2� 17�2233
<br /> apply the pra�e�ds of any Fo�icies,judgn�ents, a� s�t�leme�ts made ���ieu th�reof, lr�accor�a.�zce
<br /> with th�Loan Agre�ment�n�onne�t�an w�th a�asualty to th�Prope�y;
<br /> �I�) Ta� ��rti�r�ri. �11 ref�u�ds, reb�tes ar credits i� cor�necti��z �rith �
<br /> r�d�cti�n�n Ta��s ar�th�r Charg;�s char�;ed a�ains�th�Pr�perty;
<br /> (1} �o�vers�or�. Al1 prac�eds of the cor�version, �ra�ur�tar� ar �nvoluntar�, �f
<br /> any �f the foregaing �nta cash �r,�iqui�atian c�aims, in�ludin�, without lim�tati�r�y Itlsurar��e �
<br /> Proceeds and A,wards;
<br /> �m� R�hts. The right� ir� the r�am� and �n b�half of Indivi�ua� Barra�ve�, ta
<br /> commence any a�tion ar proc�eding�to prot�ct th� int�r�st�f Lender in th�Prop�rt�;
<br /> (r�) A�reements. Al� agreeme�ts, cor�t�a�ts, �ertif�cates, ir�struments,
<br /> frar�ch�ses, permits, l�cens�s,plan�, sp�cifications and other �acuments, now ar hereafter entered
<br /> ir��o, a.nd al� rights therei� anc� ther�t�, respecting �r per�arni�g to the use, occupat�an,
<br /> c�nstruction, mana�ement �r �p�rat�on of the Land and any par� th�reof and an� Impravem�nts
<br /> ar r�sp��t�ng or pertain�ng ta a�.y�us�ness ar activ�ty c�r�duct�d on the Land a�d any part th�reof
<br /> an� a�� ri�ht, t�t�e and �nter�st of Ind���dual Barrow�r th�r�in and thereund�r, includ�ng� v�ith�ut
<br /> limitat�on, the right, upon th� oc�urr�nce and during the continuance of any Event �f D�fault, t� ,
<br /> receiv�ar�d c�ll�ct any sums pa�ab�e t� Ind�vi�ua�Bor�a�e�th�reund��;
<br /> �o� Tradem.arl�s. Al�tradenames,tr�.der�r�arl��, servi�en�ar�s, �agas, c�p�rights,
<br /> ga�dwi�1� b�a��� ar�d re�a�ds ar�d al� �th�r g�neral intangib��s �f Ir�div�dual B��-r���� relat�ng to
<br /> or use�l�n conn��ti�n w�th the�perat��n of the Prap�rty;
<br /> �a} Accaun��. A�1 reserves, es�ro�rs a.r�c� deposit accounts ma.intain�� b� .
<br /> Ind�vic��a� B�rrower �vith r�s�ect ta th� Property, inc�uding, v�ithout �imitati�n, alI acc�unts
<br /> establ�sh�d or ma�nta�.r�ed pursuant to the Cash Manag�mer�t Agr�emer�t; togethe� �vith a�� �
<br /> deposzts or w�re transf�rs made �o such a�coun�s and a�� cash, �h�cl�s, dr��ts, ��rtificates,
<br /> secur�ti�s, in�estm�nt proper�y, f�r�ancia� assets, instruments ar�� oth�r propert�held ther�in fr�m.
<br /> time ta t�me ar�d a�i proceeds, �roducts, ��stributi�r�s ar ��vidends or substitutions ther�on ar�d
<br /> thereof;
<br /> �q� Lette� of Cr�dit. A�I. �ett���of�redit rights �vvh�ther �r r��t the let�er af
<br /> c�e�i�t is e�idenced by a. �vriting} Indi�idual Barro�vver no� has or hereafter �.c�uires r�lat�r�g to
<br /> the�r�perties, rights, tlt��5��1�1I1���'�S�S �'�f��'�'�C��O l�i t�1�S S�C�1aI1 1.l y
<br /> �r� Tort C�aims. Al� c�mmerc�al tort cla�m� Individua� Borr�wer nov�has or
<br /> he�eafter acquires �e�a�ir�g t� the pra�erties, rights, t�t�es and int�rests referred to in this
<br /> .
<br /> S ect�ar� 1.1;
<br /> �s� Ir�teres� Rate �a� Agre�rne�t. Ail rights of Ir��i��dual Borra�v�rer i�, t�,
<br /> under, �r pursuar�t to any Int�r�st Rate �a� Agr�ement, including all products and pro�eeds af
<br /> any of the foreg�ing; ar�d
<br /> �tj �ther R.i�hts. .�.ny and all oth�r ri�ht� af Indi�idual Bor�r��ver in and t�
<br /> th� items set forth ir� Subse�tions (a�through�abave.�
<br /> 5
<br />