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2� 17� 1953 <br /> �n�eres� from fhe date of disbursement a� the same rafe ass�ssed on advan�es under the �an�rac� and shal� be <br /> paya��e,wi�h ir�terest,upan n��zce from Lender���arrower reques�ing paynaent. <br /> Inspection. Lender or i�s agent may make reasonab�e en�ries upon and inspect��ns of the Pr�per�y. Lender sha�� <br /> give Borrovtrer natice at�.he�zme af or prior�o an inspec��ox�speczfy�ng reasonab�e�ause for#he irzspection. <br /> Candemnatian. The proceeds af any award or claim for damages, direc�or cor�se�uen�za�, in connectiar�W��h any <br /> candemna��an or ��her taking af any part af the Property, or for canveya�ce in�ieu af cond�mna��an, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��be paid�o Lender. <br /> ��. the ��ent of a tata� �ak�ing af the Properry, �he prace�ds shaX� be applied �o �he sums secured by �his Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�, whe�her �r nat then due, wi�h at�y excess paid �o B�rrovver. In fihe eve�.t af a par�ial ��zg of the <br /> Property in which�he fair marke�va�ue of the Proper�y�mmedia�ely before �he �aking is equa� �a ar greater�han <br /> the amour�t af the sums secured by �his Securi�y Ins�-ument immedza���y before the �a.�i�.g, u�less Borrower and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in.wrzt�ng,the sums secured by�hzs �ecuri�y Instrument s�a��be reduced by�he amoun�af <br /> �he�roceeds multiplied by the fo��owing fira�tion: �a}t�ie tota� amount af the sums secured�m�.ed�ately befare the <br /> �aking, d�vid�d by �b} �he fair marke�value af�he Property xmmediately before the ta��i,r�g. Any ba�ance sha�I be <br /> pa�d�o Borrawer. In the even� af a par��al �ak�ng of the Proper�y in �vhich the fa�r market�ra�ue of t�e Prapez-�y <br /> �mmedia�ely before �he � �s �ess than �he amoun� of the sums secured �mmed�a�e��bef�re the �a.king, un.�ess <br /> Borro�ver and Lender��herw�se agree in wri�ing or un�ess Appl�cab�e Lav�a�herwise pr�vides, the pra�eeds shal� <br /> be applied��the sums secured by this 5�cur�ty�ns�rument Whe��er or nat the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Praper�y�s abandaned by Borrov�rer, or if, after no�ic�by Lender�o Barr�v�er�ha�the condemn�r�ffers to <br /> make an avvard or se�t�e a claim for damages, Barraw�r fails�o r�spor�d�o Lender���h�n the mznimum number of <br /> days es�ab��shed by App�xcab�e Law af�er th� da�.e the not�ce�s gzven,Lender is author�zed�o calle��and apply�he <br /> praceeds, a� zts opt�on, ���her �o restorat�on or repa�r af the Praper�y ar �o �he sums secured by this 5ecur�ty <br /> Instrumen�,�hether or not�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borr�wer otherwise agree �n writing, any app��cat�on of pra�eeds�o pr�ncipal sha1�n��extend <br /> or postpone�he due da�e of the payments due under�he Contrac�or chang�the amoun�of such payrnents. <br /> Barrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Nat a �a�.ver. Extens�an of �he �irne far pa�ment or <br /> modifica�i�n af amortizatzon of�he surns secured by �his Security Ins�rumen� g�ran#ed by Ler�der to B�rr�wer �r <br /> any StiCC�'SSflI' in in�erest flf Borrovv�r �ha1� no� opera�� to release �he I�abi�zty of �the flrig�r�a� Barrow�r �r <br /> Borrativer's success�rs �n�n��res�. Lender shaii no�be r�qu�r�d t�commence proceedings aga�nst any success�r�n <br /> in�eres�ar refuse�a e�tend�zme for paymen�or o�h�z-vv�se m�dify amortiza��an of the sums secured by�his 5ecuri� <br /> Instrument b�r reason af any dernand made by the ar�g�na� Borrow�r or �arrovver's suc�essors in in�erest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exercising