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2� 17� 1953 <br /> Transfer of t��Property flr a I3en�f�cia�Imterest in.Bvrrov��r.If al�o:r any par�of the Pr�perty or any interest <br /> in it is soXd ❑r tran�ferred �ar if a benefc�aX in�erest in :Borro�ver is sald flr �ransferred and Borr�v�er is no� a <br /> natural person} vvithou�Lender's pr�or writ�en �onsent, L��nder may, at its opt�an, require immediate payment in <br /> fu�l of al� sums secured by �his Security Instr�.ment. �Io�wever, �his op�i.on shall not be exercised b� Lender zf <br /> exercise is pro�ibited b�federal�aw as of�he date flf�his�iecurit��nstrumen�. <br /> �f Lender exerci�es this op��an, Lender sh�ll giv� Borrower n�tice of a.ecelera�ion. The no�ice shall pravide a <br /> perio�. of no� �ess �han the minimum numbe� of days est��b��shed by .A.p�licable Lativ from the da��e the r�otice is <br /> del�vered �r mai�ed vvithin which �3orro�t�re� must pay aIl sums secured ��y this Securifiy Instrumen�. �f Borrau�er <br /> fails to pay thes� sums prior t� the expiratian af this period, L�nder may invoke any remedies p�rmit�ed by �his <br /> 5ecuxity�ns�rum�n�wi�hout further natice vr�ernand�n B orro��r. <br /> Borrower's Right �o R�instate. ��Borrow�r meets cer��ain c�nditians, Borrovver shai� ha�r� �he r�gh� �o have <br /> enforcernen�of this Secu���y�nstrument disc�n�inued a� a�iy�im�pri�r t� the earlier of: �a} 5 days �ar su�h other <br /> period as Applicable Law may specify for reins�atement}��efore sa�e af th�Property pursuant�o any pawer of sa�e <br /> cor�tained in this S�curifiy Ins�rurn�nt; ar �b� entry of �� judg�nen� �nf�rcing this Se�uri�y �nstrumen�. Those <br /> cond���ons are t�.a�Borrovver: �a� pays L�nd�r a11 sums urhi�h then�v�ul+�be due und�r this Secur�ty In��rument <br /> and�he Canfirac�as if n�acceleratian had occurred; (b}��u.��es a�y defaul�af any o�her co�renan�s or agreem�nts; �c� <br /> pays a��expens�s incurred in enforcing�his S��uri�y�nstrumen�,�ncluding,bu�not lim�ted ta,reason�.ble at�arne�s' <br /> fees to �he ex�ent permxtte�by Iaw; and �d} ta�k�s such act�an as Lender may reasonahly requzre to �.ssure that�he <br /> �ien of this Se�urity�ns�rument, Lender's r��its in�he Pr���erty and Barro�►�ver's obliga�ion�o pay the sums secured <br /> by this Secur�ty Ynstrument sha�l con�inue unchanged. Upan reitis�a��n�ent by Borrav�rer, this Securi�y In��� <br /> and the ob��ga��ons secure�.her�b� shall remain fully effec�i�e a� if r�a ac�ce�era�ion had o�curred. �-Iowe�rer, this <br /> right to re�nsta�e sha�l no�apply in�he cas�of a�celera�i�n under the se�tic3n�i�led Tr�nsfer flf�hE Pro�erty or a <br /> Beneficial In��rest�n B�rro�ver. <br /> Hazardou�Subst�.nces.Borrourer sha��not cause or per�iit the pres�nce,use, �15pfl5�.�, storage, or re��as� of any <br /> Hazardous Su�stances�n or in the Prop�r�y.I�arrow�r sha:��not c�o,nar allovv anyone else to do,any�hing a.ffec�ing <br /> the Proper�y �hat �s in vi�lation of any Envir�nmen�al Lavv. Th� preced�:ng tvv� sent�nces shaXl �.o� ap�Iy�o �ae <br /> presence,use,�r s�orage on the Properfiy of smal�quanti�ies of H��ardous��ubstances�ha�are genera�ly recagni�ed <br /> to�e apprapr��te to narmal residential uses and to maintenance�f�h�Pr���erty. <br /> Borrower shal�promp�ly give Lender wri�ten n�t�ce af an�r investiga�i�n,c�aim, demand, �avvsuit ar o�h�r a��ion by <br /> any governmental ar regulatory age�cy ar priv��e par�y ���v�lvi�g �he 1'rtaper�y and �ny Hazardous S�bs�ance or <br /> Envirvnmental LaW nf which Borrower has ac�ual knowledge. If Bc3rr�u�er Iea�-ns, or is natif ed by any <br /> governmen�a� ar�egu�a�ory authority, tha�an�r r�moval �r��ther remedia�i�n af any Hazar�aus Subs�an�e affe��ing <br /> the Property �s :�ecessary, Borro�ver shall prornptly tak.e al� necessary rem�dial actions in acc�r�dance <br /> Enviranmental L,a�v. