2� 17� 1851
<br /> �EED �F TRLl�T
<br /> ' Pa � 4�
<br /> Loan hl�; 8�2����74 tC��7t�riued} 9
<br /> 1MP�SITI�N �F TA�CES, FEES AND GH�4RGE� SY�OVERNI�IENT�►L A�TH�R�TIES. Th� �allawin� proWis��ns r�fat�ng
<br /> ta goWe�nmental taxs$,fees and charges are a part af this Deed of Trust:
<br /> �urrent Taxes, Fees and Gharg�s. Upon request by Lend�r, Trus�ar sha11 execu�e such da�uments in a�ditian to
<br /> this De�d �f Trus�and take wha��ver Qther�ctian is requested by Lender�� p�rfsct and c�n#inue Lender's lien an
<br /> the Real Pr��sr�y. Trust�r shall �eimburse Lender f�� a[l �axes, as described b�law, tog�ther with ail e�penses
<br /> incurre� in rec�rding, perFeGting �r �ontinuing this ❑�ed of Trus�, including withaut limitatian all ta�ces, fees,
<br /> da�um�ntary stamps!and oth�r�harges�or recording vr registering this Dee�af Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fo�lawing shali constitute taxes ta which this s��tion app�ies: t'1} a spe�i�c ta� upan this t�pe o�
<br /> D�ed o�Trust o� upan all or any part af the Indebt�dness secured by this aeed of Trust; �2} a spe��fi��ax on
<br /> Trust�r which Trus#�r is authari�ed or re�u�r�d to deduct fr�m payments Qn the Ind�btedn�ss secur�d by this type
<br /> a�Deed�f Tru�t; �3} a tax an this type af❑�e� of Trus��harg�abie agains��he L�nder vr ths hol�er of the�redit
<br /> Agr�ement; and ��� a specifi� #ax �n ail �r any portion of fhe Ind�b��dn�ss or vn paym�n�s af principa! and
<br /> infierest made by Trusto�.
<br /> Sul�sequ�nt Taxe�. lf any tax to wh��h this s�ct�an appE�es �s enacted sui�s��u�nt to #he �iats o��his ❑�ed t�f
<br /> Trust, this eWent shall �av� the same efFect a� an EWent of Defaul�, and Lender may ex�rcise any �r all vf its
<br /> a�ailab�e r�m�dies for an Event a� Default as pr�uided he�aw unl��S Tru�tor either �'{} pays �he tax be�ore it
<br /> be��mes delinquent, or 4�� �on��sts�he tax a� pr'av�d�d ah�ve in �he Taxes and Liens s�c�ian and deposi�s with
<br /> Lender cash�r a suff cien��arporat�surety bflnd ar o�her s�curity sa�tis�a�tary�o Lend�r.
<br /> SE�URITY �►��EEMENT; FINANCIM� STATEMENTS. The fa�lowing pra�is��ns rela#ing to this Deed of Trust as a
<br /> se�urity agr�ement are a part of�h�s ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Security Agreemen�. This instrumen� shall can�titute a S�curi�y Ag�e�ment �� �h$ �xtent any af the Pro��rky
<br /> cvnstitutes fx�ures, and Lender shal� have ali of the rights af a s�cu�ed par�y under th� Uniform �ammercial�ade
<br /> as amended from time#a time.
<br /> Se�urEty lnterest. Upon �equ�s� by L�nder, Trust�r shall take whatever action is requested by Lend�r #a perfect
<br /> and con�inue Lender's se�urity interest in the P�rsvnal Praperty. ln addifion fo ��cording this ❑eed af Trust in�he
<br /> r�al praper�y r�cords, L�nder may, at any �ime and withQu# fur#her authori��tian from Trustnr, file ex��uted
<br /> �oun�erparts, capies ar r�productians af this aeed t�f Tru$t as a fnancing �tat�ment. Trusta� shai� reirnburse
<br /> L�nder far all expenses incurred in per�ecting or cantinuing �hi� se�urity interest. Upon de�au l t, Trus t�r shal� no�
<br /> rernove, sever or de��ch the Persona� Property fr�m ths Proper�y. lJp�n de�fault, T�ust�r shall ass�rn�le any
<br /> Persanal P�roperty nat afFixed ta the Pr��erty in a manner and at a pla�� r�asanably conWenien� �a Trust�r and
<br /> Lender and make it ava�ia�le ta Lender wi�hin three �3} d�ys after receipt af written dsmand from Lender to th�
<br /> ex��nt perrnitted by appEi�al�le�aw.
