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<br /> i
<br /> (a)�A sum es�ual to the ground rents. if any.�cxt dut,plus the premium�chat will neat become due asid payabie rne
<br /> ' policies uf fire and other haEard insurance covering the property,plus taxes and assessments nexc due on the property (all �
<br /> as estir►urred hr the Gexder)Eess aIF sums slready paid ol�erefor divede�by the number of mnnths to etapse befnre one(i) �
<br /> month prior to tl�dat�when such graund renu, premiums. taxes and ass�.�ssments wiU become deiinyuent,sach sums to i
<br /> be hetd by Lend�er in trust to pay said�raund rents. premiums, taxes and special assessments: and �
<br /> _ � �(b) All payments mentioned in the preceding subsection of this paragraph and all payments to b�made under the note . {
<br /> setured heraby shal!t�added tagetlter, and the a�gregate araount thereof shall be paid by the Barrower each montli in a �
<br /> single paym,eni to 6e applied by the Lender to the folIowing items in the order set forth: �
<br /> i
<br /> (I) grounsl rents, taxes,assessmcnts, fire and other hazard insurance premiums; . �
<br /> (I� intetest on the�note secured hereby;und �
<br /> � (IiI) am�rtization,af th�pripCj��af said note.
<br /> Any,de�ici�qcy,in.the a�ovnt of such aggregate rnonthly payr�tgpt�hair.,,unle�s made go�4y;,th���n,r4wer prior to
<br /> the due dat�.Af,R���ext such paytnent,c;onsritute an event of defay�,�,kry¢�F,th4�,tnoTtbTMd���;,The;lC.�nd�er may collect a "tate ,
<br /> charge" noB.ta exceed faw cents(4c)for each do�lar($1)of eacf��.ga�tr��e more than fifte,�R t�.�7 daYs in anears te caver
<br /> the extra expense invrsiv.,.;�.in handting deliaquent payments. ' .
<br /> � 3. T'hat if the total of,the payments made by the Bonower under(a}c��r�agrph 2 preceding shall exceed the a.*�::;.� � .
<br /> � ' of.payments actually made by the Lender for ground rents,ta�ces and assess~enu or insur-�nce premiums,as thc czs�.!��
<br /> be.such excess,if the loan is current.at the aption of the$orrawer,shall be credited by the Lender on subsaquent Fs��^�nLs
<br /> � to be made by the Borrawer,or refunded to dra Borrower.If,however,the rr4cfhly payments made hy the Bonowe�under
<br /> (a)of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufFcient to pay grausid rents,tarc-s�zd assessments or ins�rance premiums,as
<br /> ' the case may he,when the same shall become due and payable,then the Borrower s.�.all pay to the Lender any amount necessary
<br /> ' to make up the deticiency,on or before the date when payment of�::�.ground rents,taxes,assessments,or insurance pr�,�*�ums �
<br /> � shall be dae. If at any time the Borrower shall eender to the I.ca�s.-r, in accordance witfr t►-,provisions of the note�..�red
<br /> F�eby,full payment of tf�e enure indebiedness represented there6y,the Lercfe,shall,in tompnting the amount of such in-
<br /> debtedness, credit to the a�count of the Borrawer any balanee remaining in t�funds accumulated under the provisions of
<br /> . (a)of paragraph 2 hereof.��'there shall be a default under any o�¢he provisions of this ins�ment resulting in a public sale
<br /> � of the premises covered hereby,or if the Lender acquires the property othcrwise after de��it, �he Lender sha11 ags�ly,at
<br /> the time of the commenc�ent of such prceeedings,or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the balance tfren re- ,
<br /> maining in the funds accus:�alated under(a)of paragraph 2 preceding,as a eredit against the amount of p�s�eipal then remain- I
<br /> ing unpaid under said rt�:e. � ; '
<br /> 4. That the Borrawer witt pay gruund rents.taxes.assessments,water rates.and othe�govemmenta)or municipal charges. }� 'r
<br /> ; fines. or impositians,f6�which provisian has noi been made hereinbefore, �ad in default thereof the Lender may pay the I f
<br /> sams: and that the Born�wer will promptly deliver the official receipts G�;.refor to d�e Lender. � -_
<br /> • I .
<br /> . � -_
<br /> —� 5. The Borrower will pay all taxcs which may be levied up�r�the Lender's interest in�a�d real estate and improvements, `
<br /> and which may be levied upon this instrument or the debt sec�red hereby(but only to the extent that such is not prohibited ;
<br /> _ by �aw and only to the extent that such will not make this loan usurious).but excluding any income tax, State or Federal. �
<br /> �
<br /> imposed on l.ender,and��vill file the oificial receipt showing such payment with the Lender. Upon violation of this undertak- �
<br /> ing.ar if the Borrower is prohibited by any(aw now or hereafter er.isting from paying the whole or any portion of the aforesaid ; � .
