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2� 17�2�8� <br /> to Lender Funds for any or al(E��row�terns at any�ime.Any su�h wai�er may anly be in vuriting.�n the <br /> e�ent o�such vraiver. Borrawer sha�!pay dire�tfy,v�rhen and i►vhere payablei the amvunts due for any <br /> Escrow Items fvr which paymen�of Funds has beer�wai�ed by Lender and, if Lender requires!sha�l <br /> furnish tfl Le�id�r receipts e�idencing such payment within such time p�riod as Lende�may require. <br /> Borrower's vbliga�ion�o make such payments and ta prvWide receipts sha�!for all purpases be deemed <br /> #o be a �avenant and agreement cantained in this Security instrumen#,as the phrase"�v�enant and <br /> ag�e�ment"is used in Section 9. [f Borrvwer is obl�gated to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a <br /> wai�er, and Borro►rve�fails�o pay th�amount due for an EsGrow[t�m,Lender may exercise its rights <br /> under Sectivn 9 and pay such amvut�t and Ba�ro►rver�hal!th�n be ob�igated under Sect�vn 9 tv repay <br /> to Lender any such amaunt.Lender may rev�ke the v+rai�er as to any or a(I Escrow I�ems at any fime by <br /> a no��c�given in accordance with Section 15 and,upvn such re�ocation,Bvrrower shall pay to Lender <br /> a[�Funds,and in such amaur�ts,that are then required und�r this Section 3. <br /> Lende�rnay,at any#ime,collect and hoLd Funds in an amvunt�a}suffici�nt tv permit Lender to appiy <br /> the Funds at the time spec�fied under RESPA,and�b}na�to exceed the maxi�mum amount a�ender�an <br /> requ�re under RESPA.Lender sha#[estimate the amount af Funds due on the hasis��cur�ent data and <br /> reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escraw Items❑r atherwise in accordance with Applicable <br /> L aw. <br /> The Funds shall be he�d in an institutionwhose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentafity, <br /> or�nt�ty�inc�uding Lender,if Lender is an insti�ution whose d�pasits ar�sa�nsured}or in any Federal <br /> Hame Laan Bank.Lender shall app[y the Funds tv pay the Escr�w�tems no�ater than the time sp�cif�d <br /> under RESPA.Lender sha�l not charge Bvrrawer for hoiding and appfying the Funds,annually analy�ing <br /> fhe escrow accvunt,vr Weri�ying the Escrow ltems,unless Lender pays Borrow�r interest an the Funds <br /> and Applicable Law pe�mits Lender t�make such a charge.Unless an agreerner�f is�rrade in writ€��g o� <br /> App�icable Law requires interest to be paid nn the Funds,Lender sha�l na�be required to pay Barrawe� <br /> any interest or eamings❑n fhe Funds.Sorrov�re�and Lender�an agree in writing,however,that in#erest - <br /> shal[be paid vn the Funds.Lender sha�l gi��to Borrov�rer,w�thou�charge,an annua�accvunting of the <br /> Funds as requir�d!ay RESPA. <br /> 1f there �s a surplus ❑�Funds held in es�ro�, as defned under RESPA, Lender sha�� account to <br /> �o�rawer far the excess fur�ds in ac�ordance with RESPA.�f there is a shortage of Funds heid in escrow, <br /> as defined ut�der RESPA,�ender sha�l notify Bvrrower as�equired by RESPA,and E3orrvvtirer shall pay to <br /> �ender the amour�t necessary to make up the shartage€n accardance with RESPA,bu�in rtv more than <br /> �2 monthiy payments.If there�s a def�iency of Funds held in escravtir,as defned unde�RESPA,L�nder <br /> shal�not€fy So�rower as required by RESPa,and Borrawer shall pay to Lender the amount necessary <br /> to make up the defciency in accvrdan�e wi�h RESPA,but in no more than�2 monthiy payments. <br /> Upon paymenf�n ful#of af!sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promp�ly refund <br /> to Borrawer any Fur�ds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges; L�ens.