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2� 17�2233 <br /> �a) the�erforman�e �f aIl �th�r obl��ati�n� af Ind�v�dua� Borr��v�r contained <br /> herein; <br /> ��} the perfar�nanc� of ea�h �bligati�n �-� B�rro��r �ar�tain�d in th� Loan <br /> A�reement and any ather Loan I�acument; and <br /> _, <br /> �c) the p�rfarm�.nce �f eac� �bligati�n of Borr��ver c�ntain�d �n any ren�wa�, <br /> e�ten�i�n, am�ndment� modif cati�n, �onsolidati�n, change of, �r substitutian or r�placemen� <br /> f�r, a�� or any par�o��he�ote,th�Laa.n Agre�m�r�t a�any a�h��Loan D��ument. <br /> Sectian 2.3 I]ebt an�l �th�r �bYi ati�ns. Borrow�r's obligat�ons for ��ie <br /> payment of the De�t and the perfarmanc� of the �ther ��1iga�io�s �hal1 be referred to <br /> c�liective�y�ere�r�as the "�bligat�on�." <br /> ARTI�LE 3—INDIVIDUAI���RRa�VER.�U�ENANTS <br /> � I�di�idua�B��r�w�r�����a�ts and agr�es�hat: <br /> Secti�n 3.1 Pa�ment of De�t, Borro��r w��� pay�he Debt a�t�e t�m� and in <br /> th�manner pro�i��d in the Laan Agr�ernent,the l�at� an�i�his Security Instrument. <br /> Sect�on 3.� Incorparation �y l�eference. A�I the caver�ants, conc���ians and <br /> agre�ments ��nta�n�d in �a} the I�oar� 1�greernent, �i�} the N�t� ar�d �c� a�� and any of the ather <br /> L�an D�Gumen�s t� wh��� Borr���r is a party, ar� hereby made �. p�.�t of this S��urity <br /> Instrument to the s�.n1e ��tent ar�d with the sam.e forc� as �f fu��y set fo�h hereir�. In the ev�nt of <br /> a�y c��f����bet�een th�ter�n� �f�his Se�urity Instrum�nt and the terms �f the I��a.n�gre�ment, <br /> th�terms of the Laan Agreement sha.11 cant���. <br /> Se�tion 3.3 In�urance. Ind��ridual Borr�vver sha�� obta�n and mainta.�n, or <br /> cause t� be maintained, in fi��� f�rc� and eff��t at aII times �nsura.r�ce �vit� respect �� Ind�vidual <br /> Borrov�rer and the Praperty as requ��e�1 pursuant t�the Laan Agre�ment. <br /> Sect�an 3,� Ma�ntenance of Pro�ert�. Ind�vidual �orroVver sha�l caus� the <br /> Praper�y to be maintained 1� a g��d and saf� �ondit�on an.d r�pa�r. The Impr�v�ments, th� <br /> Fi�ture�, the Equipm�nt an� th� P�rsonal Propert� shall nat be remaved, demol�shed ar <br /> materially a.�tered [e�.c�pt for r�armal r�piacernent af th� Fi�ture�, the �qu�pment or th� Personal <br /> Propert�, tenant f n�s�. and refurt�ishm�nt of the Irnprovements),w�thout the pr�ar wr�tter�c�nse�t <br /> af L�nd�r ar as �th�rwise�ermitte�pursuant ta���Laan Agreeme�t. Indiv��ua1 Barro�ver sha11� <br /> conz�al�v�i�h the pravisi�ns �f S�ct�ans G.� and�.3 of the Loan Agreernent. <br /> S��tior� 3.S �Vaste. Indiv�dual �orra�rer shall n�t c�rnmit ar suffer any Waste <br /> af the P����1ty �r ma��� an� �hange in th� use of the Property vvh�ch will in any�vay m.aterially <br /> incr�ase th� risk af fir� or other ha�ard ari�ing out ��th� operat��n af the Property, �r ta1�e any <br /> acti�r��ha� cau�d reasanably be expected ta in�a�idate ar allow th� can�el�at�on�f any P�l�c�, or <br /> d� or permit ta �� �nne therean anythin� tha� ��uld reasanab�y �e .��pecte�i to in any way <br /> mat�rially�mpair the�a�ue of t�e P�oper��ar the �e�ur�ty of this S�Gurity Instrument. Ind�v�dua� <br /> �orrav��r�vill nat, �ithout th��rior wri�ten�an�ent of Lender, perm�t a.n��Irill�ng or e�p�arat��� <br /> 9 <br />
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