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�Iazar�ous Su�stances'$ are th��se su�stances cLefned as toxic or ha2ardous subs�ances <br /> �y Environmen�a.� Law and �he fallow�ng subs�a.nces: g��so�in�, kerosene, o�her fla�mmable or �o�ic p�tro��um <br /> produc�5, toxic pesticides and her�icides, vvla�ile solveniys, ma�er�als �o7z�airung asbestos �r formaldeh�rde, and <br /> radioac�i�e ma�erials. As used in�h�s paragr�.ph, "Environrnentia�Law" means federa��avvs and�av�rs af�he sta�e af <br /> Nebraska�ha�re�ate to hea�th,safety ar envirax�men�al pro�ection. <br /> Ac�elera�ion; R�medi�se Lender shall give notice tv Bvrr�vver pri�r to a�celerati�n f�ll�w��� Bor��wer's <br /> breach of any���enant or agreement in�h�s Security I��strum�nt or th�C�ntract under which a�ce�era��on <br /> ��perm�tted �bu�nat�rior tv a���lerativn u�der the s���t�on t���ed Tr��nSfer of the Property or° a B�ne�cial <br /> Interest in Borr�wer, unless App�icab�e L��w provides o�her�vise�. The notic� shali spec�fy: �a� the defau�t; <br /> �b} the ac��or� r�quired to cure the de�ault; ��� a d�ate, �ot l�ss �:han the r�ain�rnum number vf days <br /> establi�h�d b�Appl��ab�Q Law from the�.�te th�n�tic��is given ��B�:rrower,by wh�ch the d�fau�t�us�be <br /> cured; and �d� that f�ilure to cure the default �n or ��efflre th� d�.te spec��ed i� �he not�ce may resu�t fn <br /> a�c�Iera�i�n �f �he sums secured by thi� ��curity Instrurr�ent and �ale af the Praperty. T� �h� Qx�en� <br /> permitted �y�aw, the no��.ce shall furth�r�form B�rr�ower fl�the ri�;ht tv reinstat� af�er a���ler�tzon and <br /> �he right t�brin�a��urt act�on�a a�ser�the non-exi5tence of a def�u�t or any�ther defense of B�rrower tfl <br /> acce�era�ion and sale. If the defaul�is n.v� �u�ed on or bef�r� th� d�te speci�ed in the not�ce,Lend.�r at�ts <br /> opt�on may require imrnediate pay�n�nt i� ful� of all sums secured b� th�s Se�urity In�trume�.t �vithflut <br /> fur�her dernan� �.nd may invnke �he ��wer� of sale an�� any �ther�-e�nedies perrnit��d by Ap�alicab�e Law. <br /> To the exten� permitted by Ia�v, Len�er shall b� entitie� �� ��lle�� a�li �xpenses incurred ir� purs��ng the <br /> remedies prov�d�d in this Seet�on,includin�,bu� not l��rut�d�o, r�a�o��able a�tarneys' fees and costs�f t�t�e <br /> e�zdence. <br /> If the pvwer of 5ale�s in�Ql�ed,Trustee sha�l record a�lotice �f d�f�uit in each c�unty�n whi�h any part of <br /> the PrQperty is I��ated�nd shal�mail c�pie� �f such n�tice i� �he manner prescribed by App��cab�e�aw to <br /> �flrrQwer and t� the vther persons pre�cr��ed �y Applicabi� Lavv. A.ft�r the time requ�red by App�i�able <br /> Law, Trustee �hall gi�e public not��e af sa�e to the persv�s �.n� �n tlf�e manner pr�scrib�d lay Ap�licabie <br /> Law.Trustee,�vv�thout demand�n B�rrtiw�r, shal��e����he Prop�rty a�t publi� auction t� �he h��he�t b�dder <br /> at the time and pla�e and unde��he terms de�igr�ated�n�the noti�e of sale in one or more par�els ar�€�fn any <br /> �rder Trustee detern�ines. Trustee may p��tpone sale of �ll �r any parcel vf the Property by public <br /> announcement at the tYme and p�a�e of�ny p�eviau�ly i;che��led sale.Lend�r or�ts desigr�ee may purchase <br /> the Proper�y at any saie. <br /> Upon re�e�pt of payment of th� pric� b�d, 'T'rus�ee shall de�iver ta the�ur�haser TruSteers d�ed conveyi�g <br /> �h�Pr�perty. The re�itals in the Trustee's deed sha�b��prirna fa�i�e�viden�e of�he�ruth of th� �tatemen�s <br /> �20Q4-2415 Comp�iance Systems,�n�.6 i SA-A258-2D 15.12.3,l.I 1 i 5 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security instrument DL2035 Page 4 of 5 www.cvmpliancesystems.cvm <br />