2� 17� 1851
<br /> I�EEQ �F TRU�T
<br /> Laan N�: 57��6��74 [��n�inu�d� Pag� �
<br /> appain'ted und�r �hi� D�ed o�Trust by an instrurnen# execu#�d and acknaw[�dged k�y Lender and r�carded �n �he
<br /> affi�e of the record�r af H�l� County, Stat� of N�braska. The instrument shall Gontain, in addi�Ean to a!! o�he�
<br /> matters r�quired hy state faw, �he names af the �riginal Lender, Trustee, and Trust�r, th� �ook and pa�e (or
<br /> c�mputer system reference} wh�re this ❑�ed of T�ust is recarded, and �he name and address o�th� successor
<br /> #rustee,and the ins��ument sha�l be exe�uted and acknowledg�d hy all�he ben���iaries under#his Deed of Trus�or
<br /> �heir succ�ss�rs in int�rest. The �uccess�r trus�tes, without conWeyanc� af the Praperty, shall succe�d �v a[l the
<br /> ti�le, pow�r, and duties c�nferr�d upan the Trustee�n th�s I�e�d vf Trust and hy applica�le�aw. This pracedure for
<br /> substitutifln of Tru��ee shall g�vern ta the exclusi�n�f a�l vther pr��isions fvr su�s��tution.
<br /> N�TICES. �1ny notice �equ�r�d t� be g�ven und�r this Q�ed �f Trust, in�luding w�thout �imitati�n any na#ice of de�aul�
<br /> and any noti�e �f sale shall be given in wri�in�, and shall h� effectiWe`rvh�n actually d�li�ered, when a�tua�l� re�eived
<br /> �y�sl�facs�rnile(unless ath�rwise re�ui�ed by law},when d�posited with a nat�onal�y recognizsd avernight courier, �r, if
<br /> mail�d,when depasite� in th� �nited States mai�, as first class, cer�ified or registe�ed mail Rostage pr�paid, dire���d�v
<br /> the address�s shawn near th� beginning of�his Dsed �f Trust. Al1 capies of natices of for�clv�su��fram�h� hoider of
<br /> any li�n vvhich has priarity awer this Deed of Trust shaE� he sent�a Lende�'$ address, as shawn near�the beginning vf
<br /> this a�ed �f Trust. Any pers�n may change his ar h�r address far natiG�s under�nis D��d of Trus� by giWin� f�rrnal
<br /> wr�tt�n nati�� to the other persan ar p�rsans, sRecifying that #h� purpose vf th� n��ice is �a chan�e the persv�'s
<br /> address. Far natice purp�s�s, Trustv�a�rees�� keep Lander in�Forrned at a11 fimes of Trustor's current add�'ess. Unless
<br /> oth�rwis� prvvided or r�quired by law, if th�re is more�han ane Trustar, any not�ce giv�n by L�nder to any Trus��r is
<br /> deemed�o he no�ics�iven#o a�l Trus#ors. I�wi[1 be Trustor's r�spons�bsli�y t�tell the others of#he n�tice fram L�nder.
<br /> MISGELLANE�US PR�VISlaNS. The following mis���laneaus provisions are a part of this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Amendments. 1JVhat is w�itten in this D��d of Trust and in �he R�fated Do�uments is Trus�ar'� entire agreement
<br /> wi�h Lender c�ncerning the ma�ters caver�d by this Deed of Trust. Ta be effe�ti��, any char�g�ar amendment t�
<br /> this Dged af Trust must bs in writing an� m�st be sign�d by wh�e�er will be bound or abligated �y the ehange or
<br /> �m�ndm�nt.
<br /> Ga�tion Headings. CaptiQn headings in this aeed of Yrust a�e �F�r c�n�enience pu�pases �nly and are not�o b�
<br /> used to in�erpret�r defin�th� proWisions of this Deed c��F Trust.
<br /> IVler�er. There shall be nv merger of�he inter�s�or estate created by thEs D�ed of Trus�vvith any other intere�t or
<br /> estat� in�he Praperty ��any#ime held by ar�vr�he b�n�fi�af Len�er in any cap�city,wEth�ut�he vrrrEt#en cansent
<br /> of L�nd�r.
<br /> �a�erning Law. 'Tl�is Deed af Trus� wiii be governed by fed�ral law applicable to Ler��er �nd, to the ex#ent nat
<br /> pre�mp#ed b}�federa� [aw,�he laws af th�5tat� of 1V�braska withaut regard#a its canflicts af law pravisians. TF�is
<br /> Deed vt Trust has k�een acce�t�d by Lender in#he State v#Nebra�ka.
<br /> �hoice af Venue, lf ther� i� a Eawsuit, Trustor a�rees upon Lendsr's re�ues��� submit�a the jurisdiGtian af the
<br /> c�urts af Hall Caunty, S�a����Nebraska.
<br /> Joint �nd 5���ra1 Liab��ity. All ab�igatEans of Trustor under this Dsed of Trust shal� be joint an� sev�rai, and all
<br /> references t� Trustar sha�l mean each and �W�ry Trust�r. This me�ns �hafi each Trustar sjgning E�eiaw js
<br /> responsibi�far af�vbEigat�ans in th�s ❑��d af Trust.
