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2� 17�2�81 <br /> ou#standing principa�and accrued interest under the Second Note;or <br /> �ii} Be ab�igated to pay interest or sha�red appreciat�on u�der th�Nflt�at any time,v�hether accrued before <br /> or after the payments by the Secretary, and whe�her or not accrued interes� has been ir�c�uded in the <br /> principal balance und�r the Not�. <br /> �D) No Dut� of t�h,e,,,S�,etar��,, The Secretary has na duty �o Lend�r to enforce co�enants of the Secand <br /> Securi#y Ins�rument or to take acfiions ta preser`re the valu�of the Property,even though Lender may b�unabl� <br /> ���flllect a��unts�v�ed�nder the Ivote because of restrictions in this Paragraph�5. <br /> 16, Forbearance by Lender lvot�Wai�er. Any farbearance by L�nder in exercising any r�gh��r remedy shal�not <br /> be a wai�er af,or preclude the exercise of,any righl�ar remedy. <br /> 17. Suecessors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Se�eral Liability. The cov�nant� and agreemen�s of this Security <br /> Instrument shall bind and benefit the successo�s and� as5igns of Lender. Borrower may not assign any rights ar <br /> obligations under this Security Instrument or under the N�te, �x��pt to � trust that meets the requirements of#�Yie <br /> Secretary. Borrower's co�enants and agreernen�s sha�l be��int and several. <br /> 1Votwithstanding anything #a the cantrary herei�, upan the death of the �ast surviving Barr�wer, �he Barrower's <br /> successars and assigns will b�bound ta p�rform Borrower'�abl�gations under this Security Instrumen�. <br /> 18, Notices. Any notic�to Borrower provid�d for in this S�curity Instrument shall be gi�en by deliUering��or by <br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable Iaw requires use of another methad.The natice shalt be directed to the <br /> Praper�y Address nr any ather address a��Borrowers jointly designate. Any notice to L�nder shall be given by first <br /> class maii to Lender's address stated here�n�r any address Lender designates by r�otice ta Borrower.Any notice to a <br /> Non�-Borrowing Spouse pravided for in this Secur�ty Instrument shal�be given by delivering it or by mailing i#by <br /> f rst class mail un�ess applicable �aw requires use of another methad. The not�ce sha�l be dir�ct�d to the Pr�perty <br /> Address. B�rrower and l�on-Borrowing Spouse ackr�ow�edge that any r�otice B4rro��r or I�Ior�--Btirr�v�ing Spa�se <br /> pra�ides t� Lender must alsa be pravid�d ta MERS as Nomin�e� far Lender untit MERS' Nominee �nterest is <br /> terminated.Any notice pra�ided by Borrower or Non-Borro�ing Spouse in connection vwith this Security Instrument <br /> will not be deemed to have been given to MERS untit actuall�recei�ed by MERS, Any nati�e giv�n in conn�ction <br /> with this Security Instrument shat� na�be deemed ta ha�e been given to Lender until ac�ualiy received by Lender, <br /> Any notiee pro�Yded for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been giv�n to Borrawer,Lender,Non- <br /> Borrowing Spouse or MEF�S�he�n gi�en as�ravided in this Faragraph I8. <br /> 19. �o�erning Law; Se�erability. This Security Instrument shali be go�ern�d by Federai 1aw and the �aw of the <br /> ��risdiction in�vhich the Pr��er�is lacated. In�he event that any pravision ar c�ause of this Security Instrument o� <br /> the Note conf�icts with applicab�e taw,such c�nflict shall no�affect other pra�isians of this 5ecurity Instxument or <br /> �he Note which can be gi�en �ffect without the conflicting provision Ta this end the provisior�s of this Security <br /> Inst�ur��nt and the l�ate are declared tv be severable. <br /> ZU. Borxower's�opy. Borrower shall be given one conformed capy of the Not�and this Se�urity rnstrum�nt. <br /> Z 1. Third-Party Benefi�iary.Except as se� farth in Paragraph I U(A}(ii� and only for an E�igible Non-Barrowing <br /> Spause the Securiiy instrument does not and is not intended tn confer any rights or remed�es upon any person other <br /> than�he parties. Borrower agr��s tha�it is not a tk�ird-�arty bene�ciary ta the�ontract af�nsurance between HL3D <br /> and Lenc�er, <br /> ��. �apitali�ed Terms. �apitalized terms nat d�fined in this Security Ins�rument shall have the meanings ascribed <br /> �ne Rev�rse Niortgage,LLC Loan�riginator:Bruce alsen <br /> Company-NMLS#:2052-Lvan Number:3359956573 I.�an�riginator NMLS#:90�398 <br /> Nehraska-I s'11�IE1�.S'Security Instrument(�4djustableJ Page 8 of 11 �Bay�Jocs,L�C �31�II�D1 S <br /> q�33�9956��3 �233 a38 �8'�1 <br />