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2� 17�2233 <br /> e�tent that Individua� B�rr��er shall have an�right or�nterest�hereir�and then oniy ta the ��tent <br /> af�uch�ight��interes�th�r�i�; � <br /> �h} Leases and Rents. AI1 ��� leases, sub�eases �r subsub�eases, lettings, <br /> �1C��15�S, c�ncessior�s �r ather agreements ��rhether wrxtten �r oral� inc�udin�, �i�hout Iimitat�on, <br /> a�l of Indi�r�dual Barra���'� rights and interests ��r��luding a�l security int�r�st� gran��d th�r�an� <br /> pursuant to the Master Lease, pursu�.nt to �vh�ch Ind�vi�ual Barrav�r�r�has gra�.�e� ar�� Persan a <br /> pos��ssor}� inte�est in, �r right �� use ar oc�up� all or a.r�y port�an of the Land an� th� <br /> Im.prov�ments, and ev�ry mod�f�at�on, am�ndment ar ather agreement supp�ementing an�of the <br /> f�rega�r�g and e�ery gua.rant�e �f the �erforman�e and obs�r�ance of the �ave�ants, cor�ditions <br /> and agre�m�nts ta l�� perform�d and ab�er�ed by the �ther pa�y thereto, heretafore �r her�aft�r <br /> entered �nt� �col�ectiv�ly, th� "I�eases"�, wh�ther �ef�re or after th� fi�ing �y or against <br /> Inc�ividua� Barrawer af any �etitian for relief u�der the Ban�ruptcy C�de and a11 r�ght, titl� and � <br /> �nteres� of I�di�ridual Borrawer, its s�ccess�rs an� assi�ns ther�in and thereunder, inc�udi�g, <br /> w�th�ut limita�i�n� �ash �r �ecur�ties de�osited �hereur��er ta secure the perfarmanc� by the <br /> Iessees af th�ir obli�at�ans ther�under, �iz� r�nts, addi�ianal �ents, �e�t �C�lll�'a.��11t5� nr�oneys <br /> payable as damages or �r� lieu �f rent or rent equiva�er�t�, ro�altie� (inc�ud�ng, with�ut �irnYtation, <br /> a�� �i1 and �as or oth�r mineral r��ra���es and bonuses�, ir��arne, �'�C�1�T�.���5, re��ipts, r�venues, <br /> depa�its �ir�cludin�, ��t�iout lim�tation, securit�, uti��ty and oth�r �1�p�s�ts�, accour�ts, cas�, <br /> �ssues, pr�fts, char�es far s�rvi�es render�d a�d at�ier �ans�de�ati�n �f�vhat�ver form or nature <br /> rece�v�d�by or paid to or far the a�count af or b�n�fit af In��v��ua� �nrr��rer or �ts ag�nts �r <br /> emp�o�ees from an� and all sou�ces arising fr�rn or a.ttri�ut�.b�e to the Land and Impr�vem�nts, <br />� proceeds, if any, from. �u��n�ss �nterr�pt�on or �ther ��ss of�ncome �nsurar�ce� �rhether paid <br /> ar accrui�g before or af�er the f�lir�g b� ar a.gainst Indiv�dua� Barr�wer �f any petition for �e��ef <br /> under the Ban��rupt�y �ode ��ol�ect�ve�y, the "R�nt�"�, [iii� c�aims and r�g�ts �the "�anl�r�ptc� <br /> �larms"} t� �he �ayment of�amag�s aris�ng fram any rejectian by a l�ssee af�.n� Lea�e und�r <br /> the Banl�rupt�y �od�, ��v} right, ti�le ar�d �r�terest in a�� cl�.ims und�r an� and a11 1eas� <br /> gua�anties, Ietters of credit and any other credit suppar� �indi��dual��, a "Lea�� �ua.rantys" ar�d <br /> co��ect�v�1�, the f`I�ea�e Gu�r�ntie�"} gi�e� by ar�y guarant�r in cor�n�ctian Vvith any af the <br /> L�ases (ir��i�ridual��, a "L�a�e �uarant�ar," anci co�l�ct��r���, the �`Leas� �uarantor�"� to <br /> Indivi�ual Barr�w�r, [�r} �raceeds fr�m the sale or other di�positian of the L�as�s,the Ren�s,th� <br /> Lease �uaranties and th� Ban�ruptcy �la�ms, an� �v�� rights, ��v�rers, privileges, �pt�or�s ar�d <br /> ��h�r ber�efits af Ir�div�dual Borrov�rer a.s l�ssor und�r the Leases and benef��iary un�er th� Lease <br /> Guarant�es, �.r�c�ud�ng, without limitatian, th� �mrnediate and �onti�uing rig�it t� �n.a��� ��a�m for, <br /> rec�i�re and �o11�c� a�1 Rents pa.yable �r r�c�ivab�e under th� Leases and all sums pa�able und�r <br /> th� L� �uaranties or pursuant th�r�to �and t� appl�the sarne to the payment of the Debt�,�and <br /> ta �o al1 �ther �hings �h�ch Indi��du�.l Borro�ver or �ny lessar is �r ma� be��me �ntit�ed �� �o <br /> under the Lea�es or th�L�as� Guaran�ies; <br /> �i) Cond�mnation A�a.rds. AIl Award� w�i��h ma� h�retofor� and he�eafter <br /> �e made v�r�th respect �a the Prapert�, �rhether f�om t�e exercis� �f the ri�ht af emin�nt ��ma�n <br /> �includ�ng, l�ut r��t limited ta, an�transfer made �n l��u af or in anti�ipati�n af the exer�ise flf the <br /> r�ght�, �r for a change af�rade, or fa�ar�y ather�r�jury to or decr�ase i.n the va�ue of t��Praper�y; <br /> �j� Insura.nce Pr�c�eds. �.1� Insurance Proceeds �n �espect of the Pr�p�rt� <br /> und�r an� Pol�c�es �o�er�ng the �roper�y, inc�u��ng, v�rithout limitation, the r�ght to ��cei�� ar�d <br /> � � <br />