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<br /> sppdy titem to said indebtedness as well beforp as a8er default in the conditions of this instnunent,and the Lend�r may de- `
<br /> - maed. sue for and recover any sach payments wh�n dne asid payable.tsut shall not be required so oa do.'I7iis assignment
<br /> . is t�tcrtnirtate and become nult and void upon release of this instcument.
<br /> !0. 'E'fwt the Borrower�uill kc�p tfie 6uitdings uQon said premises in gaod repair.aad neithPr commit uor permit waste
<br /> � upon said tand, nor suffer the.said premises to t►e u+ed for any un[awfvl purpose.
<br /> ? 1 t. That i€ths preinises,or any part thsri�f,t�►e cand�mned ustder the powsr of eminent donjain,or acquired for a pubiic
<br /> f etse,the dxmages awasded.the proceeds for the taking of.ar the consideration for such acquisition,tfl the ext+ent of the fuIl
<br /> t amouni af inde6tedness upan this insuument and the nots which it is giv�n to s�care remaining unpa'sd,are hereby assig�aed
<br /> � by the Borrower to the l.ender,and shap be paid forthwith to said Lender�to be appfied by the latEer on account of the next
<br /> _ j matesring instalimeats,�of.such indebtednc�s.
<br /> � �
<br /> — i2. The Bonowec futther agmes th�t should this instrument and the note secured hereby not be elig'ble for insurance
<br /> under the Nationa�Housing Aci within eigitt months from the date hereof(written statement of any onicer of the Department
<br /> of Housing and Urban Devetopment or authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development dated subse-
<br /> queni to ttie,sighc mont�.s'time,from tha date of this instrument.de�:linjrtg to insure said note and this mongage,being deem-
<br /> ed conclus�ye propf gf,�y�ch ineligibiliry),the Lender or holder of the note may,at its option.declare all surr�s secured hereby
<br /> immedia�ety due,and payable.Notwithstanding the foregoing,this optio�a-�ay not be exercised by the Lender or the holder
<br /> ' of the;note_when the ineligibility for insurance under the Natios►�1 Hoksi�Act is due to the I.ender's failure to remit the
<br /> morfgage trtsutance premium to the Departmeat of Hausing and Urbaa Devetopment.
<br /> 13. i'hat if the Fi�sc�wer fa�'ls to make any Qayments of money when the same become due,or fails to canfarm to and .
<br /> cotr,plS with any of t��conditians or agreemenu contained in this instrument,or the note�vhich it secures,then the en�i;� .
<br /> princigal snm and accrued inte:ey:shall at ance become due and payable, at t�he election of the Lender.
<br /> Lender shall give notice to�rrower prior tu acceleration following Bona.�er's breach of any covenant or agreement
<br /> in this instniment(but not prior to accelerration under paragraph 12 u�"as applicable law provi�:s otherwise). 'fhe notice
<br /> � shall specify:(a)the default;(b)the action rec�uited to cure the defaul¢; (c)a date, not less ttta�34 days fram the date the
<br /> rcorice is gi�en to Borrower,by t�hich the default must be cured; and.(d)that failuse to cure tfie default on�s before the
<br /> date sg�.r:E�ed in the notice may r�s:ilt in acceleration of��;�sums secured b"y this irs�rwment and sate of the S'�'�speFty.The '
<br /> notice shall further ir..`�rm Borrawer of ihe right to reinstate after acce?er�a:ion and���right to brin;a court action to assert
<br /> the non-existence of�c�efault or any other defense of Bonower to accei��:ian and sale. If the�'e�att is not cured on ar', ,
<br /> before the date specified in the rcatice, Lender at its option may require=��°rir:te�ayment in f.:�of all sums secured by � ..
<br /> this insir�s:nent withaut further d:�sand and may invnke the power of sale and an} o�::r remedies permitted by applicable . .
