2� 17�2�8�
<br /> acknow�edges that�he cast❑f the insurance co�erag�s�ahtained might significant�y exceed the cost
<br /> ❑f insurance that 8arrowe�Gauld ha��obtained.Any amounts disbursed by Lender under�his Section
<br /> 5 sha�l become addi�ianal debt of Borrower secured by this Security�nstrument.These amflunts sha��
<br /> bear interest at the Note rate fram the da�e vf disbursement and shall be payable,►�vith such interest,
<br /> upon notice frocn Ler�der to Bv�rov�rer requesting payment.
<br /> �li[insuran��po�ici�s�equired by Lender and renewa�s of such policies shall be subject ta Le�ider's
<br /> r�ght[a disapprov�suct�poiici�s,shall�nc[ude a standard mortgage�lause,and sha11 nam�Lender as
<br /> m��gagee andlar as an additional loss paye�.Lender shail have#he r�gh�ta hvld the policies and renewa[
<br /> certifcates.I�Lende�requ�res,Borrov►rer shall prompt�y gi�e to Lender a�[receipts af paid premiums and
<br /> renewal notices.�f�orrawer ol�tains any fo�m flf insurance G�verage,not otherwis�required by Lender,
<br /> f�r damage to,vr destruct�an of,the Property,sueh pa�icy shal�inc�ude a standard n�or�gag�clause and
<br /> shall name Lender as mortgagee andlar as an additiona�Ivss payee.
<br /> In the event of[oss,Borrower shall gi�e prvmp�nvtice to#he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender
<br /> may make proof af�oss i�nvt made prompfly by Borraw�r.Unless Lender and Borrower vtf�erwise agree
<br /> in wr�t�ng, any ir�suranc,�praceeds,whether or nvt the underlying insurance was required by L�nder,
<br /> sha!!be applied tn restoration or repair vf�he Prape�ty,if the restvrativn or repair is econnmically feas�bi�
<br /> and Lender's s�curity is not lessened.During such��pair and res�vration period,Lender shall haWe the
<br /> right to hold such�r�sura��ce proceeds unt��Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Prope�ty to
<br /> ensure the work has been comple�ed tfl Lende�'s satisfactinn, provided that such�nspection shail be
<br /> undertaken promptly.Lender may disburse proceeds fvr#he repairs and restoration in a s�ngle paymen�
<br /> ❑r in a series of progress payments as#he uvork is cvmpleted.Unless an agreement is made in�rriting�r
<br /> Applicable Lat�r requires in�erest�a he pa�d vn such insurance pr�ceeds,Lender shali not be required to
<br /> pay Borrower any in�erest ar eamings on suc�proceeds.Fees fv�pub�ic ad justers,or other third part�es,
<br /> re�airled by Borr�wer shall not be paid out of the�nsu�ance proceeds and sha�l be the so�e ab[igation of
<br /> Borrower.�f�he res�arat�nn ar re�air�s nat economicafiy�easihle or Lender's secu�ity wauld be#ess�ned,
<br /> the insuranc�proceeds shal!be app[ied ta the sums secured by this 5ecu�ity lnstr-ument,whether vr
<br /> not�hen due,wi#h the excess,if any,paid#❑Bor�o►rver.5uch�nsuran�e praceeds shali be applied�n the
<br /> order�rovided for in 5ection Z.
<br /> �f Botrower aband�ns the Property, Lender may f le,negotiate and se�tle any a�ai�ab�e insurance
<br /> claim and re�a�ed ma�ers.If Bor�ow�r does not respond within 3�days fo a notic�frvm Lerzder#hat�he
<br /> insurance carrier has offered tv set�le a claim,then Lender may negatiate and settle the claim.The 30-
<br /> day periad►n�il�begin when the notice is given.�n either eW�nt,o�if Lend�r acquir�s the P�ope�#y under
<br /> 5e�tion z2 or otherwise: Bo�rower hereby assigns f� Lender�a} Borrawer's rights to any insuranc�
<br /> proGeeds in an amount not tv exc�ed the amvunts unpaid under the Note or this Security Ins�rumenf,
<br /> and �b}any othe�af Bar�ov��er's rights�other�han�he right tv any refund of uneamed premiums paid
<br /> by Ba�ra�rer}ur�der all in�urance pnlicies ca�e�ing t�e Prvpe�y,insofar as such rights are applicab�e
<br /> to the coverage of the Praperty.Lend�r may us�the���surance proCeed�eithe�to repair or re�tore�he
<br /> Prope�y or to pay arnvunts unpaid unde�the Nate ar th�s Se�uri#y�nst�ument,whether or n�t#hen due.