<br /> Addr�sses. The mailing addresses �f �rustor �d�b��r} and L�nder �s�cured p��y} fram whi�h information
<br /> conc�ming the seGurity inf�rest gr�nted by �his De�d of Trust may he ob�ained �eaGh as r�quired by�he Unifarrr�
<br /> �ammercial Code}are as stat�d Qn�he fi rst p�ge af th is Deed o�F Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSU�AN�ES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The #'ollowing prvvisivns r�lating ta fur�he� assuranG�s and
<br /> a�t�rney-in-fact are a part vf this a�e���Tru��:
<br /> Fur�her Assuran�es. �t any time, an�fr�m time t�t�me, upan reque�t�f Lender, Trustar wil! mak�, e�c�cute an�
<br /> d�Ii�er, ��-a►vill �aus�to b� made,executed o�deG��red, t�Lender ar#� L�n�er's d�sEgnee, and v�rhen requ�stec�by
<br /> Len�er, caus�ta be f[�d, r���rd�d, r�fil�d, flr �er�carded, as tha cas� may be, �t such times and in suGh v�Fi�es
<br /> and pEa�e$ as Lender may de�m a�prap�-iate, any and afI such mortc�ages, dee�s af�rus�, s�curi'ty d�eds, se�uri#y
<br /> agr�ements, fin�ncing sta�em�nts, ��nfiinuat�an statements, �nstrum�n�s �f fur�her assurance, certifi�ates, and
<br /> o�h�r d�cuments as may, in th�sole opinion �f Lender, h� ne�essary or�esirable �n a��er t� efF��tuat�, camptete,
<br /> per#ect, cflntinue, ar preserve �1} Trust�r's obligatians und�r the C�edit Agre�mer�t, this D�ed 4f Trust, and the
<br /> Rela�ed Dvcument�, and ��� the iiens an� securi�ty in�er�s�s created ay #his De�� af Trust �n the Propar�y,
<br /> wheth�r navw owned ar hereaf�er acquired by Trustor. [Jnless prahi�i�ed by law�r Len��r agr�es to th� contrary�n
<br /> � wr�ting, TrustQr shall r�imaurse L�nder f�r all �as�ts and expens�s in�urred in conne�tian with th� matt�rs �e�F�rred
<br /> ta in this pa�a�raph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fact, If Trus�ar fails tv do any���he things re�erred to in�h� precedin� pa�ra�raph, Lender rt�ay do sa
<br /> f�r and in#he name of Trustor and �t Trustar's exp�ns�e F�r such purpases, Trustor hersby ��re�acably �ppoints
<br /> Lend��-as Tru�tor's attorney-in-fact f�r the pur�ose of making,exe�ut�ng, de�i�e�ring,fil�n�, re�arding, and daing al�
<br /> ather�hings as may be necessary or de�irable, in L�nd�r's sale opinion; to accom�lish �he ematt�rs r��err�d to in
<br /> #he preceding paragraph.
<br /> FIJLL PERF�RMAhIGE. l�Trustor pays a�l the �nd�hte�ness when du�, term�nates�he cred�t line accQ�nt, and ath��wEse
<br /> perfarms a1� the objigatians irnposed upon Trustar under�his D�e� of Trust, Lender shall e��Gut�and defiver to Trus�ee
<br /> � request for #ull r�canveyance and shall ex�cut� and �eliver #a Trustvr suitable s�atements af terminatian of any
<br /> f nancing statemen� on fle evi�encing Lend�r's security int�rest in the Rents and #he Persanal �r�perty. I�ny
<br /> reconWeyan�e fee r�quired by�aw shal�be paid by Trust�r, if perrnitted by appIi�ab[e law.
