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2� 17�2�81 <br /> regardless af the actuai date of any disbursement.The amaunt secured by this Security Instrument shall includ�aI1 <br /> direct payments by Lend�r to Borrower and a11 ather loan ad�ances permitted by this 5ecurity Instrument for any <br /> purpose. This lien priority shall apply notwithstanding any State constitution,law or regulatian,except#hat�his lien <br /> priarity shall not affect the priority of any liens for unpaid State or local ga�ernmental unit specia�assessments or <br /> taxes. <br /> �5. Adjusta�l� Rate Feature. Under the Note, �he initial stat�d interest rate of Four and 563l14�0's percent <br /> �4.563°/0}which accrues on the unpaid prin�ipal balance �"Initial Interest Rate"} is subject to change, as described <br /> belaw.V�'hen the interes�rate cha.nges,the n�w adjusted interest rate will be applied to the total vutstanding principal <br /> balance. Each adjustment to th� interes� rate will be based upan the �ne-Year Lonclon Interbank �ffered Rate <br /> �"LIB�R"� as made available in the "Money Rates" sectian of the Wall Street Journal ("Index"} plus a margin, <br /> rounded to three digits to the right of the decimal point.. �f the Index is no longer a�ailable, Lender wi11 be required <br /> to use any index prescribed by th� Department of Housing and Urban De�elopment. The new index will ha�e a <br /> histarical mo�ement substantially similar ta the original index, and #he new index and margin will result in an <br /> annual percentage rate that is substantially simi�ar to the rate in effect at the time the original index becames <br /> una�ailable. <br /> Lender will perform the calculati�ns descri�ed belaw t�de�ermine the new ad�usted interest rate. The interest ra�e <br /> may change on the first day of April, 2�18 and on that day of each su�ceeding year, �"Change I]ate"�until the <br /> loan is repaid in full. "Change Date"means each date in which the inter�st rate could chang�. <br /> The�alue af the Index will be determined,using the most recent Index figur� available thirty�34} days before the <br /> Change Date �"Current Index"}. Before each �hange Date, the new interest rate will be calculated by adding a <br /> margin to the�urrent Index.The sum af the margin plus the�urrent Index,subject to�he rate limitations below,vc�ill <br /> be ca�led the"Calculated Interest R.ate" for each�hange Date. The�a�culated Interest Rat�will be compared ta the <br /> interest rate in effect immediately prior�a the current Change Date�the"Existing Interest Rate"}. <br /> The interest rate will ne�er increase or decrease by mare than two percentage poin�s �2.U�/a} on any single Change <br /> Date.The interest rate w�ll ne�er be more than fi�e percen�age poin�s�5.4°/0}higher or lower than the iniriai interest <br /> rate stated in Paragraph 2 af this Note. <br /> The Calculated Interest R.ate will be adjusted if ne�essary to camply with the rate limitation�s}described aba�e and <br /> will be in effect until the next�hange Da#e.At any�hange Date,if the Calculated Interest Ra�e equa�s the Existing <br /> Interest Rate,the interest rate will not change. <br /> Z"l. Recon�eyance. Upon payment of aIi sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt,Lender shall request Trustee�o <br /> recon�ey the Prap�r�y and shali surrender this Security Instrument and all notes e�idencing debt secured by �his <br /> Security Instrument to Trustee.Trust�e shall recon�ey the Property without warranty to th�persan or persons legally <br /> entitled to it. Such person ar persans shalt pay any recardation costs. Lender may charge such persan or persons a <br /> fee for reconveying the Property,but only if the fee is paid to a third party�such as the Trustee�for services rendered <br /> and the charg�ng of the fee is permitted under applicable�aw, <br /> ZS. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time rema�e Trustee and appoint a successor <br /> trustee to any Trustee appoint�d hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security <br /> Instrurnent is re��rded.Without conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succ�ed ta all the title,power <br /> and duties canferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br /> Z9. Request for Noti�es. Borrower requests that copies of the natice of default and sale be sent to Borrawer's <br /> �ne Re�erse Mortgage,LLC Loan�riginatar:Bruce�lsen <br /> Cvmpany-NMLS#:2�52-Luan Number:3359956673 Loan�riginator NMLS#:902398 <br /> Nebraska-1 sf MERS Security Instrument(�tdjustable) Page 14 nf 11 �Bay Do�s,LLC 031�II�OI5 <br /> q433�9955G73 �233 �38 ��'I'I <br />