<br /> 6. (Jc�up�n�y. Borr�wer sha�l accupy, esta��ish, and use the Praper�y as Bvrrv�r�r's principa�
<br /> residence within�0 days af�er�he execu�ian of fhis Security(nstrument and shal�continue to occupy the
<br /> P�operty as Borrower's pr�ncipa[residence for at leas#vne yearafterthe date��vccupancy,un�ess Lender
<br /> otherwise agrees in writing;��vhich cvnsent shail nof be unreasonably wi�hh�id, or unless extenuating
<br /> �ircumstances�xis�Yrh�ch are beyvnd Borrower's contral.
<br /> �. Preser►�at��n, �aintenan�e and Protectian af the �'�aperty; Inspections. Bvrrower sha[[
<br /> nvt destroy,damage ar impai�the Prop�rty, allov�r the P�vp�rty to deteriarate vr commi�was�e vn the
<br /> Prvperty.111Thether ar nfl�Barrow��fs residing€n the Praperty, Bor�ower shal[ma�nta�n�he Prvpert�in
<br /> o�der to prevent the Prvp�rty fram deteriarating nr decr�asing in�ralue due to its condition. Unless it
<br /> is de�ermined pursuant ta 5ection 5 that repair vr restvration is r�vt economical�y f�asible, Bo�rov+rer
<br /> shall pro�ptiy repair the Proper�y i�damaged fo a�oid fur�her de#eriorafion or damag�.I��nsuran�e or
<br /> condemnativn pr�ceeds are paid in connection��rith damage tv,or th��aking vf,the Property,Borrowe�
<br /> shai! be responsible fvr repai�ng �r restaring the Prape�fy on�y i�L�nder has re[�ased proc�eds for
<br /> such purpvses.Lender may disburse prviceeds for t�e repairs and restoration in a single payment or
<br /> in a series a�progress payments as the work�s completed.�f the insurance vr cvndemnatian proceeds
<br /> are n��suffrcient#a repair or resto�e the Prflpe�ty,Borrower is not re�ieved of Borrow�r's vb�igation for
<br /> the completion of such repair or restoration.
<br /> Lender or its agent may mak� reasonab�e entries upan and inspectians a�the Prvper�y. If i�has
<br /> reasnnable cause,L�nder may inspect the interior of�he�mpro�ements on the Prope�y.Lender shall g��e
<br /> Ba�row��notice at the t�me a�vr priar to such an inferior inspectivn specifjr�ng such reasonable cause.
<br /> 8. Bvcrowe€�'s Lvan Applicati�n.Borrowersha�l be in defaultif,during the Loan application prv�ess,
<br /> Bar��wer ar any persons ar entities acting a�the directian of Borrawer or with Borrawer's knowtedge or
<br /> consent gaWe material�y fa�se,mislead�ng,ar inaccura#e informativn or stateme��ts ta Lender�or failed to
<br /> praWide Lender with material inforrnation3 in cor�nection with the Laan.Materia[r�pres�nta#ivns include,
<br /> but are not�imited to,representa�ions cancerning�3orrower's vccupancy v�the Prvperty as Borrawer's
<br /> principal residenc�.
<br /> 9. Prv�ection a�Lender's�nt�r�s�in the Prvperty and R�ghts Unde�-this Securi�y tnstrumen�.
<br /> lf�a} Btirrower fails to pe�Forrn�he covenants and agreements conta�ned �n this Se�urity 1ns�rument,
<br /> (b}#here is a �egal pra�eeding that might s�gnificant�y affeG�Lende�'s inte�est in the Pr�perty andlvr
<br /> �ights under this Securi�y ir�strument�su�h as a proceeding in bankruptcy,pr�bate,for condemnatian or
<br /> �orfeiture,far�r�for�ement of a lien wh�ch may attain priar�ty nWer this Security Instrument or to enfflrce
<br /> la►nrs �r regulations}, or€c} Borrower has abandoned �he Prope�#y, #hen Lende�may�o and pay for
<br /> whate�er is reasonab�e or appropriate t❑pro��c�Lender's�nter�st in the Praperty and rights under this
<br /> NE6RA5KA--5irtgl�Famiiy--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM[NSTRUMENT Form 3028'�In'�
<br /> Eilie Mae,�nc. Page 5�f 10 NEUDEED 04i5
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