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2� 17� 19�8 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan N�: ���3�348� �Corlt�nued} Page � <br /> appvin�ed by a cour� and wi�hou�regard tv �he adequacy v�its security, enter upan and take possession <br /> of the Property, vr any part thereaf, in Ets awn name or in�he name of Trus�ee, and d❑ any acts which it <br /> deems necessary❑r desirable to preserve the�aEue, marke�abili�y❑r rentability❑��he Property, �r part❑f <br /> fihe Praperty ❑r interest in the Prvperty; increase�he incame �ram the Property or protect the security at <br /> �he Property; and, with or without taking pvssession af the Property, sue for ❑r ❑therwise co[lect the <br /> ren�s, issues and pro�ifs ❑f the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> Gvsts and expenses of operation and cvllection attorneys' fees,to any indeb�edness secured by�his Deed <br /> of Trust, all in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upon and taking possessian o� the <br /> Property, the collecfi�on of such ren�s, issues and profiits, and fihe application �h��eof shall nat cure or <br /> wai�e any defau[�or nv�ice vf default under�his D�ed of Trust or in�alidate any a�t done in respanse to <br /> such de�Faulfi or pursuan�to suGh notic� ❑f default; and, notwithstanding the cvntEnuance in possessifln ❑f <br /> the Property or fihe collectivn. receEpt and application vt rents� issues ❑r profits, Trus�ee vr Lender shall <br /> be enti�led �❑ exercise e�ery righ� pro�ided �vr in�he No�e or�he Rela�ed Dvcuments or by 1aw upan the <br /> ❑ccurr�nce❑�any���nt o�d��ault, including the right tv exercise the pawer vf sale; <br /> {b} �vmmence an action to forecl�se this ❑eed ❑f Trust as a martgage, appain�a recei�er vr speci�ically <br /> enforce any of fhe co�enants her�o-�; and <br /> {c} Deli�er to T�ustee a wrififien dec[aration o�de�au[t and demand �or sale and a v►rri�ten no�ice❑f de�fauf� <br /> and election to cause Trus�vr`s interest in the Property�v be sold, which notice Trustee sha�! cause to be <br /> duly�il�d-�or record in�he appropria�e❑ffices of fihe Coun�y in which the Prvperty is locafed; and <br /> {dy VIlith respec�t❑ all ❑r any part of the Personal Prvperty, Lender sha[[ ha�e all the r�ghfis and remedies <br /> o�a secured par�y under the Nebraska Uni-Farm Commercial Code. <br /> ForecNosure by Power of Sale. If Lender elecfis�❑�oreclase by exercise❑�the Pvwer o�5ale herein cvn�ained, <br /> Lender shaf[ nv�ify Trus�ee and shall deposi� with Trus�ee �his Deed of Trus� and the Note and such receipts <br /> and e�idence vf expenditures made and secured by this Deed af Trust as Trust�� may require. <br /> {a� Upvn receipt❑f such notic�from Lender,Trustee shall cause�t� be recarded, pub�ished and deliWered <br /> tv Trustor such No�ice ❑f Default and Nv�ic� o� 5ale as then required by law and }�y�his Deed af Trust. <br /> Trustee sha[l, wi�hou� demand on Trustor, after such tim� as may �hen be required by law and after <br /> recordatian af such No�ice o� De-Fau�fi and af�er NatiGe o-F Sale ha�ing been giWen as required by law, sell <br /> the Prnperty at �he �ime and p�ace vf sa[e fixed by ifi in such Nvtice of 5a[e, eifiher as a whole, �r in <br /> separate Eats ar parcels or items as Trustee sha[[ deem expedient, and in such ❑rder as it may determin�, <br /> at pub��c auc�ion to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money❑fi the Unifed S�a�es payable at fhe time <br /> af