2� 17�24�4
<br /> fails ta pay these sums pri�fr�o the �xpir�t��n of�his perio�, Lender• ma� in�oke any remedies permi�ted by�h�s
<br /> Securi�ty �ns�trument without:further notice or demand an Borrower.
<br /> Borrnwer's Righ� t� I�eir�state. If Borrower meets c�rtair� con�itions, Bo�-r-ower sha�l ha�e the rib��� �a ha�e
<br /> enf�rcement of�his Security Instrument discontinued at an� time priar to th� earl�er of: �a} 5 days ��r:�uch other
<br /> period as Appl��able Law may specify for reins�atement� b�fare sale of�he Proper�y pursuant t�any p�v�er af sa�e
<br /> contained in �his Security Instrumen�; or �b} entry af a �udbm�n�� enforc�r�g �his Se�urity Ins�rument. Th�se
<br /> conditions are �hat �orrow��r: �a} pays L,ender a11 sums �hich th�n vv�uld be due under tl��s Se�urity Instrumen�
<br /> and the Con�ract as if n� a4�celeratian had occurred; �b� cu�es ar�y default of any other covenan�s �r a�;reements;
<br /> �c3 pays a�l expenses incu��red in enforcinb �his Security Instrurmen�, including, but not �imited t�, reasonable
<br /> a�ta�-r�eys' fees to �he exter.�� permitted by �aw, and �d} �.a�es su�h a�tion as Lender ma� reasonably require t�
<br /> assure that the �i�n Qf tl�is 'Securi�y Instrumen�, Lender's ri�hts �n the Prflperty and Borr�w�r's obl�gati�on to pa�
<br /> �he sums secured by this ��ecuri�y �ns�r�ament shall contin�e unc�am�ed. Up�n reinstatement by Barrorn�er, �his
<br /> Secur�ty Ins�trumen� and �he �b��bations secur�d hereby shali rem�in fu�ly effecti�e as if no ac�eie�•ation had
<br /> o�curred. �Iowe�er, this ri�ht to reinsta�e shal� not app�y in th� �:ase of �,cceleration under the sectinn t�t�ed
<br /> Transfer af�I�e Proper�y��r a Beneficia� �nt�rest in �3��-r��vver.
<br /> Hazardous SubStancese Sorrovver shall not cause or permi�the presence, us�, disp�sal, stora�e, or rel�;�se�f a�y
<br /> Hazardous �ubstances �n �r in the Pr�per�y. Borr�v��r shail ��t d�, nar allo�v anyone e�s� to do, anyth�n�
<br /> affe�ting th� Pr�per�y that is in ��ola�i�n of any En�ironmental Law. The precedin�two sentences shall no�app�y
<br /> to th� presence, use, �r s�a�-age on the Property of smal� quantities of Ha�ardous Su�stances tha� are gen�rally
<br /> rec�bni�ed to�e approp�ia���to normai residential uses a�d t�main�e�lance of�he Pr�per�y.
<br /> Borrower sk�a�l pr�mptly �ive Lender wri�ten nfltice of a��y in�estig�tion, claim, derr�and, �awsuit or other actian
<br /> by any go�e�rnmental ar re�,u�atory agen�y or�rivate par�y �nv��Win�; the Prop�rty and any Hazardous Substance
<br /> or En��ronmer��al Lativ �f which Borrov�er has actua� knowled�e. �f Borrower learns, ar �s n��if�ed by any
<br /> �a�ernmen�a� or re�ulat�ry authori�y, �hat any r�m��al �r o�h�r rer�ediat�on �f any�azardo�s Substan��:affect�r�b
<br /> �he Proper�� is ne�ess�ry, Barrovver shall promptly take all nec�ssary remedial actians in accord��.nce wi�h
<br /> En�ironmep��a� Lavv.
<br /> As used in t:�is para�rap�, "'Hazardous Substances" are�hose substances defned as toxic or hazardous su�stances
<br /> by Env�ronrnental Law an�� the f�llow�ng su��tances: �a�o�ine, ker�sene, ��her flammable or �axic ��e�r��eu�n
<br /> products, toxic pesticides a.nd Merbicides, ���ati le so�ven�s9 ma�er�al s con�ainin� asbestos or formalde��yde, and
<br /> radi�active mater�als. As us�ed zn fihis paragraph. "En�ironrn�ptal La�f" mean� federai �aws and Iavvs of���e sta�e af
<br /> Nebraska th���relate�o h�alth, safety ar en�rironmenta� prote�tion.
