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<br /> � t. PAYMENT OF PRlNClPAL At�Q INTEREST. 7rustor sball promptty pay whe� d��e the pnacipa! ot and inicrest oa the :ndebtedness
<br /> � i evidraacedbylhePJots,andailotherchargesandfessasprovidedintheNote.a�dtFe�,c�ncipalofandinterestonanyFutureAdvancessecured
<br /> try,�l?.�ia 7tUSt Oe@d. ,
<br /> " ��'i�lARRANTYOFTITLE.TruatorislawiultyseizedaRd�a�sc-ssedat�;.���d.:^�e'�.s�t�[e�t`�andestatetothePrope�yt-�-ehyconveyed
<br /> , �� �;rti-;i3 the right to grant and convey ihe Proparty;the Fr��cr1:s`:�x�-s�'��c€�;::W�s and encumhrances except liens now of record.and
<br /> � T.rt:.�a�r:a�ilt warrant and defend:fie title b the Property ag&ir•�r.�:c1a,�r.s and demart�s.
<br /> � 3:'��INTENAH�E ANDCOHPl.IANCE WITH IAWS.Trustor shall keep the Prope�ty in good repair and conditian and sha�l�ot comm�t wasle
<br /> or permit impairment or dsterioration of the Property and shall comply with the provisiQns of any lease it lh�s 7rust Deod is on a Ieasehottl No
<br /> � • imprOVementnoworhereaRererecteduponthePcopeftyshallbealtered,removedordemolishedwithoutthepnorwrittenconsentoteenefic�ary
<br /> � Tructorahallcomptyv►ithalltaws.ordinances.regufations.co�renants candrtio�sandrestnct,onsallectmgthePropartyandnotcomm,t,sutieror . . �-
<br /> permit eny act to he done in or upon Ihe Property in violation of any 1aw.ord�rtartce,regolat�on,covenant,cond�t�on or restnction Trustor sha�i "
<br /> complete or restore promptty and in good�rtlrkmanlike martner any impzovement on the Property wh�ch may be damaged cr dastroyecf and pay.
<br /> when due.a(1 ctaims tor Iabor periormed and materiats turn�shed Iheretar and for any aitesat�ons Inereot '
<br /> 4 INSURANCE.Trustor,at�ts expense.will mamta�n with�nsurors appro�ed byBenehc�ary,msurance w�th respect tothe�mprovamems antl
<br /> personal prope�ty,constituting the Property.against loss by f�re,I�ghtn�ng,tornado,and other per�fs and hazards covered by standard exfended
<br /> caver,�ge indorsament,in an amountequal to at teast one hundred percent(1Qp°o�of the(uii replacement vaiue thereot and insurance aga�nst
<br /> such ot�er hatards and+n such amountsas iscustomanly carned hy ownersand operatars otssm�larpraper��escras Bsneficiary mayreq��*e For
<br /> its protect�on,Trustor w�llcompty w�th such other requirements as Benefic�arymayfrom t�me tot�merequsstforthe protect�anby�nsurance of the
<br /> � • interestsoftherespectivepart�es-All�nsurancepol�ciesmainiainedpurs�anttothisTrustDeedshatlnameTrustorandBeneficiaryasmsured,as
<br /> their respective interests may appear.and prowde that there be no cancellatian or mnd�ficat�on without at leasi 15 days prior wntten notif�cat�on to
<br /> Trusteeand Beneficiary may procure such msurance+n accordance withthe provisions afparagraph6 hereof.Trustor snalf defiver to Beneticrary
<br /> � theoriginalpolic�esofinsuranceandrenev�alsthareoformemocopiesofsuchpoliciesandrenewalsthereot.FailuretofurmG!sss�hinsaranceby
<br /> ; Trustor,or renewals as required hereunder shall,at the opt�on of 8enef�ciary,const�tute a default.
<br /> 5.TAl(ES,A^sSESSMENTS AND CHARGEs.Trustor shall pay aIk taxes,assessmenis and othercharges.�nc�udmg,•�v,t�:.�t.;:m�tat�on,f�nes
<br /> and�mpositions a�rbutable to the Property and�eas�t*�i�i r=yments or ground ients.�f 8ny,before the same�e,:,:�a delirty.:��t.Trustor shall .
<br /> pram�tlyfurnish'aberteficiary atl notices of amountsCue.:-_��:thisparagraph,arld�r t�eaventTrustor shall maK��;:;�eniC::ectly.Trostorshall .:,;,:
<br /> prerr�ay.�;furnish to Beoeficiary receipts evidencmg scc���,��ments.Trustor shail �2.y all taxes and assessrr.�^`�.�!tich ra;j bg levied upon
<br /> BErtc�;�a�ry's interest herein or upon this Trust Deed vr�thc:;t regard to ar��law that may be enacted imposing paymeni cf�r��:��-,;e or any pa:t '1'�'�'�'
<br /> the��?�}:;pon the Beneticiary. ': .
