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2� 17�2�8� <br /> 5ecurity lns�r�.�ment,includ�ng pr�tec#ing andfor assessing the�a1ue��the Praperty,and securing andlor <br /> repa�ring the Property.Lender's actions can include,bu�are not limited to:�a}paying any sums secured <br /> by a lien�rhich has priority over this 5ecurity Instrument:�b}appearing in cou�t;and�c}paying reasonat�le <br /> attorrieys'fees to protect its�nterest in#he P�ope�ty andlar rights under#his Security��is#rumen#,�ncluding <br /> its secured pasition in a bankrup#cy proceeding.Securing the Prape�y inc[udes, but is nat limited t�, <br /> entering the Prvper�y to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up dvars and w�ndows, drain <br /> water�rar��pipes,e�iminate build�ng or o�her cade Wiofa#ians or dangerous conditiarts,and ha�e utilities <br /> turned vn vr of�.A�though Lender may take act�on ut�der this Secfion�,Lender dves not have tv dv sv <br /> and is not under any duty ar abligation ta do so.It�s agreed that Lender incurs na l�ability for nvt tak�ng <br /> any v�a1[ac#ions authorized unde��h�s Section 9. <br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lende�under this 5ect�on 9 shai[become additiana[debt of Borrower <br /> secured by this �e�urity �nstrument. These amaunts shall bear interest a� the iVote rate fram �he <br /> date❑�disbursement and shai�be payable,w�th such in#er�s�,upon nvtice from Lender to garrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> �f this Security Instrument is on a��asehvld, Borrower shafl comply with ai1�he p�av�sians of the <br /> Iease. E3orrowe�shall nv�surrender the[easeha�d es�ate and �nterests herein canWeyed or�erm�nat� <br /> �r cancel the ground iease.B�rrower shal�not,w��hvut the express written consent p�Lender,alter or <br /> amend the ground lease. �f Borrower acquires fee title ta the Praperty,the leasehv�d and the fee tit�e <br /> sha��nvt merge unl�ss Lend�r agrees tn the merger�n writing. <br /> 7�. Mortgage�nsurance.�f Lender requ�red�1#orkgage Insurance as a�vndit�on af making the Lvan, <br /> Borrov�rer sha[I pay the premiums required to rr�aintain#he Mortgage�nsurance in effe��.If,�flr any reason, <br /> the Mo�gage Insuranc�co�erage requ�red by Lender ceases to be available from the martgage insurer <br /> that previously provid�d such insurance and Bvrrower vuas required ta �nake separately designated <br /> payments taward fhe premiums fvr Mvrtgage Insu�ance, Borrov+,rer shall pay the premiums required <br /> to obtain cflWerage substantial[y�qu��a�ent�o the Mvr#gage �nsuranc� pre�riously in�ffect, a#a cost <br /> substantially�qui�alent tv the cos�to Borro►tver of the Mvrtgage lnsurance previ�usly in effect,�rvm an <br /> alt�mate mo�ga�e�nsu�er sefected b�+L�nder.If substant�ally equival�nt M��tgage lnsuran�e�overage <br /> �s not a�a��able, �arrovrer sha�i continue to pay tv Lender the amvun�of t�e sepa�ate�y designated <br /> payments that�vere due when the insuran�e coverage ceased t�be€n effect.L�nder will accept,use � <br /> and retain these paymen#s as a non-refundable��ss reserve in lieu vf Mv�kgage Insurance.5uch�oss � <br /> reserve shali be non-refundabte, natwi�hstanding the#�act that the Loan �s uftimate�y paid in full, and <br /> Lender sha11 not tie r�quired tv pay Bvrrv►�v�r any interest v�earnic�gs on such loss�esenre.Lender can <br /> na Conger requ�re loss reserve payments if Mar#gage lnsurance co�era�e 4in the amount and forthe period <br /> that Lender requires}�rovided by an insurer seiected by Lender again becomes availabie,is obtained, <br /> and Lender requires separat�ly d�signated payments toward the premiums for hllortgag��nsurance.