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2� 17�2�8� <br /> which curren#�y has the address o� 4Q33 Sandalwaad Dr,Grand lsland, <br /> (Streetl[G��Y� <br /> Nehraska 68803 t"Property Address"}: <br /> [Zip Cr�de] <br /> TD�ETHER 1l1lITH af[the impra�ements now or��ereafte��re�ted on the property,and all easem�nts, <br /> appu�ei�ances,a��d fxtures naw ar hereafter a pa�a�the p�oper�y.A11 replacements and addi�ions sha11 <br /> also be co�er�d by this 5ecurity Instrumen#.A1!of the foregving is r�ferred to in this Secur�#y�nstrument <br /> as the"Prope�y.,: <br /> BQRRC7VIIER C�VENANTS that Borrower is�awfully seised af the estat� hereby cvn�eyed and <br /> has the ri�ht to grant and convey the Proper�y and that the Property is unencumbered, except�ar <br /> encumbrances vf record.Bvrrvwer warrants and will defend generally the title tv the Property aga�nst <br /> a�l claims and demands,subject ta any en�umbrances of r�cord. <br /> THiS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform covenants far nationa� use and non-uniform <br /> c��enants w�th[i��ri�ed variat�vns I�y jurisdiction to canstitute a un��orm security'rnstrument c�ver�ng real <br /> property. <br /> UNIFUR�I COVENANTS.Borrov�rer and Lender covenant and agree as folfows: <br /> '�. Payment❑f Principal![nte�est, Escrow ltems!Prepayment Charges, and Late Gharges. <br /> Borrvwer shall pay v�hen due the princi�pa[❑�,and inter�st on,the debt evid�nced by the hlote and any <br /> prepaymen��harges and�ate charges due under t��e Note.gorrawer shall a�so pay funds far Escr�w <br /> �t�ms pursuar��tv 5ection 3.Pa�rments due under the Note and this 5ecurity instrument sha[[be made in <br /> U.S.currency.Ha�rvever,�f any�heck❑r v�her insf�um�nt rec�i�r�d by Lender as payment under the hlote <br /> o�this 5e�urity Instrumer�t is retumed�Q Lender unpaid,Lend�r may requi�e that an��r a[!subsequent <br /> payments due underthe hlofe and this Security Ins�rurnent be made in one or more vf the�oliv�rring forms, <br /> as selec#ed by Lender:�a}cash;�b}mvney order;�c}certified c�eck,bank check,t�easurer's check❑r <br /> cashier's check,p�-aWided any such check is drawn upon an institu�ion whose depos�ts a�-e insured by <br /> a federal agency,instrumenta�ity,or er7ti�y;ar�d}E�ectronic Funds Trans�er. <br /> Payments are deemed received by Lender when recei�ed at the location designated in the Note <br /> or at su�h oth�r Iar,�tion as ma�r be designated by Lender in acco�dance v��th the no�i�e pro��sions in <br /> Sec�ion�5.Lender may return any paymenf or pa�ia�payment if th�payment or pa�ial payments are <br /> insuffic�ent ta br�r�g the Loar�cu�rent.Lende�may ac�ept an�paymen�or par��al payment insuffcienf�a <br /> br�ng the Lvan cu�rent,wi�hout waiver of any rights h�reunder vr prejud'€ce to its rights�❑re�use su�h <br /> paym�t�t ar�a€�ial payments in�he fufure,but Lender is not vh�igated to apply such payments a�tt�e t�me <br /> su�h payments are accept�d. !f ea�h Periodic Payt�ent i�appl�ed as o��ts scheduled due date,�hen <br /> Lender ne�d not pay int�resf on unapp�ied funds.Lende�may hold such unapp[ied�unds un�il Borrawer <br /> mak�$p�yment to bring fhe Lvan curren#. I�Borrovver daes not da sa within a reasanab�e per�vd �f <br /> time,Lender sha�l e�ffi�er apply such funds or�eturn them tv�o����er.i�nat app�ied ear��er,such