<br /> � taxes,or upon the rendering of any court decree prohibiting the payment by the Borrower of any such taxes.or is s�ch law 1 '
<br /> or decree provides that any amount so paid by the Borrower shall be credited on the debi, the L.ender shall havc tht right ' ,.�
<br /> to give ninety days'wriuen notice to the owner of the premises,requiring the payment of the debt. If such notice be given. : _�
<br /> the said debt shall become due. payable and collectible at the expriation af�.::i� ninety d;:ys. �
<br /> ' 6. That should the Borrower fail to pay any sum or kecp any cove�iant Fra�i;ied for in th:�instrument.then the Lencier.
<br /> ' at its optian. may pay or perfarm thc same. and all expenditures so made shtill be added�o thc principal sum nwing on the
<br /> above note, shall be secured hereby, and sh�ll tscar interest at the rate sct forih in the said note, until paid. '
<br /> - 7. That thc B�rrowcn c�reby assigns, transfcrs�nd set5 uver to the Lender. to he applied taward ti�e payment of the
<br /> note�nci all sums secureci hereby in case of a default in the perf�rmance of any��f the terms and conditions of this instrument
<br /> ur the s;�id note.all the rents.revenu�s and income to be derived from the said premises durin�such time as the indebtcdncss
<br /> rhalf rcmain unpaid,and the l.cnder shalt havc{wwer to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing
<br /> � said prcmises artd of renting the samc and collccting the rcnts,revcnucs and incumc, and it may pay out of said incomes
<br /> all expenses e�f'repairing suid premises and necetisary cummissians and expenses inrurred in rentinb artd managing the same
<br /> and uf cullecting renttils therefr�n�: the halai�ce rem�ining, if any.to be applicd toward thc discharge of said indebtcdness.
<br /> � H. 7hat the�rrower will kcc�the improvements naw existinb��r hereafter erected on the properry, insured�s may %----__`__-
<br /> bt;reyaired frum timc tu time by the Lender against lass by fire and other h�rds. casualties and contingencies in such '
<br /> amounts;ind for such periods as may be requited by thc Lcndcr and will pay prvmptly,whcn duc,any premiums vn such
<br /> insurance provision for payment of wt�ich has nut bcen made hereini�C:fore. All insurance shall be carried in companies ap-
<br /> ____ . �r��v��hy t��l.�t��fer��nr1 thc�x��ieie�a!n�.)rent:w;�1c fhem�f ch;dl F+�hcld hy the I.cndcr:ind have attached theretn Inss payable
<br /> � clauses in favor�F attcl in furm acceptable tu the Lcnder. In event�f lcrss Borrower will give immediate nntice hy mail to .�
<br /> � Ihe Lc:nJer,wha m�y make prWf vi'luss if not made prumptly by Bc�rrower,anJ cach insurancti company cuncerned is hereby ��
<br /> � :�tRh��rized and direeted ro make payment for such lnss directly to the l.encler in�tead of t��the Burruwer and the Lcnder
<br /> }ointly,an�4 the insurance procceds. or any part thercuf.na�y tx applied hy the E.ender at its Uption cither to thc reduclian �St.
<br /> _ ��f the ir►dcbtcdness hereby secured ��r t��the reste�ration or repair of thc pre�perty dama�;ed. in event�f fnrecic�sure uf this r'�
<br /> � instcuntent ur uihcr tran�fer�f tiUe tv the iiwrt�;aged pruperty in cx�ingui.rhmcnt��t'the indebtcdnc���ecurrd herehy,all ri�;ht, ���
<br /> t�tte ��►d �ntereit of thi l3nrruwi�r in aild tu�ny insur�r��.e (,�vlicies thrn in fvree .hall pa.� t��thr purch;��er�Tr �;rantee. . a`
<br /> t4. �li. '[hat a�ad�iuiunat an�f�ullaterai�ecurity f�rr�hc p:ryntcnt nf'the rtutr dcunh��3. and�I) �uru•te,{tecumc�fuc undct
<br /> k'3j� ttu, uititruu��:a�t.thc !l��rruwcn c�rrFry aiyig�i�tu thc I.cndcr ali prutit,, rcticnuc�. myaUir�. t�ght,:wd hrnetit� a�cruiug tu
<br /> � ��+;�� the t�+�rn�uer undee any artd�il��il aiiJ E:a�. lca�e4 o�i�aid rrem�le�. �tnh thr ris�l�t tn rcecne an�.! re�:•�}�t t«r the �:unc:�n:i
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