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2� 17�2233 <br /> th� same rr�.anner as d�scribed in th�s Mort�age or may cantain an �ndi�at�on or d�s�ript�or� �f <br /> callatera� tha.t describes suc�i praper�y in an� othe� ma.nner as Ler�der ma� det�rrnine, in its <br /> reasona��� dis�r���on, is nec�ssary or prud�n� ta ensure the perf�ct�an of the security �nt�r��t in <br /> t�e Property gra.nte� to Le�der in c�nr�e�tion here�rith, inc�uding, �rithaut ��m�tation� des�ribing <br /> such property a� "All ass�ts of�e�tor whether naw o�vn�d �� he�eaft�r acqu�r�d", "Al� personal <br /> prop�rty of d�btor whe��er no�v o�vned ar h�reafter acquire�", "A.��personal pr�p�r�y af d��t�r� <br /> in�ludir�g, ��th�u� l��n��atron, a�� �o�ds that are �r are to become fi�tures, whether na�ovvn�d or <br /> he��eafter acq�ir�d" or�v�r�s of sim�lar meanin�. . <br /> �ecti�n 1.5 �Iedges of I�Ian�es H��d. Su�j�ct ta the t�rms �f the Loan <br /> ,,..�,.,_.,.,,�����.��,...,,��. <br /> D�cum�nts, Ir�c��v�dual Borrow�r her�by pledges ta Lend�r any and a�i monie� na�v or hereaf�er <br /> held by Ler�der or on beha.�f of L�n��r, in�l�ding, v�it�out �irn�tati�n, any sums c�ep�s�ted in the <br /> �ash 1Vlana�ement A�c�unt, the R�serve Fund� and Net ProG�eds, as additional security for the <br /> �bliga.tian� unt�� e�pended or appli�d as pro�rided in this Secur�ty Ins�rurnent ar the other Loan <br /> Documents. <br /> C�NI7ITI�NS T� �RA�TT <br /> � T� IIAVE AND T� H�LD th� abQve grantec� a.nd c�escrib�d Proper�y unto <br /> I�er�der, or Tru�tee for a.nd an beha�f of Lend�r, as spec�fied a��ve, and t� the us� and benef t af <br /> L�r�der, ar Trustee, as s�ecified abo�ve, ar�d f�r th�ir successors and permitted assigns; <br /> � IN TRU�T, '�ITH P��VER �F S�►.LE, to s��ure pa�ment to Le�der of the <br /> Debt at �th� t�me a�� i� �he mar�n�r prav�d�d for its pa�rr�e�t �n t�e Laar� Agreement, th� N�t� <br /> and in th�s S e curity Insfirum�nt. <br /> PR�VIDED, �I�WE�ER, t�ese �resen�s are upan the e�press cond�tion that, �f <br /> B�rravv�r sha�� we1� and truly pa� t� Len�er th� entire outstand�ng balar��e �f the I�ebt at the <br /> ti�ne and �n the mann�r prov�ded in the N�te, the Laan Agreem�nt and thzs Se�ur�t� Instr��ment, <br /> sha11�ell and tru��perfarm �he �ther�b�igat�ons �hereafter defined� as set fo�-th in t��s S�cur�t� <br /> Instrum�r�t and sha�� ��1� and tru�y abic�e by and �omp�y �vith each and e�ery �avenar�t ar�d <br /> cond�ti�n set f�rth herein and �n �he Nate� the Loan Ag�eement and the oth�r Loan Documents, <br /> th�se presents and th� estat�h�reby grantecl sha�� �ease, term�nate and b�void. N�tv�ithstanding <br /> the fo�egaing, Lende� shali release the �iens a.nd se�urit� int�rests c�eated b� th�s �e�urit� <br /> Instrum�nt Qr re�onv�y the Property t� Indi�rid�a� Borrower when the �nt�re �ut�tanding ba�a.n�e <br /> af the Debt has been pa�d and there are �a autstan��ng or unpa.�d �ther �b�igat��ns oth�r thar� <br /> �ontin�ent indemnificati�n ab�igati�ns for whi�h no claims ha�� been asserted ar�d v�rit� respect <br /> , to�vhich�h�re are no�r�.a�n��reasona.b�y lil�e�y to be assert�d. <br /> AR.TI�I�E � -DE]3T AND ��LIG-ATI�NS �ECUREI] <br /> Secti�n�.1 1��. Th�s Se�ur�ty I�strument ar�d the grants, assignments an� <br /> transfers made ir�Arti��� � are gi�en for th�purpos�af secur�ng the I3ebt. <br /> �ect�on�.� �ther �b�igations. T��s Secur�ty Instrum�nt and th� grants, <br /> ass�gnm�nts and transf�r� mad� �n Artic�e 1 are al�o given fo� the purpose af s�curir�g the <br /> fa�l�wing �collecti�e��,the"�ther�b�rg�.tions�'): <br /> . S <br />
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