�ay make reasanab�e ep�rie� upor� ar�d inspections �f the Pr�per�y. Len�der shall
<br /> gi�e Sor�-ower n���ce at�he time of�r pr�flr�o an �nspec�ian spe�ifying reasonable cause fflr the inspection�.
<br /> CG3 20Q4-2�[G Com�liance Systems,Inc.cdbfc77�;-f�f5�3d8-?D 1 G,2�a.4.8
<br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-Security Instrur�-ie��DL�:D3G Pa�;e 2 t�f 5 www.cqrnplian�esystems.cam
<br />