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2� 17� 1851 <br /> DEE� �F �RLJST <br /> L.�an Na: 8?�t]��87� {��t7tin��d} P��� � <br /> such defaui#nr pursuant�o such n�fice of defaul#; and, na�withs�anding the�ontinuanc�in pQssessEan of <br /> th� �r�p�rty ar the callec�ior�, receip� and appli�ati�n af rents, issues or profifs, Truste� or Lender shall <br /> b� �n�i�led fo exer�i�� every righf p��Uided far in the �redi�►�greern�nt�r th� R�lated DocUments or �y <br /> faw�pvn the ac�urrence�f any e�ent of de�faul�, including the righf$a�xercise�he pow�r of sale; <br /> ��} C�mmence an ac�i�ra t�f�re�lose this D��d of Trust as a mor�gag�, appain�a re��iver ar sp�cifi�alEy <br /> snfor��any af�he��r�en�n�s h�reof; and <br /> ��} �eli��r�o Trus��e a�ritten dec�aratian of��faul�and�err��nd�or sale and a written nofice af defaul� <br /> and ele�tion tv��us�Trustor'� inter�st in th� Pr�perty tv be sa1d,which r�atice Trust�e shall �ause'#o b� <br /> duly f�ed for recard ir�the appropria�e offices�f fhe C�unty in which the�rop�rty�s Iocat�d;�nd <br /> �d} W��h �es�ecf t�a�i �r any�art a�the Person�l Praperty, L�n�e��hai! haWe�I[ths r�ghts and remsdie� <br /> of a secur�d part�und�r#he Ns�raska Unifarm Gammer�ia��ode. <br /> Fvr�closure by Pawer vf 5���. If Lender�[�cts��fare�las� by sx��cis�af the Power of�ale herein c4ntained, <br /> Lender shall notify Trusf�� �nd shal� depnsit with Trust�e this D�ed ��Trust and the �redi� Agr��ment and <br /> suGh receipts and evidenGe af�xp�nditur�s mads and s�cur�d by fihis ❑eed nf Trust as Trus#ee may require. <br /> �a� Upon re�ei�t o�su�h natic��rom Lender, Trust�e sha[I caus�to be r�carde�, publish�c�and del�vered <br /> f� Trusf�r s�ch [�oti�� ��F❑���ui�and Nati�e of Sal� as th�r� r�quired hy fav�and by�his De�� vf Trust. <br /> Trusf�e �F�all, �rifhaut ��m�nd c�r� Trustar, a�ter su�h tirne as may then b� �equired by lavi► �nd �ft�r <br /> rec�rda�ian of su�h N1a�iGe �f Det�ul�and �f#�r �[atice of Safe ha�ing b��n giver� as required by[awT sel[ <br /> the Proper�y a� �he tim� and pla�� �f sa�e fixed by i� in such hlntice af 5ai�, �i�her as a vvholea or in <br /> separate fo#s fl�-parce[s va-it�rns�s T�-uste�shali d�em expedisnt, and Fn su�h flrd�r as i�may det�rmine, <br /> �t pul�1���uctian �a fiha highes� �idder far�ash ir� iawful mor�ey flf�he United Sfiates payabl� at the tErne <br /> o�f sale. Trust�� shal� �eliver �� su�h purchassr �r pu�chas�rs thereaf i�s gQfld �nd sufficient dee� or <br /> de�ds c�n��ying the prop�rty sv svid, bu� without �ny �aWen�n� or warr�nty, express �r impli�d. The <br /> recita�s in $uch deed of any matt�rs or facts shalE b� canclusiWe prvof o�th� truthfuln�ss therea�o Any <br /> persvn, inclu�in�r�vithau�fir�i�atian T`rusf�r,Truste�,ar Lend�r, may�ur�h�se at�u�h sale. <br /> �b� As en�y b� permitted hy law, after deduc��ng a�[ �asts, fees �nd �xpenses �f Trust�e �nd of thi� <br /> Trus�, including c��#s o�e�id�nce af�itle in conne�tion vv�th s�f�,Trus#�e sha�! apply fhe pr4ceeds of saf� <br /> ta �aym�n# af �i� all sum� �xpend�d under