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<br /> 20.NOTICES.Except tor not�ces.dema►r��.requssts or other eomm�rt�tations requ�red�nder npptrcabta tsw ta bo gruen�n an�th�r manr.e►.
<br /> �hwflpWHlAAt18Ii!`IAftj,Tr�rgtnt�+rF�Sgtan?��!�Q!g�iY°$3Rf:iChcc,�r,chrd�n�.w�In�utl�mctation.naticQOtdota�itand�tohceotsatei.demands, �
<br /> � requestsor nther commumCat�on with respect to this Tru�t Oeed.Qach such��ot�ce,dernand.requesl or other cammumcatson shatl be�n�r�t�ng .
<br /> . and=kallbeettecUve�r+{y�tthesam��sdalivpreclqygersonafserv�cQOrismadedhycerU6edma�l.postageprepa�d.addressrdtothen�dressas
<br /> , 5et tarth at lAC beg�nning o1 lhis Tru$t Deed Any Rarty may at any time chan4cs�ts ad�Jress Sor suCh notices Dy det�vot�ng or ma�l�ny to thQ othes
<br /> party hereto.es ataresa�0,a not�Ce of such change.Any nat�ce hereunder shail be deemed io AavQ 6een�iven to Trusta►or Benet�c��ry.when ,
<br /> � g�v@n in Ihe manner designeted herein. • '
<br /> 2t.REGUEST�aR MOTICE.Trustorand Benef�ciary herebyrequestacopyalany nottce otdEtautt,and acapy olany not�ce otsatetnerQUnder.
<br /> � be ma�18d to eacA oerson who is a party hereto at the address tor such per�on set torth�n the f�rs!paragraph ot this Trust Oeecs
<br /> 22.GOVERNING LwW.This Trust Oeed shail be govemed by the taws of the State ot Nehraska-
<br /> � 23.SUCCESSOA$AHO ASSt6NS.Th�s Trust Deed,and all terms,conditions and oDi:gations herein,appty to and mure to the benefit of aad
<br /> ! binds ali pa�ties he�eto,their heirs.►egatees,devisees,personat representatives.successors and assigns.The term"Benet�ciary"shakl mean
<br /> the owner and holder ot the Note,whether or no!namod as Benel+c�ary bere�n.
<br /> ' 24.JOIN?AHa SEYEEtAL LiA81LiTY.Att covenants artd agreements af Trustor shat�be�o�nt and se�eral.
<br /> ' 25.SEVERABlLItY.tn thz event any a:ce ar more of the provisions contained in this Trust Qeed,or the Note ar any otber secur�ty instfurrsent
<br /> � ; given in conrte�4i��with this transactian shall lar any reason be hetd to be invalid,ilfega{Qr unenforceable in any respect,such invalidity.
<br /> ' illegal�ty.or urtenforceab9lity snall,at the option ot Beneficiary,not affect any other prov�sioR of ihis Trust deed,but this Trust Deed shatt be
<br /> can�trued as if s�ch invali�,i",7°gat,or urtentorceabte p:ca-rision had never been contamed herE irt ar therein.!f the lien of the Trusi Deed is inv�t�d . .
<br /> � �4unenforceableastoanyF_�tofthedebt.oriftheh�,�senvatidorurtenforceabteast¢anypartofthePropsrty.theunsecuredarpartiaftys�cured .
<br /> f portion of tne eiebi shall b$camptatety Ra�d prior ta�th=payment of the remam�ng sRd secu«d ar partiallp s��ured port�on ot tha de6L ar�alf .
<br /> � peymentsma�eonthedebt,whethervoi��t�nzyorinvotunlary,shallbeconsideredt�haveCe�sfic�i�aidonandappliedtothefutlpaymaRtaf?�at . . _
<br /> � portion of the debt which is rtot secured a;c��t fulty secured by tte lien of this Tr�sY Q4ed_
<br /> � 26.TRUSTEE LIA91LIT1Y.�o lang as the trustee shall act in good taith and in rel:��*ce upon natices and other intormatian wh�ch�t.�r�t�:�te
<br /> I discrsliunmaydeemtobere�:able,an65o�ongasTrusteeshallexercisereasonat;'�,r,ru@enceandcareinitsadmmislraUonhereunder„T�u5te0 .
<br /> shall not be 1ia61�a tor any toss or Camag��<�a�tained or+ncurred by the?rustors ar�:�y Benefit'_=..ry,�r by any other persons v�homsoever,i aeing
<br /> � expressly stip�t��;�3 that the Trustee shaii�Q I�abte onry tor its own c�ross negligence and w::�ti,J dr:�autt in the premises. � ` ;
<br /> �:,
<br /> 27.NU�18EqAND�'aENrZ��1.Whenevecusedherei^..t:r�singularnumbe►shalli-•.'adethep�ural.andtheuseotanygend�rshallbeapplicable ' �. ;
<br /> � taali genders. . .
<br /> ' 26.ACCEPTANCE 8Y TRUSTEE.Tr��!e2 accepts t:s Tvustwhen this Trust C:r.�.�:;�aly executed and acknowledged,is made a public spcord
<br /> � as provided by law. _
<br /> � • �=
<br /> ; IN WI7NESS WHEFiEOF,Trustor has expcuted ths Trust Deed as oi the date•:�r,;:t�ar first above written. . __
<br /> i �
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<br /> � • i. _
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<br /> � � . , � . --
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<br /> . � Csrol A. Meyer
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<br /> ' STATE OF N£BRASKA � '
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<br /> ' The laragomg mstr�ment was ecknowtodgod bctore me on tne .�7 day ot �� V ��i � �Y t y `r D
<br /> by �-�-------C_E!._A.ti.�i � �._�'_�C_�!�r.. V-__ � �4.v P.�.. � M e�e r .
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