<br /> �.!&9DITIONAL lIENS AHD PqOTECTION OF BEN�fC7ARY:S S�ClfA1TY.Trusrar shall make all paymems of interes�and principal and �
<br /> �` . t
<br /> payrrents of any other charges,fees and expenses contracied to be paid lo any es:.,�:.�g or subsequent lienholder or bene'r�r.�ary,urtder any
<br /> existing Or subsequent mortgage or trust deed before the date they a re da;nyent or in defaull,and promptly pay and discharge any and all other
<br /> tiens.claimsorchargesvihichmay�eopardizet:reseCUritygrantedherc-•r ;+Trustarfailstomakeanysuchpaymentorfa��slai_�riormanyofthe �
<br /> covenantsandagreamentscontainedinthis7�ust�eed.ortheNeter�ra-���tohere�n,orinanypriororsubsequenttrusl7e�;;.-T�:fanyact�anor �
<br /> proceeding is Commenced which matenally affects Ber.ef�ciary's interen m the Property,including,but not limited to,emi�a^z a�main proceed-
<br /> ings..��ceedings�nvotwng a decedem,notice of sale by Tr�stae,notico oi defau�t by Trustee,mortgage toreclos.�e act�:,r.or�f Trustor fa�ls to ,,:.,;•
<br /> p8./''-w5tor's debts generally as they bocome due,then Beneticiary",at Beneficiary's option and vnthout not�ce"s E"C•3��nd upon Trustor and
<br /> w;�:�:�.�sleas;ng Trustorirom any obiigation hereunder,may m�kesuch appearances,disbursesucn sums anAta*�s_c�a�:�n as�s necessary
<br /> to ;i�t�Ct BenEf��ary's interest, including, but not Iimited to, disbursement ot reasonable attorney's tees, pay��rt. �:,r_��ase, contest or �.��
<br /> cc^.�r�m�so of�r.y encumbrance.charge or hen,entry upon the Property to make repairs,or declaration of defaulf;:nder s`.�"-1s1 Deed.In the
<br /> e:2'1"rat T►ustor shall lail to procure insurance or to pay laxes,asses9ments,or any other chargos or lo make a�� ;.aymen4s to any ex ist�ng or
<br /> su�sequent lienhofders or existing or subsequent beneficiaries,Beneficiary may procuro such insurance and mexs;uch payment,but shall not
<br /> �e�yligated to do so. Any amounts d�sbursed by Benetic�ary pursuanl to Ihis Paragraph 6 shalf bocomQ add�t,ona!�ndebtedrtess af Trustor
<br /> secured by t��s Trust Oaed.Such amounts shail be payable upun notice irom 8enel�c�ary to Trustar requesting payment th���::�i,and shall bear
<br /> �nterest}rom the date oldisbursemem at the rate payable lrom hme to t�-e on outstand�ng prmcipat:�c;;��r the Note untess�a;�nEm o1 intereet at '
<br /> su�n rate would be convary to applicable law,in whiCh event such=_�:�unts shali bear interest at tho h�ghest rar9 oermiss�Iz mdor apphcable � �.�
<br /> IaM+ 'h:,�thing conta�ned�n Ih�s Paragraph 6 shall reqwre Eenetic�ary ��mcur any expense or lake any action"s:�,�:er
<br /> ? d1SStGHMEHT OF RENTS. Beneficiary shall ra�a•�n��:y�t.�o.�::r 8nd authonry dunng the ConUnuance cf tn�s Tru_t E�ad to coUec!tho ,':�`
<br /> �e�s.�SSUes and profits ot the Property and oi any pers�r.a:�rope�r1•.�w�,tod thpreon w�Ih or without tdkmg po55e95:o.^.ct�.�^:,-�.�porly affected
<br /> �ereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and uncondit�ona .;ass;rs=.:5,.:^rents,�ssuos and praf�ts to Benet�ciary.6er,`� �-r�..��wever,hereby .
