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'� _ ''�+�i�=sz� : ��q t t-. al;• ;:�$ ��� .�r!._� 'tc,<.:ti3:�`••.; ��!.['`e` '`1—` r�`i - <br /> x„�• . �`�Y p��`��3:£��4� (,L,L,c S -�% ;t�� '�'°��� �'��. ��i�5l.� �.fi>6:i':�rsu.`i�i[e'.u�ti.-i� <br /> -'�-��������1:�'i:d�S�1 �' _ �,�•�+�."3+XS����i[�2�,y.��'!. S _ Y:.���s.t,��. ic f� t.°� • ro. `�"a��,.,e�E�._. �'� _. <br /> _ �'•�t� "' ff4�17 —"�'v�:t'::.isl'i:iwai3�t�u �e7r�t *"r' _ <br /> . _— __ .Q:JN. . — — —_ — . _ <br /> j � . . . - . . .. � � '_"._' _ � <br /> � - go�--�o�.i�s <br /> t 0.tiEMEQ1ES NOT EXCLU�SlVE.Trustee and Beneficiary,artd each of them,shaq be entitled to enforce payment and pertormar.ce ot any � <br /> � crt�sbtsdrssserobR�gationssezuvedherebyandtoexerciseallrig�tSand�awersunCerthisTrustOeedorunderanyotheragreementexecuted <br /> in connection herewitb ar any laws now or hereaiter in fCrce,notwithstandmg some or ali pf the such irtdebtednc3ss and obligations se�ured <br /> . he�ebx may�ow or hereaftec be olherwise ser,�,rad, whQther by mo�tgago,�rust deed, ptedge,liea, assignment or oth�rw�se Ne�ther the <br /> acceptanceotthlsT�ust Oeed nontseN�rcemerttwheth4rby caurt aetian or pursuantto fhe powerol sala o�oth�ir poNers heremCanfa�ned.s:�au <br /> prejudice onn anymannerattecl Trustee's�r Benefi�iary's s�ght to reafize upor.orentorce any other secur.ty naw or herealtar hetdby Trustee or <br /> BeReficiary,i�being agreed thai Trusteeand Benehclary,and each o`thom,sna116e 4nt�t�edto entorc�this Trust qeedandany othersecurdy rtuw <br /> or hereafter he!d by Berteficiary or Trustee�n such ordor anti m�rsnor as thoy or e�ther of them may�n the�r absolute discrei�on determ�ne No <br /> rerrtedyhereinconferreduponorraserve�toTr�sst�cor8anet�c�ary�s�ntendedtnt�neYC.usrveatanyatherremedyheremorbylawprovfdedor ° <br /> ' . peramtted,but each shall be cumula�ive and shall be m add�t�on taflvery uth�r remedy yivan hareun�er c,r now ar horeaiter ex�stmg at law ar�n . <br /> ' aqvityorpyst�tyto �vCryp�w4rarrCme6}�pravidedundorth�sTrustOeedtaTiustceor�o�ehc�aryortowh�che�therotthemmaybeotherw�se . <br /> entilled.may bQ exercised,cuncurrently or mdependenlly,lrom!imo ta Umc„nd as qttQn as may be daemed exped�ent b/T�ustae or 8enefic�ary <br /> ` artd e�ther o1 lhem may pursue inconsistnnt rom�d�es Nolh�ng nere�rt shaic Oe conslruod as proh�b�t�ng Benef�c�ary�rpm seeking a dehc�en�y <br /> judgmenl at�amst IhB T��stor tOlhe extQat 5uch acUOn�s Qerm�ttect by tnw <br /> i t TRANSFER CF THE PROPERTY;ASS!lMPTIpN.If aIt or any part of�he Praaeriy or�nterest therein is sold.transteroed or athervnse <br /> conveyed by Trustar wUhout 8eneficiary"s pnor wr.tten consent,e�efudmg(a�the creataon of a tien orencumkrance subordinate ta ih�s Trust <br /> Deed.(b)atransferbyoperat�onof taw uponthe death of e 7rustor who ts a�omttenantnr�c�the grantof any t8asehold�ncerestofthree(3}years ar <br /> tess which doAS noi confain an option to purcha9e.such act�on�s a breaCh ot th�s agreertsent,and Beneticiary may,at BQneti�iary's option. <br /> declare a�t the sums secured by tbis Trus!Oeecito ae immetliatety due andpayab�e,pro��ded,(urther,this Trust Deed may,at Beneficiary"s aption. � <br /> he doctared immeGiate!y due and payable,�f(t y Trustar is a partn2rsh�p and any�nterest in the partnership is sold or assigned by 3ny means <br /> � whataoever,or(2)if the Trustor is a corpo�ation and a lransfer ot the