any righ�.or remedy sha�l not be a v�razver of or preclude the exercise of any <br /> rzgh�or remedy. <br /> Succ�ssors and A�s�gns Bound; Jo�.nt and Se�erai L�abxl.xty� Acc�mm�dation S�gners. The c�venants and <br /> a�reemen�s Qf�his Securxty Instrumen�sha��l��nd and benefit the su�cessors and ass�gns of Lender and Borra�rer, <br /> sub,�ect to th� provisians of sec�i�n �itled Transfer of the Praperty vr a Bene�c�a� Interest in Borr��vver. <br /> Borr�wer's covenants ax�.d agreeme�ts sha��b�jain�and severa�. Any person v�rha co--s�gns this Security�nstrument <br /> �au� has no persona� ��abi�ity und�r the C�n�rac� ("Ac�omm�da�ian Sigr�.�r"�: �a} is co-szgn�.ng �his Security <br /> Instrumen� �n�y to mor�gage, grant and cor�vey �ha� Ac�amm�dat��n Sign�r's interest �n th� Pr�perty under the <br /> terms of �.a.� 5ecur��y �nstrumen�; �b� is not persanally obligated �� pay �he sums secured by �s S�curi�y <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c} agrees�hat Lender a�d any ath�r Borrativer may agree�� ex�end, mad�fy, forbear ar make az�y <br /> accommoda��ons wi�h regard ta�he terms of�his Security�nstrument ar the �ontract�vi�hou��hat A��ommada�zon <br /> Signer's�onsen�. <br /> Laan Charges. If the loa�. secured by th�.s Se�uri�y �nstrumen� is subj ec� �a a �a�u �vhi�h se�s max��mum laan <br /> charge�, and that Iaw is fznal�y in�.erpre�ed so tha��he zn�eres�or o�her��an charges co�lec��d a�r�a b� collected�n <br /> conr�ec�ian vvith �he �van exceed �he permi�ted l�m��s, �hen: (a} any such �oan charge sha�� be reduced by �he <br /> amount necessary�o reduce�he �harge�a�he permi�ted Iim�.ts arid �b} a�.y sums already collec�ed fr�m Borrawer <br /> vvhich e�ceeded permit�ed limits vt�z1l be refunded �� B�rr�vver. Lender may chaase to make th�s refund by <br /> reducu�.g �h.e principal ov�ed under �h.e Can�rac�flr by makzng a direct paymen�to Barr��rer. If a refund reduces <br /> principa�,the reduc��on WiII be��reated as a�ar��al prepayment under the�an�ract. <br /> Not�ces. An.y n��i�e �o Bflrrower provided for �n �his Secur�� Instrumer�� sha�l be given by del�ver�ng zti or �y <br /> mai�ing i�by first class ma�l unless Appl�cab�e LaW requires use t�f ano�her method. The no��ce shall be d�rec�ed�o <br /> �the Property Addres� or any ��her address Borrower deszgna�es by notice to Lender. Borrov�rer agr�es ta pro�zde <br /> Lender vvith B�rrav�er's mas�curren�ma�ling address, as �t may change from tzme-tfl-�ime. Any na�zce ta Lender <br /> sha1�be g�ven by fzrs�c�ass ma����Lender's address s�ated herezn or any other address Lender des�gna�es�y na�ice <br /> t�Borrovver. Any no��ce provided far in�his Security�ns�rument sha�I be deemed to have beeri g��en��Borr�wer <br /> �r Lender when giver�as provided�n�his paragraph. <br /> Govern�ng Law; Severability.This Security�nstrumen�sha�l be gaverned by federal Iaw and�he�aws vf�he s�a.�e <br /> af Nebras�a. ��a the eve�xt tha� a�.y provisinn or clause �f this 5 ecurity �nS�rument flr the �on�ract conflic�s wzth <br /> Applical��e Lavv, such canflic� shall no�affec� other pr�visions of�h�s 5ecurity I�.strument or�he Con�ract which <br /> can be given effec�v►r��hvu�t�ie co�flic�ing pravisior�. To�his end the prov�s�a�s af th�� Security�ns�rum.enfi and�he <br /> Contrac�are dec�ar�d�a be severab�e. <br /> S�rr�wer's�opy.Borrovtrer sha��be gzven one�opy of�his Security�nstrurnen�. <br /> C�2�a4-241 S Comptian�e Sys�ems,Inc.5 I SA-A�58-2Q 15.12.3.l.i I 15 <br /> C�ns�mer Reai Estate-Security�nstrum�nt DL�035 Page 3 vf 5 www.�ampliancesystems.�am <br />
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