the t�rms af�his D�ed of Trust �r under�th� terrris af�he <br /> Cr�di�Agreemen� n�t�her� repaid, �nc�udin� bu� not limified �a a�crued interes�and la#� charges, �ii} all <br /> �ther sums then se�ur�d hereby, and �iii}th� remaindera if any� fo th� ��rsfln �r persvns�e�ally en�ifil�d <br /> ther�t�. <br /> �c� Trus�ee may in the manne�-prv�ided by law pas�pane sale af a[I or any par�iQn�f fh� Prop��ty. <br /> Rgme���s ��t E�clusi��. Trus�ee and Lender, and �ach of them, shail �� entitled to enfarce payr�nen# and <br /> �erFormance��F any ind�b#edness or oblig�tians s��ur�d by�h�s Deed af T'rust and ta ex�rcise all righfs an� pavu�rs <br /> und�r th�s ��ed of�C'rust, under th� �redit ►4greement, under any af the ��iaf�d []a�um�nfs, �r under any��her <br /> agre�rn�r�� ar any laws r�ariv �r h�r�aftec- �r� f�r��; nafiwithsfanding, som� �r al� of such in�eb�edness �nd <br /> �blig�ti�ns secur��l by this �e�d of Trus�may now�r hereaf�er be�th�rwise s�cured, whether hy mor��a�e, d�ed <br /> of fr�stg �ied�e, lier�, a�signmen�or�fherwis�. Nei�her#he aGceptan�e o�this ��ed ��Trusf nar its enfarc�ment, <br /> v�h�th�r k�y �ourt a�fion or �ursuan#t� th� p�wsr of sale �r ofher powers cantained in th�s C3��d �f Trust, shal! <br /> prejudic��r �n �ny manner afFeGt Trustee's �r Len�er's righ�to realize �pan �r�nfar�e any other security navv ar <br /> her�a�ter h�ld �y Trusfee or Lender, i�being agr�e�1�hat Trustee and Lender, an� �ach of th�m, shall be�nfi#led ta <br /> �nfarc� this Deed �f Trus� and any ather security naw �r her�afker held by Lend�r�r Truste� in such order an� <br /> rnann�r a� th�y ar ��th�r of th�rr� m�y in thei� abso�u#� discreti�n deterrnin�. fVo r�m�dy c�nferr�d upon or <br /> rese��d �� Tru$tee �r Lender, is �ntended �a be �xcIusive af any other remedy in fihis Deed �fi Trust ar �y law <br /> prtiv�d�d vr permitted, bu'� each shall be cumula�ive and sha�� �� in add�tian �a eW�ry o#h�r remedy giWen in th�s <br /> D��� o�Trus�Qr n�w or her��f#er exis��n� at law ar in �q�it�1 or by sfa#ut�. E��ry power❑r r�medy given by�h� <br /> �redit Agr�em�nt or any �f th� F��la�ed Do�um�n�s t� Trustee ar L�nder or fio which either vf them may b� <br /> oth�ruvis� enti�l�d, may be ���rcis�d, ��n�urrerr�ly ar ind��endentfy, fram �ime �� time �nd as aften as may be <br /> �eemed expsdient by ��ustee �r L�nder, and �ith�r of them may pursue inconsis�ent r�m�dies. hlathing in this <br /> aeed of Trust shall be �onstrued as prahik�i�ing ��nd�r�rarn seeking a defr�iency judgment against�he Trustar ta <br /> the�xtenf su�h acti�r� is p�rrr���ted by law. <br /> El�ctiar� af �tem�die�. AI[ of Len�er`s rights and remedies w�11 be �umulati�e and may be �xercised alon� or <br /> �ag��h�r. �f L�nder decides t� s��nd m�ney or to perF�rm any of Trus#�r's obliga�ians und��this ❑e�d �f Trust, <br /> a�t�r Tru�for°s �a�[ure#� d9 s�, that d�cisi�n �y Lend�r wil[ not a�f�c� Lender`s righf tv d�cfar� Trustor in de�auit <br /> and to��ercise L�nder's rem�di��. <br /> Request f�r Notice. `frus�vr, �n behalf�f Trust�r and L�nder, h�reby