�arrowe�sha�(pay all�ax�s,a55E55i1`1Ln�5, charges,fnes, and imposit�ons <br /> a�tribu�ab�e to the Property which can a�tain priority over this 5ecurity�nstrument,leasehoid payments <br /> or ground renfs an the Proper�y,if any,and Can�munity Assaciat�an Dues, Fees,and Assessments, i� <br /> any.To the extent that these items are Escrow Items,Borra►�rer shall pay them in the mar�ner pravided <br /> �n Section 3. <br /> Borro�er shal�p�amp��y discharge any lien which has priarity vver this Security Instrumerit un[ess <br /> Borrow�r:�a}agrees in writing to the paym�nt o€the❑bligation s�cured by the��er�in a manner a��ep�able <br /> to Lender,�u�aniy so lang as Barrovsrer is performing suc�agreement;�b}contests the Iien in goad fa�th <br /> by,or de#ends against�nforcement of the[ien�n,legal praceed�ngs which in Lender's opin�on operate�o <br /> pre�ent the enfo��ement of the lien whi�e those p�o�eedings are pending,but onfy until such praceedings <br /> a�e concluded;or�c}secures fram the hvider ofthe lien an agreemen�satisfac�oryta�endersubord�i�at�ng <br /> the lien�o this Security�nstrumen�.I�Lender determines#hat any part a#the Prape�y is sub�ect ta a fien <br /> wh�ch can afi�ain priority oWer this Security Instrument, Le��d�r may g�ve Borrower a notice identifjrtng <br /> the�ien.Vllithin 1 Q days of the date an whi�h that notice is g��en,Borrower shafl sati��y the lien or take <br /> one vr more of the actions set fo�h abo�e in this 5ectian 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a onewtime charge for a �eaf esta#e tax►rerif ca�ivn andlvr <br /> repvrting senr�ce used by Lend�r in connectian with�his Loan. <br /> �. Rraperty�nsurance.Borrower shall keepthe irnp�ovements nvw existing vrhereaftererected on <br /> the Prope�ty insured against Iass�y fre,hazards included within the ter�n"extended co�erage,"and any <br /> ather hazards inc�uding,but not limi��d tv,ea�hquakes and floods,�or which Lender requires insuranc�. <br /> This insurance shaf��e main#ained in the amvunts�including deductibfe le�re�s}and for the periods tha� <br /> Lender�equires. Wha�Lender requires pursuant ta#he preceding sen�ences can change during the <br /> term❑f the L�an.The insurance carrier prvWiding the insuranCe shal�be�hosen by Bor�awer subject to <br /> Lender's�gh�t❑disa�pra�e Borr�we�'s choice,which�ight shall not be�xe��ised unreas�nabfy.Lender <br /> may require gorrov�rer to pay,in conr�ec#ion�rith fhis Loan,either:�a}a one-time charge for flvod zane <br /> determinativn,ce�tificatian and tracking services;ar�b}a ane-time charge for flvod zone det��mination <br /> and cert�fication setvices and subsequent charges�ach time remappings ar simi[ar changes vccu��rvhich <br /> reasonahiy might affect such de�erminat�fln or ce�ificatior�.Barrower shal!aiso be respons�ble for the <br /> payment af any fees impvsed by the Federal Emergency Managemeni Agency in cvnnection wi�h#h� <br /> �ev�ew of any flood zone determ�na��vn resulting from an objectian by Barrower. <br /> �f Bor�ovrer fails ta maintain any a�the coverages described above,Lende�may obtain�nsurance <br /> caWerage,at Lender's optian and Borrower's expense.Lender is under no nbligatian tQ purchase any <br /> particuiar�ype ar amount af co�erage.Therefare,such coverage shal[cav�r Lender,but m�ght or migh� <br /> not protect Borrower,Bo�rower's equity in the Prvper�y,or the contents vf the Property,against any�isk, <br /> hazard❑r liab�l�ty and migh�pro�ide greafer a��esser�overage than was previvusfy in effe�t.Borrower <br /> NEHRASKA--Sing1�Family--Fanr�ie Mae1F�-edd'€e�V'�a�UN1�QRt1�#INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3U28"[IO'I <br /> Elfie Mae,�nc. 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