saie. Trustee shall deliWer ta such purchaser or purchasers th�reaf its gvod and su�fi�ient deed ❑r <br /> deeds con�eying the property so sold, but wi�hout any co�enant or warranty, express or implied. The <br /> recitals in su�h deed af any ma�fers or facts shall be conc[usi�e prvvf ❑f the truth#ulness therevf. Any <br /> persvnr including wi�hou�limi�ation Trustor,Trusfiee, ❑r Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> {by As may be permitted by law, after deduct�ng ali casts, fees and expenses ❑f Trustee and ❑f this <br /> Trust, inc�uding costs o�e�idenGe ❑f ti�le in connec�ion wi�h sale,Trus�ee shall apply�he proceeds vf sale <br /> to paymen�o� {iy all sums expended under the terms of this Deed of Trus�ar under the�erms❑�F�he Note <br /> not �hen repaid, in�luding hu� no� limited to accru�d interesf and [a�e charges, �ii} all v�her sums then <br /> secured hereby, and �iii} the remainder, if any,to�he p�rson or persvns legally enfiitled�hereto. <br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner provided by law pos�pone sa�e v�ail or any por�ivn of the Property. <br /> Remedies Nv� Exclusiv�. Trustee and Lende�-, and each ❑�f them, shall be entitfed t❑ enfvrce payment and <br /> perfarmance�f any indebtedness or abligafi�flns secured hy fihis Deed afi Trus�and t� exercise a!! rights and pvw�rs <br /> under �his Deed of Trust, under�he Nvte, under any of the Ref ated Documents, ❑r unde�- any a�her agreemenfi or <br /> any laws naw ❑r hereafter in fvrce; na�wi�hs�anding, same ❑r all ❑�F such indeb�edness and ob[igatians secured by <br /> �his ❑eed of Trust may now or herea�ter be ❑therwise secured, whefher by mortgage. deed ❑f trus�. pledge. lien, <br /> assignment ar ofiherwise. Neither the acceptance ❑f this ❑eed ❑f Trust nvr its en�arcement, whefiher by �vurt <br /> a��ivn or pursuant tv the power ❑f sa[e ❑r other pawers contained in this Deed ❑f Trust, sha[[ prejudice ❑r En any <br /> manner affect Trustee's or Lende�r's righ� to reali�e upvn or en�orce any o�her securi�y naw or hereafte�- held by <br /> Trus�ee❑r Lender, ifi being agreed�ha�Trust�� and L�nd�r, and�ach of them,shall be entit[ed to en�arce�his ❑eed <br /> ❑f Trust and any othe� security naw ar hereafter held by Lender ❑r Trustee in such ❑rder and manner as �hey ❑r <br /> either of them may in their absolute discretion determine. No remedy �on�erred upon flr r�ser�ed �❑ Trus�ee ❑r <br /> Lender, is infiended tv be exclusiWe of any ❑ther r�m�dy in this ❑eed of Trust❑r by law pro�ided ar permit�ed, but <br /> each shall be cumu[at��e and shall be in addition ta e�e�y o�her remedy given in �his Deed �f Trus� vr n�w �r <br /> her�after exis�ing at law or in equi�y�r hy s�a�ute. E�ery pawer vr remedy gi�en by�he Note vr any a�F the Related <br /> Dacumen�s �o Trustee �r Lender vr to whi�h either af them may be ❑therwise entit�ed, may be exercised, <br /> �oncurrentEy ar independently, from �ime to �ime and as o-f�en as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and either o� them may pursue incansisten� remedies. Nv�hEng in this aeed fl� Trust shall be construed as <br /> prohibiting Lender from seeking a de�iciency judgmen� against�he Trustar tv the ext�nt such action is permitted by <br /> law. <br /> Ele�tion o� Remedies. All ❑fi Lender's rights and remedies will be cumula�i�e and may be exerc�sed alone vr <br /> tvgether. If Lender decides to spend money ar ta per�arm any ❑f Trus�or's obligations under�his Deed af Trust, <br />