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2� 17� 1953 <br /> Payment�f Princxpal an�In�er�st; []ther�h►arges.Bo��rotiver s�a11 prompt��pay urhen due the�rin�ip�.�of and <br /> in�eres�an th�deb�awed under�he�an�ra�c�and late char€;es or any a�her fees and ch�rges due under th�Con�ract. <br /> Applicab�e Lawe A5 �.15G[� 1.11 ��115 5�ct�ri�ty Ins�ru�.ri�nt, the �e�-m. "Applicab�e La�v" shall mean a11 contral��.n.g <br /> app��cab�e fed�ral, state and local statu�es, regulatitins, or�d�nanc�s and ad�ninistrative rules an� orders �t�at have <br /> �he effect❑f Iav�r�as vvell as all appticable final,non-appea:lable�ud�c�a�flpinians. <br /> �harg�s; Lie�sp Bflrrower sha�I pay all ta�es, assessm�;nts, charg�s, �.nes and impositions at�ribu�a.b�� �o �he <br /> Pr�perty which may at�a�.n.priori�ty aver th�s Secur�ty�ns�-umen�, and l�a��hold payn�en�s or ground r�nts; if any. <br /> At the request af Lender,Borr�wer sha�l promptly furnish�o Le�der recei�3ts e�videncing the paymen�s. <br /> ]Borrovver shal�promp�ly discharge any 1�en�h�ch has priarity c��re��his �ecurity Ins�rument unless Borraurer: �a} <br /> agre�s in v�-itx�g to the paymen� of�he ob��g�.��t�n secu.�-ed by �the Ii�n in a manner accep�able �� L�r�t�er; �b} <br /> contests in good fai�h the Iien by, or def�nds agains� enforcem�n� �f the. lien in, Iegal proceedzngs �h�ch in the <br /> L,ender's opi.nzon flperate �o prevent �he enf�rcer�en� of the �ien; or �c} secures fr�m the holder �f th� l�en an <br /> agreemen�satisfactiory t� Lender subordinati�g the Iien to this �ecurity Iris�rumen�. �f Lender de�errnines �ha�any <br /> par� of the Pr�perty is subj ec�to a lien which may attain priorit� �ver th:is Security Instrumen�, Lend�r may give <br /> ��rrov�rer a notice identifying�he�ien. Borr�vver sha�� sat:isfy th� lien ar t:ake one �r rnore �f the ac�ians �et for�h <br /> above v�ith�n ��days of the giving of notice. <br /> �Iazard ar Pro�aerty Insurance. Borrawer shall keep �he; �mproveme��ts now exis�ing or hereafter �recte�d on the <br /> Proper�y insur�d against�oss by fire,hazards in�luded v�it��in th�term"e���ended caverag�" and any�th�r ha2ards, <br /> including floods �r flaading, for which Ler�d�r requires insur�.nce. �'hi.s insuran�e sha1� be main�ained �n the <br /> amoun�s and fQr�he periods that Lender requ��es. The insuranc� carrier praviding the insurance sha��b�chasen by <br /> Borrower subj ect ta Lender's approval which shall nat �e unr�asonably tivithhe�d. If Borrovver fai�s to rnaintain <br /> coverage described above, Lender may, a� L�nd�r's apt:ion, �b�a�.r� �overage to protect Lender's r�ghts in the <br /> Pr�per�y in ac�ordanc�wi�sec�ion�it�ed Protec�ion of L�ender�s l�i�h�s im the Property. <br /> All insurance pol�cies and renevvals shall �e a�ceptab�e t« Lenc��r a�a.d sha�I in�lud� a standard xnor�gag� c�ause. <br /> Lender sha��hav�th�righ�to ho�d the pa�����s and reneW,�.Is. If Lender re�quires, Bflrro�ver shal�pr�mptl�r give�o <br /> Lender al�rece�p�s of paid premiums and renev�ral r��t�ces. �n�he event af I�ss, Borro�ver shall giv�pr�mpt notxce <br /> �o�he insux-ance�arrier and Lender.Lender n1a�make proof of�ass if no�made prompt�y by Borrov�rer, <br /> Un�ess Lender a�d B�rravver otherw�se agree in wrz��ng;, insuranc� prar�e�s sha1l be appl�ed �o �e��ar��ian or <br /> repa�r of the Property damaged, �f, in Le�der's s��e discretian, �he restar�.tion or repair is ec�nomic�.tly feasible <br /> and Lender's sec�.rity is nat �essene�i. �f, in Lender's so�e dxscret�on, the z�estoration ar repair is nat ecfln�m�ca�Iy <br /> feas�ble or Lender's securi�y vvould be less�ned,�he�risurar.