<br /> .Acceleratior�; R�m�dxe�. 1lender shalI gi�e natice to �vrrower plrior �� acceteration fo��awing Stfrrow�r�s
<br /> brQach of amy ca�enan�or agreeme�� in th�s Se�ur�ty ��a�trum�n� or#he�ontract unde�r whi�h acce�era���n
<br /> �s permitted( �but not priv�r�a acceiera�ian under �ne s��t�on �i�led Transf�r of the Pr�per�y ar a �3enefi�ial
<br /> Interes� in l�orrower, un���s� Applxcab�e Lavv pro�id�� a�hervv�se�. The na�ice shaI� spe��f�: �a}th��defaul�;
<br /> �b} the act�on required f:o cure the defauit; (c} a da�Q, 1��)� IE55 �ha� the m�nimum number of days
<br /> estab�ished �ay Applicable L�w fram t��date thQ not�ce is g��e� to Borr��ver, by va�hich the defauii� mus� b�
<br /> cured; and �d� tha� failur�e �o cu�-e the defau�� on or° �a�far� the da�e sp�c�fed �n the not�ce may resu�� i�
<br /> acce�era�i�n� af �he surns 5ecured by this Securi�y Ins�rum�nt and �a�� af the Propea-ty. To tl�e ex�ent
<br /> perm��ted by Iavv, �he not�ce shaIl fur�h�r �n�orm Barr�wer �f�h�e rign�t� reinstate af�er acce�era���� and
<br /> �he r�gn�to br�ng a court��c�i�n to assert the nan-exi�t�nc��f�d�fault ar any other defen�e of�o�-r�vver��
<br /> accelera���n and saIe. �f�h�e defaul# is �ot cured an or b�fare the date s�ecif�ed in �he �atice, �ender a� i�s
<br /> vption may requirQ irr�mediate paym�nt in ful� of a�l suXns s�c��red by th�s Secur�t� �nstrumeni: �withou�
<br /> further derrnand and may in�vke the p�wer �f sa�e and any �ther rem�d��s perm�tted by A�pI�cabl� Lar�.
<br /> To the exte;nt perm�tted b�y law, Lender shall be en�i���d �a c�lIect ail e�penses incurred �n pur��uing th�
<br /> r�m�di�s �ro��ded in t�iS i��c�ian, ��cluding, but not ��m�ted ��, reasona�i� a��vrn�ys' f�es and ��sts of titl�
<br /> e�id�nce. �
<br /> �f the p�vv����f sale is invn�k�d, Truste��hall record � �a�ice af d4efauit ir� �ach c�unty in vdhich any p�r��f
<br /> �he Prnpert;y i� �flcated ant� shall mail c�pies �f such notic�in �he manne�- prescribed b� App�i�able L�w t�
<br /> �3orrvwer amd to �ne v�ne�r persons pr�scribed by App��ca�le �aw. Af�e�- �he �ime required by A�pplicab�e
<br /> Law, Trus�ee �hall g��� p�ubl�c notice af saIe to �he per��n� �md in �h� manner prescrib�d �y A�pp�icabI�
<br /> Law. Trus��e, �vithout de��and fln� Sorrower, shal� s��� the Prope�rty at pUbIic auctian to the highe;�� bidder
<br /> a�the t�me anci place and ��nd�r�he terms designated i� �he n���c�of saI� in one ar mor� par�e�s aiid in any
<br /> order Trus�:ee determin�s, Trustee may p�s��one sale af al� or any �arce� of the ���per�y b�y publ�c
<br /> ann�uncem�nt at the�i�e and p�ace of any pre�i�usl� s�heduled sale. L�nder ar�ts design�e rr�ay �pur�h���
<br /> the Prapert�r a��ny sale.
<br /> Upo� reCeip�� �f payment r�f the price bid, Trustee sna�� d�i�v�r �� the p�r�haser 'I'rus��e's deed c�vn��y�n�
<br /> �he Pr�perti��. '�`he reCi��ls in �he Trust��'s de�d sha1� �e prima facie e►vidence�f the �rutn Qf�he st,at�ments
<br /> mad� ther�in. Tr�stee sht�l� appiy th� proceeds af ��Q sa�e in �he foliovv�ng �rder: �a} �o a�I cos�s an�
<br /> expenses of exer�ising �he power �f sale9 and the sale, i�c�uding f�he paymen� af the Tr�S�ee's f�es actualIy
<br /> incurred and r�asonab�e �Etto�-ne�s' fees as perm�tte� b� AppIic�kble La�v; �b} to a�l surn� sec�ret� by �his
<br /> S�curi�y �ns�trument; and�c}any exc�s��a�he persan �r per�on� ��ga�ly en��t��d to�t.
<br /> Rec���eyan�ee. Upon paym.ent af a�l su�s secured by �his S�curi�}� �nstrur�ent and �ermination of Borr�vver's
<br /> right to ob�ain further ad�a�zces under tne �on�rac�, Lende� shall re�ques� Trustee to rec�nvey the Pro��er�y anc�
<br /> shall surrender �his Se�urity �ns�rumen� and all �ontracts �vider�cing deh� secured by t�is Security �ns�rument to
<br /> Trus�ee. Tru�tee shal� recon���y �he Proper�y without warran�y �o ��e ;�erson �r persons �ega��y enti�led t�� it. Such
<br /> pers�n or pf�rs�ns shail pa:� any recorda�ion costs. Lender may charge such person �r persons �� fe� for
<br /> C)2Q44-2D1 G Complia.n�e Systems,Inc.cdbfc7'?c-f�f�3 yd8-2�]G.230.4.8
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Ir�s�rument D�.203G Pa�e 4 nf 5 www.cv�rspliancesystems.cam
<br />