2� 17� 19�8
<br /> aEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan Na: 7��3�348� {C�nt�nued� Page 7
<br /> a�iter Trusfior's faifur� t❑ do sa. that decision by Lender will no�t a�fec� Lender's right to declare Trus�vr in defauit
<br /> and��exercise Lender's remedies.
<br /> Ret�uest�ar Notice. Trustor, ❑n behalfi of Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a c�py of any Notice af Default
<br /> and a copy o�any Nvfiice of 5ale under�his Deed o�F Trus� be mailed�o�hem a�the addr�sses se�forth in the firs�
<br /> paragraph❑��his Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees: Expenses. [f Lender inst�tu�es any sui� or action to en�orce any of fihe fierms o� �his Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be en�i�led to reca�er such sum as�he court may adjudge reasvnable as a��orneys' -Fees at firia�
<br /> and upvn any appeal. Whe�her vr nofi any cour� a�tion is in�ol�ed, and to the extent not prohibited by law, all
<br /> reasvnable expenses Lender incurs �ha� in Lender's vpinion are necessary at any fime �or �he pro�ec�ivn of i�s
<br /> inferes�or the enforcement❑f its rights shall became a par't af the Indebt�dness payabie vn demand and shall bear
<br /> in�erest at fihe Note rate�rvm fihe dafie afi the expenditure unfiii repaid. Expenses co�ered by�his paragraph include,
<br /> wEthout limitation, howeWer subject to any [imits under applical�le �aw, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whefiher ar nvfi fihere is a [awsui�, including a�torneys' fiees and expenses far bankruptcy pro�eedings
<br /> �inc[uding efforts to mvdify or�acafe any automatic stay❑r injunction}, appea[s, and any anticipa�ed pvst judgment
<br /> �ollection ser�i�es, the cvst af searching recards, obtaining title reports �including foreclvsur� repor�s�, sur�eyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and �ees �vr the Trustee, to �he extent permifified by appiicable law.
<br /> Trustor a�sa wi�l pay any court cvsfsr in addition fa all other sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights of Trus�ee. Trus�ee shal[ ha�e all of the righ�s and duties❑f Lender as set forth in this sectian.
<br /> P�WERS AND �BLIGATInNS �F TRUSTEE. The follvwing pro�isians re[a#ing ta the pvwers and ❑bligations ❑f Trustee
<br /> are part vf this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Powers vf Trus#ee. In addition ta all powers of Trustee arising as a matt�r vf law,Trustee shall ha�e the power�v
<br /> take the fivilow�ng activns with respect�❑the Property upon�he written request❑fi Lender and Trus�or: {a� join in
<br /> preparing and fil�ng a map vr p�a� ❑f the Rea� Property, including fhe dedication ❑f streets or vther rights ta the
<br /> publi�; {by jain in granting any easement or creating any restrictian on the Rea� Property; and {cy join in any
<br /> subordinativn vr o�her a�reement a��ect�ng this Deed o�Trust ar�he interest v�Lender under�his aeed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. T�ustee sha[[ meet all qualificatians requ�red far Trustee under appli�ab[� iaw. ln addition ta fihe righ�s
<br /> and remedies set �Forth above. wifih respec� to all or any part o�F�he Prvperty, the Trustee shall have �he right to
<br /> foreclvse by na�ice and sale, and Lender wi�! ha�e the right �v �oreclose by judicial �oreclasure, in ei�her case in
<br /> accordance wi�h and�❑the fufl exten�pro�ided by app[icable law.
<br /> 5u�cessvr Trustee. Lender, at Lender's op�ian. may�ram time�o�ime appvin�a successvr Trustee�o any Trustee
<br /> appvinted under this ❑eed ❑f Trust by an instrument execut�d and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in fihe
<br /> office o� �he recorder o� HALL County, 5tate v� Nebraska. The instrumen� sha[[ cvnfiain, in addition t❑ aii o�her
<br /> matters required by state law, the names af the ❑riginal Lend�r, Trustee, and Trustar, the bvak and page �ar
<br /> camputer sys�em reference} where �h�s D�ed v� Trust is recorded, and the name and address vf the successor
<br /> �rustee, and�he instrument shal[ be exe�uted and acknow[�dged by a[I the benefi�iaries under this Deed v�Trusfi vr
<br /> their successars in interest. The successvr trustee, wifhout cvn�eyance of fhe Prvper�y, shal[ succeed to all the
<br /> title, pawer. and duties cvn�erred upon the Trustee �n this Deed vf Trust and by applicable law. This procedure far
<br /> subs�i�u�ian ot Trustee shall go�ern tv�he ex�lusion o�all nther prv�isians far substitution.
<br /> N�TICES. Any na�ice required to be gi�en under this Deed v�Trust, �ncluding wi�houfi iimitafiion any no�ice o� defiau[t
<br /> and any nv�ic� o�sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be ef�ecti�e wh�n actua[�y deli�ered, when actually recei�ed
<br /> by tele-Facsimi[e {unless vtherwise required by lawf, when deposited with a na�ionaffy�ecognized ❑�ernigh�courier, or, if
<br /> mai[�d, when deposited in fihe United S�ates mail, as first class, c�rtified or registered mail pos�age prepaid, direc�ed �❑
<br /> the addresses shvwn near�he beginn�ng ❑�this Deed o�Trus�. All copies of no�ices of forecfosure from the ho[der a�F
<br /> any [ien which has priority ❑�er �his ❑eed of Trust shall be senfi to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning a�
<br /> this Deed o�F Trust. Any persan may change his ar her address far notices under this Deed af Trus� by gi�ing farmai
<br /> written notice t❑ the other person or personsr specifying that the purpvse vf the nofiice is to change the person's
<br /> address. For nvfiice purposes,Trus�vr ag�-ees to keep Lender informed at a[I times af Trustor's current address. Unless
<br /> ❑therwise pro�ided vr r�quired by [aw� it there is more than one Trustor. any noti�e gi�en by Lender�❑ any Trusfior is
<br /> deemed�❑ be no�ice gi�en tv al�Trus�vrs. [t will be Trustar's respansibility t❑te[�the others af the notice frvm Lend�r.
<br /> �1�[[SCELLANE�US PRDVISI�NS. The foilowing misce[[anevus prv�isions are a part v�this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Amendments. VIlhafi is written in this ❑eed of Trust and in �he Related Documen�s is Trus�vr's entire agreement
<br /> wifih Lender cancerning�he matters co�ered by fihis Deed ❑f Trusfi. Tv be e�Ffecti�e, any change �r amendment to
<br /> this Deed of Trust must be in wrifiing and must be signed by whve�er will b� baund ❑r abliga�ed by the change vr
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in �his Deed o� Trust are �or conWenience purpvses only and are nvt to be
<br /> used to inferpret❑r define the pro�isions v�fihis ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> Merger. There shal� be na merger❑f the interes�vr estate crea�ed by this �eed ❑f Trust wi�h any ather interest vr
<br /> estate �n�he Praperty a�any fime held by or�or fihe benefiit of Lender in any capac�ty, without the writ�en consen�
<br /> vf Lend�r.
<br /> Chvice of Venue. If�here is a [awsuit, Trustvr agrees upon Lender's request to submit ta the jurisdictivn o� the
<br />