2� 17�2233
<br /> far or e�tracti�n, remo�ral, ar pradu�ti�n of any minerals from the su�face �r th� subsurfa�e �f
<br /> the Land,regardless �f the depth�here�f or the methad of mining or e�traction ther�af.
<br /> S��tivn 3.G Pa men� for Ilabor and Mater�a�s. E��ept as oth�r�rise
<br /> �ermitted �ursuant to S�ctian �.1.� �r �ect�an 5.�.�7 af the Loan Agreement, Ind�vidua�
<br /> B�rro�er shal�, �r shal� �au�e 1Vlas�er Tenant to prompt�y pa� aIX bi1�s and co�ts for labar and
<br /> � materials �ncurred in c�r�ne�t�on with the Proper�y bef�re the same sha.�l b�c�me de�inquent �r
<br /> �therv�ise be �.�.d�f�.u�t. . .
<br /> S ect�an 3.7 Perform�n ce af �th�r A�reem,,,e,nts,. Indiv�dual �orrower �ha.11
<br /> �bser�re and perfarm, or �ause ta b� abser�ed and performed, �ach an� ev��y term, covenant ar�d
<br /> pr��risiar�to 1�e �bserved or�aerf�rmed by Indiv�dual Bo�rav�er pursuant t� th� Laan A�reemer��,
<br /> a�.y ather Loan Docum�nt �o �vhich Borrawer is a party and3 ��cept as,cau�� not r�as�nabl� b�
<br /> ��pecte� to ha�re a Mat�rial Ad�ers� Effect, ar�y other agreem.�nt �r r�cord�� �r�strument
<br /> a.ffecting�r per�air�ing to the Pro�erty.
<br /> Se�t��n 3.$ �han�e af Narne, Ident�tv or S�ru,,,�.,ture. Indi�r�dual B�rro�rer
<br /> shall n�� d�rect or permi� a��change ta ��made in�ts r�ame, identity�including its trad�name�r
<br /> r�ames�, pla�e �f organ��atxan ar fa�matron or Individua� Borro�er's corp�rate or par�nership or
<br /> �t�er structu�e ur��ess Ind�vidual Barrovver sha�l ha�e first nat�fie� Ler���r in �vr�ting of such
<br /> �hange at l�ast ten �1 n� B us i�es� I�a.�s przar ta the �ffective date �f such chang� and, in th� c�.s e
<br /> of a�har�ge in Ind�vidua�Borro�er's structure��thaut first obtaining the prior�rit��n cor�sent of
<br /> Lender, v�hi�h consent may be gi�en or den�ed in Lender'� reasonab�e c�is�r�tion, ��cept as
<br /> . other��s� permitt�d p�.�r�uant to Sectian S.�.l� af t�.e Loa� A.greem�nt, Ind�v�dua.� Barrov�rer
<br /> shall e�eGut� an� de�i��r tQ Lender, prior ta or c�ntemp�raneous�y�v�th the �ffec���e date of any
<br /> su�h change, any f�nancing stat�mer�t ar fr�ancing statemer�t change reasor�ab�� require� by
<br /> L�nd�r t� es�a�lish ar rna.intain th� val�dity, perfecti�r� �.n� �riarity of the s�cur�t� interest
<br /> .
<br /> grante er��n. ,
<br /> S��tion 3.9 '�_. Ind�vidua� Borra�er has g�od, marketable and insurable fee
<br /> simp�e tit�e to th� real prapert� c�mp�Ysir�g part �f the l�raperty an�i gaod title to �h� balan�e of
<br /> �uch Pro�erty, free ar�d clear �f a�� Li�ns v�rhats�e�er e�cept th� Permitted Encumbrar�ce�, such
<br /> other Lien� a� are permitted�ursua.r�t to th� Loan I�ocuments an� the Lien� cr�ated �Oy th� L�an
<br /> Documer��s. Th� Perm�tted Encum�ranc�s in the aggregate �� not mater�a�ly and ad�ersely
<br /> �.ffect th� valu�, �peration �r us� of the Pr�per�� �as curr�ntly us ed� ar B orrovver�s a�i�ity to
<br /> �epa� the Loan. This Security Instrument, When proper�� rec�r��d �n th� appr���iate records,
<br /> t����her �vith an� Unifa�m �ammer�ial �ode financ�ng �tat�mer�ts required to be filed in
<br /> �annecti�n her��vith, �ill �r�at� �i� a va.�ic�, perfected fir�� priority Li�n �n t�e La.nd and
<br /> Impra�em�r�ts, �ubj��t only ta Perm�tt�d �ncumbran��s and �he Liens cr�ated by th� Laan
<br /> Docu�ment� and �i��p�rf�cte�se�urity 1�terests �ri and to, and perf�ct�d collat�ra� assignments af,
<br /> a�� personalty (including the Leases� �f Indi�ridual Barro�ver, all i� a��or�anc� �vith the term�
<br /> hereof, �n each cas� su�j ect o�l��� any ap��icable Permitted Encumbranc�s, such ather L�ens as
<br /> are permltte�l pursua�.t to the Loan I)��um�nt� ar�� the Lie�ts created by the Loan D��umer�ts.
<br /> There ar� n� claim� f�� pa.�ment for �orl�, �abor or mater�als affectin� t�e Prapert� v�hi�h are �
<br /> pa�t �ue an.d are or may ��came a Lien pr�or to, or of�qual �r��rity wi�h, th� Liens c�eatec� �y
<br /> the Loan Docum�nt� unless such claims for pa�ments ar��ein� �antested �r� accardanc�with th�
<br /> terms and��nditions of this Secu�it�Ir�s�rument.
<br /> 1�
<br />