�f <br /> �ender required�orfgage�nsurance as a cvndit€�n v�making the Laan and Borrower wras requ�r�d to <br /> ma�e separately designated payments tvward the premiums fvr Mo�tgage 1r�surance, Barror�rer shall <br /> pay th�premiums required to maintain Mo�#gage Insurance in effect, nr to pro�ide a non-re�ur�dab�� <br /> Ioss reserve, until Lende�'s r�quirement�or Martgag� Insurance ends in accvrdance�vi�h any writ�en <br /> agreement between Barrav,►er and Lender pro�iding far such terminatian or unfil ferr�i�nation is requ�red <br /> by App[icab[e Law. Nothing in this Sect�an ��affects Borravve�'s nbligation ta pay inte�est at the rate <br /> pro�ided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Insurance reimhurs�s Ler�der�or any�ntity that purchases the Nvte}for ce�tain l�sses i�may <br /> �n�ur if Barrower daes nv��epay the Loan as agreed.Borro��re�is not a pa�ty tv the Ma�tgage fnsurance. <br /> Mortgag� Insurers e�aluate their�vta�risk on a�l such insurance in force frvm time tv time, and <br /> may enter into agreemen�s wit�vt�er par�i�s that share vr madify the�r�isk,❑r reduce�Qsses.These <br /> agreemen�s ar� an#erms and c�nd��ions that are satisfactary tfl#he martgage i��sure�and the �t�rer <br /> party{or parties}ta these agreements.These agreements may require#he mortgage insurer to make <br /> payments using any s�urce vf funds#hat fhe mortgag�insurer may ha�e avaitable�which may inc�ude <br /> fur�ds obtained from Mortgag��nsuranc��remiums}. <br /> As a resul�o�these agreements,Lender,any purchaser vf the nnte,anvther insurer,any re�nsurer, <br /> any o#her enti�y, or affiliate o�any vf the faregoing, may recei�e �dir��tly vr indirecfly} amounts that <br /> derive frvm�nr might�e charac�erized as}a po�tion of Bvrrawer's payments for Mortgage Insurance, <br /> in exchange�vr sha�ing or mod�fying fhe mo�gage insurer's risk,or r�ducing l�ss�s.I�such agreemen� <br /> pra�ided�hat an a�f�iate of Lender takes a share��the insurer's risk in exchange for a share af fhe <br /> premiums p�id ta the insur�r,the arrangernent is often t�rmed"capti�e reinsuranc�."Fu�her: <br /> (a} Any such agreements w�tl not af�ect the amaun�s that gorrawer has agreed to pay far <br /> Illl�rtgag�[nsuranc�,vr any vtherte�-ms of the Lvan.Su�h agre�ments�v��l not�ncrease the amaunt <br /> Borrower wiil o�rve for f11lo�-tgage�nsuran�e,and they wi�l no�entit�e Barraw�r to any�efund. <br /> �b} Any such agreements wi�� not a�fect t�e rights Borro�nre�has �if any-vu�th respect tv <br /> the Martgage lnsurance und�r�he Hvmevwners Protectian AGt vf i 998 ar any other law.These <br /> rig'hts ma��nclude�he right to receiWe certain disclnsur�s,�v request and nbtain cancellation <br /> of the�1�#ortga�e�nsurance,Ev ha�e the Mortgage Insuranc��ermina[ed autvma�icaliy,andlvr tv <br /> receive a re�und❑f any Ilt�artgage lnsuranc�prem�ums�hat were unearned a�the t�m�vf such <br /> cancel�ativn or te�m�nativn. <br /> 1�. Assignment v�Miscellanevus Pro�eeds;Fvrfeiture.All Misc�llaneous�'raceeds are hereby <br /> assigned to and shal�be paid to Lender. <br /> if the Property is damaged,such Misc�l�anevu�Praceeds shall be applied to restflration❑r�epai�o� <br /> the Prvp�r�y,if the restarati�n or repair�s e��nnmically feas�bie and L�nd�r's se�urity is not[essened. � <br /> During such repair and �estv�a�ivn per�od, Lender shall have the righf�o hold such Miscel(aneaus <br /> Pro�eeds unti�Lender has had an�pportunity to inspect such P�-oper�y ta ensure th�work has been <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fami�y--Far�nie Mae1F'r�ddie Mac�NI��RM LNSTRUMENT Form 3025'��O�i <br /> Eliie Ma�,�nc. Page�vf�� NEUDEED �4�5 <br /> NEUDEE❑�Gl�S} <br /> � rr <br /> r � <br />