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2� 17�2�81 <br /> to them in the Loan Agreement <br /> N�N-UNIF��M C�VENANTS. Borrawer and�ender further cavenant and agree as f�llows: <br /> 23. Assignment of Rents, Borrower unconditionally assigns and transfers�o Lender al�the rents and re�enues�f <br /> the Property. Borrower authori2es Lender nr Lender's agents to collect the ren�s and revenues and hereby directs <br /> each tenant of the Property to pay the r�nts to �ender or Lender's agen�ts. Hawever, priar to Lender'� notice to <br /> Barrower of Borrawer's breach of any covenant ar agreement in the Security�nstrument,Bonrower sha11 collect and <br /> recei�e all rents and re�enues of the Property as truste�for the benefit af Lender and Borrower.This assignment of <br /> rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment far additional security only. <br /> If Lender gi�es notice of breach to Sorrawer: �a� a11 rents recei�ved by Borrower shall be held by Borrawer as <br /> Trustee for benefit af Lender an1y,ta be applied ta the sums secured by this Security Instrument;�h}L�nder shall be <br /> entitled ta coi�ect and receive ail of the rents �f the Property; and�c} each tenant af the Property shall pay alt rents <br /> due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. <br /> Borrower has nat executed any prior assignment �f the ren�s and has not and wil� n�ot perfarm any act that would <br /> pre�ent Lender fram exer�ising its rights under this Paragraph 23. <br /> Lender sha��nat be required to enter upan,take control af or maintain the Property bef�re or af�er gi�ing noti�e of <br /> breach to Borraw�r.Howe�er,Lender or a judiciaily appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach.Any <br /> app�icatian af rents sha11 not cure or wai�e any default or invalidate any other right or remedy ❑f Lender. This <br /> assignment of rents of the Property shal�terminate when the debt secured by this Secur�ty�nstrumen�is paid in full. <br /> 24. Foreclasure Procedure. If Lender requires immediate payment in fult under Paragraph lU,�endQr may <br /> in�oke the power af saie and atty other remedies permitted by app�icable law, Lender shall be entitled to <br /> cvllect all expenses inCurred in pursuing the remedies pro�ided in this Paragraph Z4, inc�uding, hut not <br /> limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> If the pawer of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a n�ti�e of default in ea�h county in which any part of the <br /> Praperty is located and sha�l mail copies of such notice in the rnanner prescribed by appli�able law to <br /> Barrower and to the ather persans prescribed by applicable law.After the time required by applicable law, <br /> Trustee shall gi�e public notice of sate to the persons and in the manner prescribed by app�icable law.Trustee, <br /> without demand on B�rr�wer,5ha11 sell the Property at public�uction#�th� �iighest bi�d�r at th�time and <br /> place and under the terms designated in the notice of saie in one or more parc�ls and in any flrder TruSte� <br /> determines. Trustee may postpane sa�e of all ar any parcel of the Property by public announcernent at the <br /> time and pla�e of any pre�iously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any <br /> sale. <br /> [Tpon re�e�gt af payment of the�ric�bid,Trustee shall�eliyer t�th�pur�haser Trustee's deed canveying th� <br /> Property.The recitals in the Trustee's deed sha��be prima fa�ie e�idQnce of the truth af the statements made <br /> therein. Trustee shai� apply the proceeds of the sa�e in the following order: �a} to all costs and expenses �f <br /> exercising th� power of sale, and the sale, including the payment of the Trustees fees actuatly incurred and <br /> reasonabie attorneys' fees as perrnitted by applicable taw;�b}to all sums secured by this Seeurity YnStrument; <br /> and(c}any excess to th�persan or persons Iegaily�ntitled ta it. <br /> 25. Lien Priarity. The fuil amount secured by this Security�nstrument shall hav�the same priority o�er any other <br /> liens on the Property as if the fuil amnunt had been disbursed on the date the �nitxal disbursernent was made, <br /> �ne Re�erse Mortgage,LL� Loan�riginator:Bruce 41sen <br /> Company-NMLS#:2052-Loan Number:3369956b73 Loan�riginator NM�S#:942398 <br /> Nebraska-�s�1l�I�RS S'ecurrty Irzstrument(�4dju,rtable� Page 9 of 11 �Bay Docs,LLC �31411Z�15 <br /> q�336995��73 D�33 �38 �9�� <br />