<br /> EVENTS QF �EFA�LT. Trustor will be in default under this Deed ��F Trust�f any of the��ll�win� happ�n: ��� T�ustar
<br /> c�mm�t� ��aud or makes a ma�erial misrepres�ntati�n at any time in cann�ctian wEth fh� �redit Agre�mant. This can
<br /> include, far example, a �aise s�atement ab�ut Trustor"s in�ame, asssts, liabili�ies, or any �ther asp�Gts �f`i'rus��r's
<br /> financial Gondition. �B} Trus�or dves no�m�et ths repayment terms of th� Credit��reement. ��} Trus�ar's acfion ar
<br /> inacti�n ad�ersely af��cts the �allateral �r Lender's ri�ht� in #he cvlla�erale This can in�lud�, far �xarnple, failure to
<br /> main�ain r�quired insurance, was#e or de�tructi�� us�of�ha dwell�ng,fai�ur�t�pay taxes,d�ath Qf�II �ers�ns liak�le an
<br /> the a�c�unt, transfer vf ti�i� �r sale �f the dvWeliing, creatian af a ser���r li�n on th� dvv�lling w��h��t Lender's
<br /> perrr�issian,f�reclasu�e by#he h�Eder of ano�her li�n,�r the use af funds�r the dw�lling fvr pr�hibited purposes.
<br /> RI�HTS AND REMED[ES �h9 [3EFALILT. lf�n Event�f Qefau�t�ccu�s und�r this D��d a#�Trus#, at any#ime therea�terp
<br /> Trus#ee�r L�nd�r may exe�c�se any�ns ar mar�Qf the f�llow�ng rights and rem�dies:
<br /> Acc�l�ratian �pon Default;Additional Rem�dies. �f any E�ent o�aefault ac�urs as p�r the terms of the�redit
<br /> Agrsem�nt secured hereby, Lende�may deGlare a!! ind�b��dn�ss se�ur�d by this De�d v�Trust to ��du�and
<br /> payabl� and the same shail �h�reup�n b�cam� du� and payable with�ut any pres�ntmsn�, demand, p�otest�r
<br /> nati����any kind. Thereaft�r, L�nder may:
<br /> �a} Either in person or by a�ent, �rith �r �nrith�ut bringing �ny acti�n or pra�e�ding, �r by a r�cei�e�
<br /> appoint�d b�a c�ur�and with�ut regard �o the adequacy�f its se�urity, enter upon and take p�ssession
<br /> ��the ��-ap�rty, �r�ny part th�r�af, in its own name�r in the nam�vf Trusfe�, and do an�acts whi�h i�
<br /> �eems n�cessary ar desirabl�to p�eserve the ua[ue, rnarketabili�y�r�-�n#abi�ity af the Prop�rty,ar part vf
<br /> the Praper�y�r interest in the Pro��rt�; incr�ase the in��me from the Property�� pra��c�the se�urity�f
<br /> the Praper�y; and, vvitl� or withaut #aking p�ss�ss�on of th� Prape�ky, sue for ❑r otherwise ��llect the
<br /> rent�, issues �n� profts of�he Property, including thase past due and unpaid, and apply th� same, I�ss
<br /> cos�s and �xpense��f ape�ati�n and�a[le���on at��rneys'fees,#��ny inde�te�ness��cured by this D���
<br /> af Tr�ust, a�[ in such order as Len�er may d�fermEne, Th� en�ering upan and ta�ing possession o�the
<br /> Property, the colle�tivn �� su�h ren�s, issues �nd profts, and �he appti�atian �hereo� sh�l� n�t cu�e or
<br /> vwai�e any defau�t or noti�e��de�au�t under#his �ee� af Trust��inv�lidate any a��dvn� in r�spvnse ta
<br />