<br /> law. i.�;ier shall be entitted to callect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remec��s provided i� u�:s paragraph 13, in-
<br /> cluding, but not limited to, reasonable attom.�s' fees and costs of title evidence. -
<br /> If the power of 4afe is invaked.'i'rustee shaU recard a notice of default in each county in whic��a:�y part ef qtte Prapest+� �
<br /> is lacated and shafl mail copies of su�h notice in the manrter prescribed by applicab�e taw to Borrower and tn th:a�.r persons -
<br /> prescribed by applicable law.Aftec eE;:time required by aFY[:cable law,Trustee shaii give public notice of saie to�the perse^s ', —
<br /> and in the manner F�escribeA by applicable law. Trustee, withc►ut derr::.rrd on Bonower. shaU�e-f the Praperty at pu�ii,� '
<br /> auction ta th�highest bidder at t!:°time and place and under the terms d�::�gnated in the notice of�::::in one or more parce;s
<br /> and in any order Trustee detercninez.Trustee may postpor�sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement •
<br /> at thc time and place uf any preui�lusly scheduled sale. L:nder or its designce may purchase the Property at any sale. ,
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustec shall delivcr to t�t�purchascr Trustce's de�conveyEng the Praperty. : ,'
<br /> The recitals in the Trustee's deed shalt be prima facie evidence of the truth of t�4c statements maZe tiierein.Trustee shall .
<br /> � appiy tt�e proceeds of the sale in the following c�rder.(a)co:"�expenses of thc sale, including, but not limito�9.a.Trustee's -s�,
<br /> Eces as�lzrmitted by applicable law and reasonable attorne�p%s' fees;(b)to all sums secured by this Security Instrument:and
<br /> � (c) any excess ta the persan or persons legally entitled to it.
<br /> 14. Upon acceleration under paragraph 13 or abandonmcnt of the Property,C.cnder(in pers�n. by agent or by judicially
<br /> appainted receivcr)shall bc entitl:d to enter upon,take passession of and manage the Property and to collecr.il�e rents of
<br /> the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or thc recciti�er shalt be applied first tv payment af
<br /> " the costs of management of the Property and c�llection of rents. inctading, but nat limited ta.rueeiver's fees, premiums.,
<br /> � vn recciver's bands and reasonuble attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by this ins:ru.aT;r.�t.
<br /> �:
<br /> 1 15. Upan Qayment of all sums stcured by this instrument.Lender shall reyuest Trustee to reconvey the Pr��rr.y anJ shal)
<br /> �� surrencicr this instrument and:�11 notes cvidencin�dcbt securcd by this instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey tt!e
<br /> Property wittwut warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally eniitled to it. Such persan or persons shall
<br /> } pay any recordatiun costs.
<br /> � 16. Lender,at its option.mey from time to time rem�ve Troslee and appc�int a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed � – -
<br /> ' hereunder by an intrument rworded in the county in which this instrument is recorded.Withnut conveyance of the Pmperty. �
<br /> the successor trustee shall succecd to all the tide.power and dutics canferred�:pon Trustee herein and by appticablc law.
<br />-- � �?. Y�srru�;.r rc€�s:rsis t#�at r:ss�ics uf thc ncs=ires csE c3�Eu�tt ac::!.als�-�u�t tcs Barrc��er's asl�r;c::t.hists is tts:Faa�rty '
<br /> Address. _�
<br /> � � f8. If ane ar m�re ridcrs are executeAt by&rttowet and recY�rded tngcther with this instrument,the cnvenants and agreements �.
<br /> � oteach such rider sh;,ll be i�corp�rated intu�nd shaU amcnd and supplement the ruvenants and agrec�nents of'this instrument �t
<br /> _ a� if thc ridcrlsf wcrc':�part uf this instruntent. ��
<br /> � � ���
<br /> �` • i9, 7�c covenants hetein containcAi shall bind, and the bencfits and advanta�;cs �tial) inure to, lhc:tcs�tc�ctivc hcirti,ex- �� '*'
<br /> , ccutars,administratnrs,succrss�rs, attd assibns vf thc pariiCs h�tetu. Whenc�•cr uscd.thc siurular nunrbcr tih�l)�nrludc thc `' '
<br /> �,F, piural, the pl�ral ttt�sinFulas. and the us� �if�ny �ender tihalt include all �;encterti.
<br /> � ` �4,,
<br /> f��,
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