funds <br /> wilf be appl#�d to the auts�anding principal ba[ance u�der�he Note immediately prior to forec�osure.N� <br /> offset or c�airn vdhich Borrower might have now or in ihe�uture agains�Lender shali re�ieWe Btirrower <br /> frvm making paym�nts dUe under the Nv�e ar�d this Security Instrument ar performing the cavenants <br /> and agreements secured by this 5ecuri�y In�trurnent. <br /> �. Appli�ation af Paym�nts or Praceeds.Excepf as othen�rise des��bed in this Se�tion 2t a[I <br /> payments accep�ed and applied by Lender sha1l ae applied in the follvwing vrd�r af pr�ority:�a}interest <br /> due under�he N�te;�b}principa!due under the�Ivte;�c}ar-nounts due under Sectian 3.Such payments <br /> shall be applied tv each Peri�dic Paym�r��in th�vrder in which it became due.Any remaining arr�ounts <br /> shal[be appl�ed frst t❑late c�harges,second to any❑ther amoun#s due under this Security Ins�rument, <br /> and then�o r�du�e#h�principal halanc�o€th�Note. <br /> 1f Lender recei�es a payment from Bvrrvwer fnr a delinq�ent Periadic Payment which includes a <br /> su�cien#amount to pay�ny iate charge due,the payment may be applied to th�de�in�u�nt payment and <br /> the�ate charge.l�mare than arte Peria��cPayment�s vutstanding,Lendermay apply any payment receiWed <br /> f��m Borrower�o the�epayrnent of the Periadic Payments if,and to the extent fhat,each payment can be <br /> pa�d in fu[I.To the extent that any e�cce�s ex�sts after�he payment is app[ied ta the�u��payment a�one or <br /> ma�e P�riodi�Payments,such excess may�e appfiied�v any la��c��arges due.Valunta�y prepayments <br /> shall be appli�d frsi tti any prepayment charges and�hen as described in the Note. <br /> Any applicat�vn ofpaymen�s,insurance prviceeds,o�Misce(fanevus Pr�c�eds to p�ncipal due under <br /> the Nvte shal!not extend vr postpane the due date,or�hange the amvunt,of the Perivdic Pa�ments. <br /> 3. Funds fvr Es�raw ltems.Borrvwer shal�pay to Lender❑n the day Periodic Payment�ar�due <br /> unde�the Note,until the Nvte is paid in full,a sum�the"Funds�'}to provide fior payment o#amounts due <br /> for:�a}faxes and assessments and other�tems vsrhi�h can attain priarity ov�r th€s 5e�uri�y In�trument as <br /> a fien vr en�um�rance on�he Prope�ty;€b}�easehvld payments or ground rents on the Prope€�y,if any; <br /> �c}prem€ums fa�any and al!insurance required by Lender under Section 5;and�d}Ma€�gage lnsurance <br /> premiums,if any,or any sums payabie by Borrvwertv Lenderin lieu offhe payment vf�fortgag�Insuran�e <br /> premiums�n accordance w�th the provisions vf 5ectivn 1�.These items are ca��ed"Escraw ltems.�'At <br /> arigir�ativn❑r at any tim�during th�#erm of the Lvan,Lende�may require thaf Cvmmunify Asso��ation <br /> Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any,be escr�►�red by Borrower,and such dues,�e�s and assessments <br /> sha�l be an Escr�w Item.Borro�rer shaif promptiy furn�sh to Lender all natices of amaunts to be paid und�r <br /> th�s Sect�on.Ba�rower sha[I pay Lender the Funds for Escrow��ems un�ess Lender�va€ves Borrower's <br /> abligation�o pay the Funds for any�r a[[Escr�w ltems,Lender may vvaiWe Borrower's obligation to pay <br /> NEBRASKA--Singie Family--Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �orm 30�$�1�� <br /> Ellie Mae,�nc. 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