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2� 17�2233 <br /> AND w�th�t�t 1�m�ting �.r�y af the oth�r pro�isi��.s �f th�� S�cur�ty Instrum�nt, t� <br /> the e��ent permitte� by a.pp�icable la�r, Individual Borrav�er ����`�55�� g�'c�I1�5 to Lender, as <br /> secur�d part�, a s��urit� int�rest �n the p�rtion �f the l�rop�rty�vh�ch �s or ma� b� suhject to th� <br /> �7�'��151��15 �� ��.1� Ut11���111 �omm�rcial Code v�rh�ch are app��cabi� to se�ured transact��ns; it <br /> being ur�dersta�d and agre�d that the Impra�r�ments and F�xtures ar�part and parc�� af th� Lar�d <br /> �th� Land, the Ixnprovem�nts ar�� th� Fixtures collective�y referr�� t� as the "Rea� Property"� <br /> appropriated to the use thereof a.nd, �he�her aff��ed �r a�ne�e�t�th�Real Proper����n�t, shall <br /> f�r th� purp�ses of this Secur�t� Instrument L�e c�eem�c� c���rely t� be r�a� estate and <br /> ma���aged�ereby. <br /> Not�v�th�tandir�g an��hing to the cantrary conta�ned herein, the security inter�st� <br /> an� li�ns granted u�d�r this Securit� Instrumer�t sha1� not ex�end �a ��y ass�t ar other prvp�rty <br /> �btained in G�nn��tion with a Perm��t�d Equxpm.�nt Finan�ing, �f �nd on�y if, the grant of a <br /> s�curit�r inte�est or lien in such ass�t or �th�r pra�erty in the m.�.nner �o�.templat�d by this <br /> S�curit� InstruYn�nt i�p�ohibited ��the t�rms �f an� a�r�e�nent entere� int� in c�nnectian�vith <br /> su�h Perm.�tted Equipm.�nt F��.ancing and wau�d result in the terminatior� of any a�reenlent with <br /> �espec�. to �u�h Permi�ted Equ��ment F�nar��ing or giv� th� other pa�t��s ther�to the r�ght to <br /> terminate, a�ce�erate ar other�ise adversely a.lter Inc�i�ri�ua�Borrawer�s r�ghts, t�tl� and interests <br /> the�eur�der �inc�ud�ng upon t�ie ���ing of notice or the �apse of ti�ne or both}; pro�rided �hat �A� <br /> any such �imitation on the secur�ty�nt�rests grant�d hereund�r sha.11 only app�y t� th� extent that <br /> ar�y such prohibition c�uld not be r�r���re� �neff�ctive pursuant ta t�� UC� �r any oth�r <br /> app�icab�� lav� [includin� �he Banl�rupt�y ���e ar�d Se�t�ons 9�-4�G, �-4�7 and 9-��8 �f th� <br /> UC�} or principles of equity; �B) �n the event of the terminat��n �r eiim�nation af any such <br /> �rohib�tio� or the ��qui�ement f�r a�y conse�t G�1"1��.1�1�� �n s�xch ag���ment er��er�d in�� i� <br /> connect�on vv�th such Permitt�d Equ�pm�nt F�nar���ng, to th� e�tent suff�c�ent to perm�t any suGh <br /> item t� b�come Callate�al [as herei�after defi�ed� he�eunder, �r up�n the grant�ng af an� such <br /> �onsent, or wa�ving or t�rminating an� req��r�ment for su�h c�nsent, a security interest in such <br /> item s�ia1� b� automaticall�� simultar�eousl� grant�d he�eunder and shali be ir�ciude� as <br /> �ol�at�ral hereunder, and �C) su�j�ct, in each �as� t� the�ro�isi�ns of an�Permit�ed Equ�pment <br /> Fina.n�ir�g, all rights ta p��mer�t of money due or t� ��come d�e pursuant to, and ai�rights ta the <br /> pr�ceeds fram the sa�e of, any su�h i�em shall l�� and at a�� tim�� remain subject ta the s��urit� <br /> ir�t�rests created b�th�s Security Agreemer�t. <br /> � <br /> �ect��n 1.� T�rrn� �f A�si nment�f L�ases and Ren�s. Ind�vi�ual B�rrow�r <br /> h�r��y a�so�utely and uncond�ti�na��y ass�gns ta Lender alI �f Individual Barr�wer's right, t�t�� <br /> ar�d inter�st �� a�� to a�l current and futur� Lea�es, R�r�ts, Lease Guarar�tie� a�d Bar���-uptcy <br /> C�a.�ms; �t be�ng �n��nded by Ind�vi�ual Bo�rawer that this a�signment c�nstitute� a present, <br /> abso�u�� as�ignment of such proper�y ar�d n�t an assignm�nt f�r adc�iti�r�al security only. <br /> Nevertheless, subj��t t�the terms of the �ash Man�.gement Agr��ment and S ect�an 7.1�h��f this <br /> Securi�y Ir�strumer�t, Lender grar�ts to Borr�v�rer a re�rocable license to c�l�e�t, re�e�ve� use anc� <br /> enj�y th� R�nts and other sums due under the Lease Guaranti�s and Indi�i�ua� Borr��ver shall <br /> ho�d th� Re�ts and all sums r����v�d pursuant to a L��.se �uaranty, ar a.porti�n t�ereof suff��ie�t <br /> to di�charge all sums that are then due �n th� De�t, for use in the pa�ment of such sums �n <br /> accordan�e vv�th and subje�t to the terms of the Lo�n I]acuments, v�ith the rem�.ind�r af �u�h <br /> Rents ta �e re�eased to Ir�di�idual Borrower. Indi�idual Barr�wer her�by authorizes and directs <br /> the �essees nan�.ed in the Leases, an� ather future les�ees �r ��cupants af the Land and <br /> Improvemer�ts an� alI Lease Guarar�t�rs ta pay over to Lend�r ar t� such �ther par�y as Ler�der <br /> � <br />