2� 17� 19�8
<br /> DEED �F Tf�UST
<br /> Loan Nv: ���3�348� �Contl n ued} Page 5
<br /> SECUR�TY A�REENIENT; FiNANCING STATENIENTS. The following pro�isions relating to �his Deed ❑f Trust as a
<br /> security agreement are a par't af this Deed v�Trus�:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreemsnt. This instrumenfi shall cans�i�ute a S�curi�y Agreement tv the exten� any v� the Property
<br /> constitutes fixtures, and Lender sha[I ha�e a�! o��he �igh�s o� a secured party under the Unifvrm �ommerciai Cade
<br /> as amended�rvm�ime tv�ime.
<br /> Securi#y In#erest. LJpvn request by Lender, Trustor shall take whate�er acfion is requested by Lender t❑ perfect
<br /> and can�inue Lender's se�urifiy �nfieres� in the Persona� Property. �n addi�ian ta recording this Deed ��Trust in �he
<br /> rea[ property recvrds, Lender may, at any time and without further authvri�a�ivn frvm Trusfior, �ile exeGuted
<br /> Gounterparts, capies ❑r reproductions v� fihis Deed o� Trust as a financing statement. Trustar sha[� reimburse
<br /> Lender �or a�l expenses incurred in perfecting or cvntinuing this security interest. Upon defau[t. Trustor shall nvt
<br /> rem��e, se�er �r deta�h the Personal Prvper'ty trom the Property. Llpvn default, Trustvr shall assemble any
<br /> Persvnal Proper'ty nvt affixed ta the Property in a manner and afi a pface reasonably con�enient t� Trusto� and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable to Lender within �hree �3} days a�ter receipt o-F writfien demand from Lender to the
<br /> ex#ent perm���ed by app�i�ab[e law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustvr tdeb�ar� and Lender �secu�ed party� �rom which information
<br /> concernin� �he securEty interest granted by this Deed a�Trusf may �e ab�ained �each as required by the Un�fvrm
<br /> C�mmercEal Cade� are as s�ated on the first page❑f this ❑eed vf Trust.
<br /> FURTHER A55lJRANCES: ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The follvwing pro�isions relating �❑ fur�her assurances and
<br /> a��orney�in--fact are a part o��his aeed o�Trusfi:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any�ime, and �rom�ime ta time, upan request of Lender, Trustvr wi[[ make, execu�e and
<br /> deli�er, vr wif f cause�v be made, executed or de�i�ered, t❑ Lender❑r fo Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause to be �Filed, �ecarded, re�FEfed, ar rerecvrded, as the case may be, at such times and in such ❑t�Fices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mor�gages, deeds ❑��rusfi, security deeds, security
<br /> agreemen�s, �inanc�ng s�afiements, continuativn statemen�s, instruments ❑f further assurance, certi�icates, and
<br /> afiher documents as may, in�he sole ❑pinion of Lender, be necessary or desirab[e in order�a e#fe�tua�e, comple�e,
<br /> perfect, continue, or preser�e {�� Trustvr's ohligations under the Nate� �his Deed of Trust, and the R�lated
<br /> Documents, and {2} the [iens and security infieresfis created by this Deed v�Trust as first and p�ivr liens on the
<br /> Praperty, whether now owned ❑r hereafter acquired by Trustvr. Unless prohibi�ed �y law or Lender agrees ta th�
<br /> contrary in writing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender fnr a�l casts and expenses incurred in cvnnectian with the
<br /> mat�ers referred ta in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney�in�Facf. �f Trustor�Fails�❑ do any v��he�hings referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may da s❑
<br /> for and in the name of Trustor and a�Trustvr's expense. For such purposes. Trustar herehy irre�ocably appaints
<br /> Lender as Trus�vr's attvrney-in-fact fvr the purpose❑f making. execufiing, deli�ering, �Fifing. recording, and doing all
<br /> ❑ther things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's svle opinion, to accomplish �he mat�ers referred ta in
<br /> �he pre�eding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. ff Trustvr pays all the Indebtedness, including v►ri�hout Iimitafiifln all future ad�ances, when due,
<br /> and otherwise perfarms a[[ the obligations imposed upon Trustor under this ❑eed ❑f T�us�, Lender sha[[ exeGute and
<br /> deli�er ta Trus�ee a request �For fu[[ re�onveyance and shall execute and d�li�er t� Trust�r suEtable sta�emenfs of
<br /> termination �f any financing s�a�ement ❑n �i�e e�idencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Persanal
<br /> Property. Any recan�eyance�ee required by law shall be paid by Trustor. if permitted by app��cable law.
<br /> DEFAULT. At Lender's vp�ian,Trusfivr wil[ be in de�ault under this Deed v�Trust if any❑f�he�ollowing happen:
<br /> Fraud vr Material Misrepresen�a#ion. Trustvr commits �raud or material misrepresenta�ivn in cannectivn with the
<br /> terms a�fh� Nate.
<br /> Payment Defaul#. Trustar fails ta meet�he repaymen���rms o�F�he Note tvr any au�s�andin� balance.
<br /> �#her Defau�ts. Trustar's act or failure to act ad�ersely affe�ts Lender's security interest in the Property, ar any
<br /> right of Lender's in such securi�y.
<br /> Right to Cure. f�any de�au�t, vth�r than a de�au�t in payment, Es curable and i�Trustvr has not been gi�en a notice
<br /> ❑�F a breach�f�he sam�pro�ision o��his Deed vf Trus�within the preceding twelve ��2} man�hs, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender sends wri�ten notice to Trustar demanding cure o�such default: {1� cures�he default wi�hin
<br /> �en �1�f days; ❑r �2y i�the cu�e requires mare than ten ���} days, immediateiy initiates steps which Lender deems
<br /> in Lender's sole discretivn tv �ae sufficient fio cure the default and thereafter contEnues and completes alf reasonable
<br /> and necessary steps su��icient ta prvduce comp�iance as soan as reasanabiy practi�al.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REIVIEDIES �N DEFAULT. If an E��n�of Defiault occurs under this ❑eed ❑�Trust� at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee❑r Lender may exercis�any one or mQre❑f the following rights and remedies:
<br /> AcceleratEon LJpon De�au�t: Additional Remedies. [f any E�ent of❑efaul�❑ccurs as per the�erms o�the Nate
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may de�lare ali ]ndebfedness secured by this Deed of Trust tv �e due and payab�e and
<br /> the same shall thereupon becvme due and payable withaut any presentmenfi, demand, pratest❑r na�ice of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> ta� Either in person or by agent, wifih or withvut hringing any ac�ion or pr�ceeding, or by a re�ei�er
<br />