requests tha�a copy�f any Nv�ice af Defau[t <br /> ar�d � �apy of any N�tic� af Sale under this Dee� af Trust he mailed t�fh�m at the addr�sses set far#h in the frs� <br /> paragra�h�f thi��eed of Trust. <br /> Aftorneys' F�es; Exp�nses. If L�nde� institute� any suit ar a��ian �o en�orce any of the ��rms �f this Deed �f <br /> Tr�st, L�nder shall be entit[ed#o r�caWer su�h sum as the court may adjud�� reas�na��e as a�fomsys' f�es at fria! <br /> and upon any appeal. Whether �r nof any c�ur� ac�ian i� invofve�, and �o th� extant nc�t pr�hibited by law, ali <br /> re�s�nab[a e�penses L�nd�r in�urs �hat in Len�er's op�n�tin are ne�essary a� any time f�r th� protecfi�n of its <br /> int�rest or fh��nfar��ment❑f its righ�s shall b�c�rn�a par��f�he [nd�btedness payable Qn d�m�nd and shali bear <br /> in�erest at #he �redit A�r�emenf rafe fr�m th� da#e of #he expend��ure until repaid. Expsns�s c�ver�� by this <br /> par�g�aph include, withaut I�rr7i�a�Ean, h�w�ver subjec�to a�ny limits un�er appiicabl� la�r, L�nder`s attnrneys' f�es <br /> and Lender's I�gal expenses, whether ar not there �s a Iawsuit, includEng at'�orneys' fe�s and expens�s for <br /> bankrup#c� proceedings 4in�Iuding efforts to m�dEfy or vac��� any automaf�� stay�r injunction}, app�ais, and any <br /> anticipated po�t jud�msn� cQllection $erU��es, �h� c�st flf searching r�cards, obtaining ti�fe repvr�s �in�luding <br /> #��rec���ur� reparts), surv�yors' �ep�rts, an� apprais�[ fe�s, tit�e insuran��, and fees€�r the Tru�fee, �v the ex�ent <br /> p�rmi��ed !�y app��cable iaw. Trust�r alsa wi[I p�y any�ourt casts, in addition ta all Qfher sums pr�vided by�aw. <br /> REghfs of Trus�ee. Trus�ee sha[f have all of ths rights and duties❑�L�nder�s se�far�h in this se�tion. � <br /> P�1NER5 ANa �BL1�ATl�NS�F T'R�15TEE. The foElowing proWisivns relating t�the paw�rs and ❑bligations vf Trusfie� <br /> �re par#vf this Deed�f Trus#: <br /> P�wers�f Trus�e�. In addition to alI power��f Trustee arising as a mat�t�r of law, Trust�e sha![ haW�the p�w�r to <br /> #ake�h�f�[[Qw�ng actians w�th r�spe��ta�h� Property upan th�writt�n reques�❑f Lender an� Trust�r; �a}jain in <br /> prepar�ng and filin� a map ar pfat �f�he Real Pr�perty, inGiu�ing the dedica�ian of stree#s or �#her righ#� fo the <br /> �ub[ic; �b} l�in in gran�ing any �asem�nt or creating �n� restr�c�ion nn the Real Property; and �G} join in any <br /> subordinafion ar ather agreement��f��ting this Dee�o�Trust�r the interes�af L�nder under'�h�s Deed af Trust. <br /> Trusf��. Trustee sha[f ineet all qua�ifications required for T�-ustee un�er ap�licab�� law. !n additian �� #he righ�s <br /> and remedies s�t torth above, with respec�to all ar any par� af the Property, the Trus#ee shal[ haW� fh� right�o <br /> foreciose by nvti�� and sale, and Lender wi[f have the right t� �orecIose by judicial forecl�sure, �n eith�r �se En <br /> ac��rdance with and fi�the full �xtent prfl�ided by�p�iicah�e law. <br /> Su���ssor Trusfee. Lender, at Len�er's�ptian, ma�from tim�t�fiim�appaint a su�cessa�T�-ustes to any Trus�ee <br />