�ce pr�ceeds sh�1l be applied t�the sums sec�ared b�r this <br /> 5�curity Instrurr�en�, �xrhether �r not then due, �with any exce�s paid �cr Borrovver, �f Borrawer abandons the <br /> Property, or�oes nat answer v�ri�hin the�umber af days pr{uscrib�d by�p���icab�e La�as se�for�h�n a notice from <br /> Lender to B�rrovver that�he insurance carrier has vffered�� settle a��airr�, then Lend�r may collec��h� �r�surance <br /> proceeds. L,end�r may use �he proceeds �� r�pa�r or res�o�Ye �he Proper�y ar t� pay sums secured by this S�curzty <br /> �ns�rument,�vvhether�r n�t then due. The peri�d of time faz-Borrawer ta ax�swer as s�t forth zn�he no�zc��ril�begin <br /> when the na��c�is given. <br /> Un�ess Lender ar�d Borrower otherwise agre� in�vri��ng, a.ny applicatian c�f praceeds to principa� sha11 na�t extend <br /> ar postpane�h� due date of the payments du� under�he Con�ract or �han�ae�he amount of the payments. ]Cf under <br /> �he section ti�led AC�eleration; Remedies, �h� Proper���� acquired by L��nder, Barr�wer's r�gh�t� �.ny insurance <br /> po�icies and proceeds resu�t�ng from. damag� �a �he Prop��r-ty prior �� �he acquis�tion shall pass �fl I.ende� tv the <br /> extent of the st�ms secured by this S�cu.ri�y Instrumen��mm.�d�a�e�y pr�or t�r�he ac�uisitian. <br /> Pr�servati�n, N�ain�e�ance and PratQction of �he Prvpert�; ��rro��ver's Loan Appl�cativn; Lea�eho�ds. <br /> Borrawer shall no�d�s�roy, dam�ge �r irn��ir�he Proper�r, a1�o�v�h�Pro��er�y to det�riflrate, or comm�t v�ras�e on <br /> the Property.��rrovver sha�I be in defau�t if any forfeiture�action�r p�-acee�d�ng,whether c�vi�or cr�rrunal,is begun <br /> tha� in Lender's gflod faith judgment could r�st�l�in forfei.ture ��the Prop�r�y or otherwise ma�erially�n�pa�r �he <br /> lien created by �his Security Instrument or I.ender's sec�urity interest. F3arrower xnay �ure such a defaul� and <br /> reinstate, as pr�vided in �ec�ion�i���d B�rr��er's Iii�ght�yo Re�x�state, b��caus�ng�he ac�ion or proceed�ng�fl b� <br /> d�smissed with a ru��.g that,in Lender's good fa�th determination�pre�ludti;s forfeiture�f the Borrovver'��n�eres�in <br /> the Properfiy or other m�.�erial �mpairment �f�he �ien cr{�a�ed by th�s S�ecur�ty Instrumen� or Lender's securi�y <br /> �nteres�.Barra�ver sha11 also be in default�f Bar�-ower,during the Iaax�appl��cat�an pr�cess,gave ma�eriai�y false or <br /> �naccurate infarmation or sta.�ements to Lender ��r fai�ecl t� prav�de Lender with any ma�eria� in�'o�-mati�n} in <br /> �onnection w�th the Ioan evidenced by th� Con�rac�, If�hi� Se��rity Ins��men�is an a�easeh�ld, B�rr�v��r sha1l <br /> comp�y vv�th a�I the pravisions of�he leasee �f I3arra�ver act�uires fee�it�e to�he Pr�per�y,�he 1eas�hti�d and�he fee <br /> ����e shal�not merge un�ess Lend�r agrees to the znerg�r�n�nrri�ing. <br /> Prate�ti�n of L�nder's Rights �.n the �r�pe�ty, �f Bo�r�vtrer fa��s �o �e�farm �he cflvenan�ts and agreemen�s <br /> con�a�ned in this Secu.ri�y Instrument, or there i�a lega�pr��ceeding that may signif ca���ly affect Lender's righ�s in <br /> the Praperty �such as a proceeding �n bank�pt�y, probatE�, for �ondemna.�i�n or forfei�ure �r t� �nforc� Iaws Qr <br /> regu�a�ians}, �en Lender may do and pay f�r vvhatever is necessa� t� pra�ec� the value �f�he Property and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Property. Lender's ac�io�s may inclutie paying any sums secured by a�ien which has prior�ty <br /> over�h�s Security Ins�rument,app�a.ring�cour�,paying re;asonable attorn��ys'fees and�n�ering on th.e Pr�perty�o <br /> make repairs.A��hough Lender may�ake ac�i�n under this��e�tion,Lender�3oes not have to dti so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender u�der this s�ction sha11 be��me additnonal de�t of Barrower se� by this <br /> Security Ins�rur�.e��. Unless Borrower an� Lender agree to o��r t�rms ❑f paymen�, these amo�.n�s �hal1 bear <br /> C�20Q4-2�t 5 Camp�iance Systems,Inc.6I SA-A2S8-2Q i 15 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Securi#y Instrum�nt I3L243d Page 2 vf 5 <br />