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<br /> I ;: � ^� � � � 94a=�=1��.09� . � ;
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<br /> � , 'S�ate of Nebrs�stcs� D�ED OF TRUST FHA Cnc No. `,3 � �
<br /> 3zi-13T7fl6]�4�a�
<br /> � � . 22Q6811$7 �
<br /> ; j .
<br /> - THIS DEED UF TRUS"F, �••S�arity Instrument"} is made on MAR�N 2 . � • �
<br /> � 1� gp Thc [rustar is WILLI�IM G� GOEHEL AND CaNNIE SUE Gd�BEL,. H[}5BA1�T� A1�,D W'aF'�: I _
<br /> - ("Barruwer"). Ti�e uustee is ��. �
<br /> CK1C���A_i, �T�HItASKA SBVatdG� B�4NK, Ee�.A. ("Trustee"1. "fhe,be�t"'��rY is '
<br /> QCGID�AL !?EBRASI�A SAVZNGS BANK, F.S.B. , which �s org,a�i��d anrl,i�;r�isting �
<br /> under tfie laws of �gg�-�py, ,and whose address is : �
<br /> 21704 W C'�ENTER RD OMAHA, NEBRASKA ("Leqi�cr").
<br /> ` W�:That the Borrawer in consideration of the debt and trust hera�nafter descsibed and creau;d,anr�;t�pe sum �
<br /> of One Doldu{�1),to hira in t�ar�d paid 6y the Tr�stee,the receipt of which�s tttreby acicnowledged,�by-ti�r,e�srtsencs� s
<br /> grant,bargain and sell,canvey and confirm,unto the Truscee, foeever, all of,the following de�cribed;teal Estafi�G situated �
<br /> lying and being id t1►e County af g1�L , and Star.e of Nebraska, to wit � , Z
<br /> . . :if
<br /> - 4
<br /> � . , �
<br /> � }f
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<br /> �
<br /> .. t
<br /> i
<br /> ,
<br /> :
<br /> �:
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
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<br /> � � :
<br /> � I %l
<br /> i �,.;_:_
<br /> - � . . , � ;t� .�._
<br /> � whi�r.Pt has the address of g�34 CAMBRIDGE . GFcA:;D ISLAL�D , Z =�
<br /> - � � ISIrccQ (City) � i
<br /> Nebraska 68Fs03 ("Property Address"): . f
<br /> � iz�p c�, #
<br /> � To Nave and To Hotd the premises aba�z described.with al!the appurtenances th�reanrm�e2onging aad including all i 1
<br /> heating,plumbing and lighting fixtares and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection wi�h said real estatc ';
<br /> unt�tf�e Trustee.and to its successurs and ussibns. forever. The Barrower repre�nt�to,and covenants with,the Ttustee, ;
<br /> that the Borrawer has goai right to sell an�a�nvey �aid premiscs;th�:ti�ey are frec fron�eneurbranr.e:and that the Bor- i ��.
<br /> rower w.ill warrant and defend the same aga::�se ehe lawful claims af afE persons whamsacver;an��cye said Bonower l�er�Fsy� �
<br /> relenquishes all rights of homest��ad. and a11 r[:�-itai r'gh.*.s,either in law ar in equity, and all utiter cantingent interests of ? � ��,
<br /> the Betrower in and to the abnve-described pre��::c�, tfa�intenti�n being to convey h�reby an absolute titic, in fee simple, j
<br /> � iacfudic�s all rights of homestead. and ather ri��;�:s and interests as aforesaid. �
<br /> , Provlded Always,ancf these presents are executecl anJ delivered unto the Trustee. in trust, however for the fuilowing �
<br /> !
<br /> puFposes: ,
<br /> i
<br /> • Wherens,the Borrowcr on the zl�1p . clay uf �}RGH . 19 90 borrowed from the l..cnder
<br /> the sum of gI}��y THREE THOUSAtJp S2X HUNbRED NINETY FIVE A1+1D 00/100------_-____________ �
<br /> Dallttrs(5 63,695.00 ). for which sum the Bormwer has executed and delivcred to thi: l.cnder �
<br /> Bnrrower's promisst�ry nutt of evcn date. bearing Interest.n the rate uf NINE Pitib ONE-HALF (
<br /> per.centum d 9.SO�b)per annum on the unp�id balance until paid. The said principal and interest shall be p�ayable ae
<br /> � the uffice of p�CImEKTAL NEBR11SK1t SAVIN�3 E3RttK, r.S.8.-11.704 W CE*STER E2D
<br /> � �� OMAHA, NEBRASKA ,e�r�t such nther place as the holdcr of the note may
<br /> � -----�- -.
<br /> � .-- -
<br /> � dcsignatc in writing, in monthly instupments��f gI� N��p THIRTY F�tIE A:JU 58/].00--------------- • �
<br /> � Dollars($ 535.58 ). con�mencing on the fir�,t day of L111Y . 19 gp ; 4
<br /> and on�hc first day of c-�ch montf►thert;aftcr until the principal�md intcre�;t are fully paid, c;x�cpt that thr final payment
<br /> � oP principal artd interest, if not woner paid. ::hvll be duc and payablc on thc first day of pgRIL 2020 • f
<br /> � Borrnwer and Lender covenant :�nd agr�e as follo�:g: �
<br /> � �� 1. That I3orruwcr will pay the inclebtedncss,as hereint►cforc pruvided. PrivitcNe is rescrcc�l tu pay tltc�icht in wftvte .
<br /> � � • ur in psirt on any inst•rllrnent due date. ti
<br /> ' ��2. 'I'hat, tu�ether+vith,and in addiliun tu, tl�e tinunthly payments ui��rincipu{�►nd ir;terest Uayahle wtdcr thc tcrn�.r• oi' , ,
<br /> � s tttc nutc sccurc�t Ftcreby, the Btrrru►�er wiil �ay tt�11te Lcu�r. un the first cl:�y of�:ach manth uruil the �aiet uutc i• fully ,�- --
<br /> ' pa�d, ths: fulluwing�ums:
<br /> i. ,.._ . __�_.._ - - .- -----. -__ ___�___.�. __ . . - --�--- Ktl�m HUtJ•9Zt�3-OT f�U� 2/808LPI �
<br /> �,�; Pa�s�o!4 24CCF�203.T7�a}
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