rna�onty stack ownership interest in the corporation occurs,or the Trustor ' <br /> corporation merges in any form with another corearabon or antity. Beneficiary shall have waived such option to accelerate d,prior t�the sale, , <br /> 4ranster or conveyance.8eneticiaryzndthe person lowhom the Property�s to be so!d ortransferred reach agreement in writ�rigthatthe cred�tof <br /> � suc h per��n is satisfactoryto Beneficiary and that the interest payabte onthe sums secured by th�s Trust Oeed shatl6e atsuch rate as Henef�c�ary • <br /> ; Shall rc�ct¢cst • . <br /> 12.ACCELERATION 0.:�ON DEFMULT;RElNED1GS;SALE.The faitu re by the Trustor,to make any pay�ant or ta perform any ot the terms and <br /> conditionsofthia TrustCaed,orthetermsand candilions ofthe IVote,or any renevlals,moditrcations orex�3�isionsthereof,ar thefad�:r?to make <br /> paymentolanyolher ind�btedness.prioror subsequenttolhisTrust Deed,aad;.ecured by this property.osihe death ofoneormoreTsus:�rs shal! <br /> , be a breach and detault o1 this Trust D�ed and the Beneficiary may declare a default and may declare alt sums secured hereby immee�_`s�r.G.ce ' •• <br /> � andpayable2ndthesameshalllhereugon6ecomedueandpayablewithoutpresentment,demand,protestcrnoticeofanykind,providetl.Trustc- . <br /> ' shail have any statutory right to cure the defauft before any notice of default and derriand for sale may bs delivered to tho Trustee.T�ereatter. " ' <br /> ; ?enef�ciary may deliver t0 Trustee a written declaration ot default and demand for sale.Trustor agrees ar�hereby grants that the T-1;tee shall � <br /> ` 'avethepowerotsateoPthePropertyandif8enefic�arydecidestfiePropertyistobesoldilshalldeppsilwcthrrusteeth�sTrustOeeda-dtheNote <br /> � ;rrtotesandanyother4oaumentsevidencingexpend�turessecuredhereby.andshallQelivertoTrusteea�vr.ttennot�ceofdetaultandelect�onto ' <br /> i <br /> . �auset'?�;;,�oQertyt�besold,andTrustee,�nturn,shallprepareas�milarnoliceintheformrequiredbylaw.whichshallbedutyfitedforrecordby <br /> ; Trasiee. ; '4' <br /> ; - - <br /> �a) After the ta¢se r��such time as may be reQuired by law following Ihe recordation of Nouce ol De'a��!and NoUce ot pefault zr;Not�ce • �r <br /> of Sate havirg bea�given as required by�aw.Trustee,without demand on Trustor,shall sell the:�roperty,if not redeem�r.:�one or � <br /> " more parce!s a�d:.�s�ch order as Trustee may determine on the date and 1he t�me and place des�gnated in said Natice�t Sate,at <br /> public auct�an accoru<ng ta ia�; y-__ <br /> � (b� WhenTrustesse;�saursuenttothepowersherem,Trusteeshallapplytheproceedsofthes��e3a:caymentofthecostsand�:�.penses ' <br /> � oi exercising t�a:�ower ot sale and of the sale,including,without limitation,attorney's f=es=-•_t:`e payment ot Tr��r��s Fees �_ <br /> incurred.whic�Tt`stes's=cssshal!not in the aggregate exceedthetollovring amounts baseC�r:-:°�a^��:^s secured r.;;aby and <br /> � remainmgunpa'd�tthet��;thedulediorsale:5perce�tumonthebalancethereof:andthenta"�'��s ��.�`:;aragraph�c�inthe <br /> ' i ordertherestv:Bd. , <br /> (c) Attar paying����tems specified in sud�a�agraph(b►.d the sale�s by Trustee,or d the sale�s:;.u'suant to judicial(orec!csure,the <br /> , proceeds ot s�!e shall be applied in the following order: . <br /> ,t <br /> ' �1�Cost ot any evidence of t:�.e procured in connecUOn wilh such sale and of any reve�ue tra�.sfer foo reqwred to bC paid: <br /> (2)All obligatians socured t9 tnis Trusf Deed; <br /> (3►Juniortrust deeds,martgages,or other lionholders: �t <br /> (4►The remainder,d any,to the persan legally entitled thereto. � <br /> � t 3.APPOINTMENTOF SUCCESSOR TRU9TEE.Benoficiary may.from time to time,by a wr;:ten i�st�.