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2� 17�2233 <br /> agreements �r contracts ����pt to the e�tent that Ind�vidual Bnrr��v�r �hai� have any right or <br /> int�rest thereir�and then�r�l�ta�he e�tent�f su�h right or interest therein; <br /> �f� Fi�tur�s. All Equipm�nt nov� awn�d, �r th� �v�r�ership �f vvhich �s <br /> hereafter a�qu�red, �y I�dividual Borrav�er �vhich is so r��at�d to the Land and Im�ro�ement� <br /> form�ng par� of th� Proper�y that it i� �eemed f���ures or real proper�� u�.der the la�v vf the <br /> � part�cular state in �irhich the Equipmer�t is I�cated, includin�, v�ith�ut l�mitatian, a�I build�ng ar <br /> c�nstruct�on materia�s �nt�nded for construct�an, reconstru�ti�n, a.lterat�on a� repair af o� <br /> installat�an on the Property, con�tr�cti�n �quipm�nt, app��ances, machinery, �la�t �quipment, <br /> fttin�s, a�paratuses, �xtu�es a.nd other items n�vv ar hereafter a.ttached to, �nsta���d in or used�n <br /> conr�e�tion ��th �t�mporar�ly or p�rman�ntly} any af th� Impr��rem�nts or the Land �r the <br /> activiti�s �andu�ted thereony i�c�u�ir�g, �ut r�vt limit�d to� eng�n�s, c��vi��s for the �p�ration of <br /> pumps, pipes, p�umh�n�, �l�aning, �a�� and sprin��ler syst��ns, fire e�tYnguish�ng apparatuses and <br /> equ�pmen�, heat��g, ventila.ting, 1au�drya incinerating, e��ctrica�, a�r conditioning and air c�o��ng <br /> �quipment and �ystems, gas and electric ma�hiner�, appurt�nances ar�� ��uipmer�t, pa�lution <br /> can�ro� e�uipm�nt, s�curxty syst�ms� d�sp�sals, dish�ashers, refr�gerators �including a��l <br /> � refrig�rati�n and fr�e��r�g systems ar�d equipment� and ran�e�, recrea.ti�na� equipment ar�d <br /> fa.c�lities of all ��nds, an� vvater, ga�, ��e�tr�ca�, storm and sanitary ��wer facilities, utility lines <br /> and equi��n�n� ��rhet�er a,wr�e� in��vi�ually or jaintl�with vthers, and, �f o�ne�jo�ntly, t� the � <br /> ext�nt of Individua� Borro�ver's int�rest therein} and aIl �th�r uti�i�i�s whethe� ���at situated �n <br /> eas�me�ts, a.1��ater tar�l�s, Wat�r suppl�r, v�at�r,pa��r sites, fuel �tatians, fuel tan�c�, �ue� supp��, <br /> and alI oth�r structures, together vvith a�� a�Ge�s�or��, ap�u�enances, a.c�ditions, r���a��.m�nts, <br /> b�ttermer�ts and substitutians f�r ar�� �f th� foregoing and the pr��eeds thereaf, in �ach �ase to <br /> the ��ter�� any af the faregoir�g �� sa related to �he Lan� and I�nprov�rn�nts f�rming part of the <br /> PrQ�er�that is deemed f��tL�res or rea��rop�rty under th� lavv of t�e par��cular state in�vhi�h th� <br /> Equ�pment is ��cated ��ol�ec��ve��, the "Fi�tures'�}. Na��ithstand�r�g the faregoir�g, "Fi�tures" <br /> shall nat ir��l�de any pro�er�� be��ng�ng ta t�nants ar �c�upants under Lea�e� or �ustome��, <br /> suppl�ers, �endors or �ther �ar�ies u�c�er any agreements or contracts ��.cept �� th� e�tent that <br /> Indiv�dual B orr�v�r�r shal� have an� r�ght �r inter�st ther�Yn an� ther� or�ly to �he e�ter�t �f such <br /> right or in�er�st therein; <br /> , �g� Per�onal Prap�rt�. Al� furn��.u�e, furr�ish��gs, abj ects of art, m.a�hixxer�a <br /> . <br /> S• <br /> goac�s, too�s, supp�ies, appliances, ger�eral intan��b�es, �ontra�t r�ghts, a���unt�, a�counts <br /> recei�able, franch�ses, liGense�, �er�if�at�s and p�rmits, and al� other per�ona� pr�per�� of any <br /> kind o� charact�r vvhat�oe��r a.s d�f�n.ed �n and su�je�t to the pravisi�n� of th� Uniforrn <br /> �ommercial C��e, �vhe�her tangib�e �r intangi��e, other thar� Fi�tures, �hich ar� now or <br /> hereafter ovvn�d b� Ir�d�v�dua� Barrower and�vh��h are,iacated�ith�� or about th� La�d ar�d the <br /> Impro�ements �r used in G��1�]�C�1011 W1��1 ��1� a�t��r�ties conducted ther��n,�t�geth�r w�th ai� <br /> a.c�essories, rep�a�ements and SL��75�I�U�1��15 ther�to ar th�ref�r ar�d the pr�ceeds thereaf <br /> �collectivelya the "Per��n�I Property"}, and th� r�ght, titl� and intere�t of Indiv�dual Borrawer <br /> �r� and to any �f the Personal Proper�y which rnay be subj���t� an� secu�ity interests, as defined <br /> in the Ur�iform �omm.�rcia� �od�, as ad�pted and er�acted b�th� �tate �r stat�s v�her� any af th� <br /> Property is located ��he "ITn�form ��mm�rc�al Code"�, sup��iar in l�en to the �i�n af this <br /> Securit�Instrument and ali prac�eds and products �f the abo�e. Notv�rithstan�ing th� f�reg�in�� <br /> Persanal Property sha�l not include ar�y pra�ert�r belangir�g t� ter�ants flr �ccupants un��r Leases <br /> or custom�rs, suppl��rs� vendors or other parti�� under any agr�em�nts or contracts e�cept t� th� <br /> 3 <br />