<br /> co�SeMStothoTrustor'stolloCtiunandretentionofsueh•e�^�s =.�.��s�••t�rofilsa5thoyaceruoandbocomopayaL'aa�.angasTruslor�snot.at
<br /> �uc"�timo,in Celault w�th respect to paymont of any mdebt�CresS sec u�:�3 hoteby,or m Ihp pHrformance o)any e::r.=C•'nQnt horeundor.Upon any
<br /> s��h dafauN,Bonoliciary may at any time.eithor m person,by a�ent.or�i�roco�ver to ba appomted by a cour„v.�.-cut not�c e and w�thoul regard
<br /> tothcs a�oquacyof any secuntylor tho indobtodness herebysecured,(a►�nter upon andlake possQSSion otiho Property or any part thereof,and in
<br /> it�own nAmo suo for Or olhucwiso coltect suCh rents,issuas and prolit5,includ�ny�hOSO p�st due ar,d unpaid,and apply the samv.lesscu515 and
<br /> E%pOfi,�',9S 01 UpOfE111Uf1 8fld COIIQCI�Oit. �nclud+ng rvasonablo attomeys feos, upon any mdebtednoss secured horeby, and In such urcfer ��s
<br /> BenotiC�ary may detorm�ne;�b)pertorm such acts a1 repair or proteclion as may be necessary or propor to conserve tho v�iiuo of thn Properly:tc 1
<br /> Ipasethosame�r anypartthereoiforsuchremal,term.antluponsuch condd�onsas�ts�udgmentmaydictate.urtormmateor atl�ustlhetcrmsand
<br /> condiUons a}existing Inasos.Untess Trustor and Benehciary Ihoreof agrQC�othorwiso m v�nUng,any application o1 renis.�ssuos ar pruhts►u any
<br /> �r.dobtednoss secured hereby shall not oxtt�nd or postpono Ihe duo dato ot the installmant paymems as prov�ded m sa�d promisso�y note o�
<br /> Changp Ihe amount o1 such installments.The entenng upun and tak�ng possess�on of the properiy,the cpllect�on nf sucn r�nts,�ssuus�nci pro��ts
<br /> andlho apphcation thoroof as aforosaid,shall nof wawo or curo any dotaull or not�ce ot default hereundEr or�nvahdale any act dune pursuant tu
<br /> such not�co.Trustor atso assigns.to Benobciary,as turlher securdy lor thb p�r}ormanco nt tho obhgations sec ured her�by.ail pr�spa�d re,nts��nd<e U
<br /> mor��s wh�ch may havo been or may h�reatter bodepasitdtl vntn smci Trusto�bp any Isssoo of Ihe PropE�rly.t0 seCUro thR p�ymont of 1ny rettt or
<br /> d2��at�ps,or upon dotault in tha parformpnce o1 any o1 th�prov�sions ht�rc�of.Trusto►agrees lo del�ver such rents 7nd deposds t�E3unE•hc�ruy _ __
<br /> De'..�ryofwrdtennolicootgenet�ciary'soMercisoaflhenghisgrantedherein,toanytenanloccupy aasa�dpromiscsshallbesutticienitoreqwre ;
<br /> se �'.ranttopayrenttotheBenotic�aryunC'�^��'"��•r�:�^e.
<br /> � 'r� {S'�3NDEMNATION.If t�tta tu any pait ot tna Prc�r.+�t,v b"::'i'�e'�%^��n condomnation proceedmgs.by r : ,�t- ^rx;9omtun or s,rn�It�r '
<br /> .-.... .-sF3'!bo sold under fhreat ot condomnation,ai;,r,rr�rt35,c. OS 8nd roCeEttls�iv hU►ab ass� ne�'� ��e �
<br /> �..'.,� .. =""��' P Y 9 :''=�'z. �:,dtoElenetir,iary �
<br /> - • '�"v:4"��"?;:r���scri award'a,der��6ges nntf prviceeds to tire sum svc�r.3 by thf5 TfUSi UCeO.PllTfi 1h0�KC65S:fr�3t7 '�t,Tr�51(�r If TrUSth�
<br /> �.f:: ♦
<br /> ��:s�.�s any n:;F:co or othar in}ormation rogardiny such aebons o►�rccaedings.Trustn�sh�l1 gwo prumpt v�ntten noLCe tne•:c�.o E3enEtic�ary �
<br /> gwnehciary shall bo onhtlad,at�ts option,to r.omnience.appear�n and piasecuto in its ovm name any sucn acbon or Urocc�t+dmgs�ind cnaiR vc�
<br /> Lent�tied ta mako any cempramise or sattlomai�t m cunnochon with any such act�on vr proceudm�s
<br /> y.FUTUiiE ADVANCE5.Upon rQyuestot Trustor,Benehc�ary al E3r,nehC��+ry s opl�on.pnor t�•econdey,i��r�•c,r ttyF•Nr����e�ny tu t ru�ro� ����e,� �
<br /> rnakefuluro�elv�nc6SlUTruSfor Suchtuw��advances.w�thmt�re:,Itherdun.shEfIIb9SQCUtE!E1by1tnc7r,�5tF1f�E�dwhc�neviclt�ne�•dby�����n,��,���Y �
<br /> nUfQS stat�ny Ihat s�nd r�otr,s aro seCU«d hpfF7by.p►UV�HE�f11h<l1 i�t n0 hmrr gh�ll!thB SCCU/CU p�iF�C�p:i':it�tl 1t�1t�r(';Idudn(�fts ��v1�n� ti�lbn,1�.��n,,, �
<br /> ad�an��d trr prot�ct IhU yc�cunly.a�Mceed IwU hundr�ef per�:ent(7Up°:.}ul th�tn�t}�h.�l princ�pat�imnur��� _•�c ur��fi�,�•rf��;y .
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