*•ent exec4ted and acknowledged by '. '. <br /> 8enafic�a-y,mailod*_�;rustor and��c;orded In the county or counties In whlch Ihd Propo:ty+s locate�anC by o1�°e��arise complymg with Ihe <br /> , provisionsollheapp��c2p'elawsc�'T�StateofNdbra�kasubsldufeasuceflssororsuceossorstotheTr_�teenamodheroinoiactinghoreunder. <br /> • 14.(NSPECTIONS.E���yficiary,or its agenta,representatwes or emptoyees,are aulhor�zed to enter ar�ny reasonable t�me upon or m any part <br /> ol the Properly tor tho p;�rpose o!inspocting the samo and lor tho purposoot pariormmg any ot lho acts it�s autnor�zed to porlorm under Iho torms <br /> ol the Trust Deed. <br /> t S.OPTION TOFORECLOSURE.Upon the occurrpncootany broach and updnthodeclara6onutdetau�t hereunQOr,Benofic�ary snal►havo Ihe <br /> opt+on to foreClose this Trust deed in the mannor prov�ded by law lor the foraclosure o1 mortgages on raal property. <br /> 16.FOAEBEARANCE BY BENEFICIARY ORTRUSTEE NOTA WAIVER.Any forabearance by noneliciary or Trustee m pxorcis�ng any right or <br /> remedyharounder,orotherwiseatiordedbyapplicablo►aw,shalMplbQawa�verotorprecludethooxErcisealanysuchnghlorremc+dy L�kewiso. <br /> thtl waiver by Benefi�iary or Trustee of any default ot Trustor under thiy 1'rust DeQd shatt not be dc��metl to bo a w��ver�I any ottrc�r or su�0ar <br /> defauNs suDsaquontly occurring. <br /> !7.BENEFiC1ARY.'�L�OWEtiS. Without aHectlng or releas�ng the h�bilily o1 th�Trustor or any other person hable for the pa.y!nant ot any � � T <br /> obl�gaUon herein m,rr:*^2�,and wdhoul atteoting the bon or charge of thls 7iuy1 U�ed upon any porOnn ollhe Property,Benet�c:ary r••ay,from ; <br /> timoto t�meandwith��.r�^:�:��at'�.o requdst otona or moreTrustors,(i)release any person liablo.(u�extend or renew Ihp maturdy ar aRer any oF ' <br /> the terms otany suc��:��..a�.-�~s,i�ii)grant othe�indulgoncos.(iv)rcrlaase ar racvmoy,or Causo to bv relo8sed or reconveyed af any time a1 • � <br /> • c�6c'i@itGinry'S Opt'tAf'r c�:�;�utChi G�afi p0�t�b?ivybily,iv�fuke vr reieasa any vtiier vr a�ftiif�vnai securily fvr any ootrgaUon hvre�n manfiorted.(vr';� � , <br /> mdko settlomonts or c;hor arrangomonls•a�th Trustnr m relat�on thereto.All Trustors shall be�ointly and saverally obligated and bound by the , • <br /> act�ons of the 8enohCi�ry o►any ono ar moro 7iuslor as st��oct�n th�s paragraph. � � <br /> L 16 ATTOqlUEY FEES,COSTS AHD BXPEHSES.Tho Bonahcrary ot this Trust Uoer.i�s entrtled tu the payrn�nt vt altarnc�y s foos,costs��nd <br /> U�panst�s as provided in th�5 7rust DE3ed.exCep!TS olherwisn prohib�tod by law. <br />- t 9 SiECOHVEYAHCE BY THU9tEE. U on wntten ro uest ot ��n�hc�ar �n;f u on ~ <br /> P q y t U Payment by lrustor �1 Trustee s fees. Tr�stE�e sh�+u <br /> iCCUnvc�yfUTrustor.vrit�epvrsonorparsnns�vg£�IlyonUlfudthE�rE�ta.viclhnutv��tirranly,anyporUOnoltt�cpropEJrlytnenheldhe�round�r Recdals�n {�!� <br /> G[1Ct1/dCU��QyAQCft UI c1f1Y (t�J11GI5(it Ii1G(S Shill)h0(:nn�lUS�v�:puipi U�(t'U IrulhtulnE�ss Ihe!uo1 Tho t�tdll(41{! �fI:ill�/ fE!COpl9ytdltLc� n�.�y �it Fi <br /> dESCrrbed as 1hE'��F;lSCj�l Gt[1f7�SUnS IC(Jilll�Ch1111Cd it�LtC1U [.� � <br /> � <br />' � <br />