<br /> N�1Na�ver�ay Lend�r. Trustor understands Lender will n�t giWe up any of Lender's rights under this ❑sed o�Trus#
<br /> unless L�nder doe� so �n writin�. Tha �a�t that Lender delays �r�m�ts �4 �xer�ise any right will n�t mean #hat
<br /> Lend�r h�s g�v�n up th�t right. lf Len�er does agre� in writing #❑ give up an� of L�n�ler's righ�s, that daes no�
<br /> m�an Trustor wifl n�t hav� to Gom�aiy with th� ather pra�isians of this deed �f Trust. Trustar also understands
<br /> �hat if Lender d�es cansent�o a request, #hat do�s no� m�an that Trusta�-will na� have t� ��� L�nder's cvnsent
<br /> again if th�si#uation ha�pens a�ain. Trustor�urther understands#hat just b�cause Lender c�nsents to�ne flr mare
<br /> of Trus�ar's r�qu�sts, tha�t daes ngt mean L�n�er wi�l b� required ta �onsent to any of Tr�star's future re�u�st�.
<br /> Tru�t�r waives presentment,demand for payment, pr�te�t,and n�tice vf dishonor. ,
<br /> Sev�ra�ility. If a court�in�is �h�t an� pr���sian o�this Deed of Trust is nat�alid ar should n�� be enforGed, that
<br /> �ac�by ifiseif will not mean that th� r�st of#his Dee�of Trust will nat�e�al�d ar�nforGed. Th�refare� d CQ1��W1I�
<br /> anf�rc��he r�s�vf the pr�Wisians af this D�ed af Trust eWen if a pro�ision of this De�d v�Trust may��found to be
<br /> invalid or unenf�rceable.
<br /> SucGess�rs and ►4ssignse Su�jec�to any �imi�ati�ns s�atsd in this [�eed of Trust Qn�transf�r c�f Trus#ar's int�rest,
<br /> this Deed af Trus# shall ba binding upan and inure to the ben���t����e par�i�s, their successars and assigns. �f
<br /> awnership of the Pr4perty becornes��sted in � per�an other than Trusfor, Len�er, uvifihaut notic� ��Trus#�r, may
<br /> deaI with Trustar'�successors wi�h re�erenc�to this I�eed of Trust and th� indebt��n�ss by�nray vf farb�aran���r
<br /> ex#�nsion without rei�asing Trustar frvm�he o�ligatians of this D�e� of Trus�ar�iabi�ity under th� lnd��tedn�ss.
<br /> Time is vf#he Essence. Time is af the essence�n#h$perfvrman�e of�his D��d�f Tru�fi.
<br /> 11Vaive.�ury. All parties to �his De�d of Trus� hereby wai�e th� r�gh�ta any jury�tria! in a�y a�tion, pro�e�ding, �r
<br /> cQunterclaim hrough�by any party against�ny oth�r party. .
<br /> 1Naiver Q� H�mestead Exemptivn. Trustor her8by refeases and wai�e� ail right� and �en�fits of�h� homest�ad
<br /> e�c�mptian laws�f the State o�f N�braska as�o all indeb�edness s��ured by this❑eed af Trusta
<br /> �EF1NITiQNS. The faElawing words shail h�v�#he fall�win� meanings when u�ed in this Deed�f Trust:
<br /> �3en�fi�iary. The ward "B�nefici�r�'"m�ans Equitable Bar�k, and �ts successors�nd assigns,
<br /> Borrawero The wo�d 'rBarr�wer" rn�an� Thomas `ll! Tjaden and Cindy L Tjaden and in�lud�s all co�signers and
<br /> co-makers signing�he Credit►�gr�ement and a11 their succes��rs and assigns.
<br /> �r�dit Agreem�nt, Th� words "�redit Agre�men#" mean th� credit agreement d�ted March 2�, �g17, Vllit�l
<br /> credit fimit �f���,�Q�.{}�from Trustor to Lender,tvge#h�r wi�h alI rsn�wals o�, �xtensions�f, modificatian�
<br /> af, refinancEn�s Qf, cans�lida�ivns�f, and�ubstitu�ians for the promissar�nv�e or agr�em�nt. The maturity dat�af
<br /> this De�d�f Trus�is Mar�h��, ����. N�TICE'��TRUSTDR: THE�F�E�IT AGREEMENT C�NTA[N5 A�I►4RIA6LE
<br /> Qeed of T�ust. The wards "Deed �f Trust" mean thi� Dee� vf Trust amvng Trustar, L�nder, and Trus#ee, and
<br /> incfude� w��thau� I�mitati�n �+1� assignment and s�curi#y in#��est prvvisians relating #a,the Persanal P�oper�y and
<br /> R�n�s.
<br /> Envir�nmer�tal L�v�rs, Th� words "Enwiranm�ntal Laws" mean any and all s#ate, federal.and lacal s�atutes,
<br /> regulati�n� and ardinances r�lating �a the pr�t�ct�an �� human health �r the environrn�n�, including without
<br /> I�mitation #he �omprehensirr� Envirvnmental Respanse, �ampen�a�i�n, and Liabil�ty A�t o� 198�, as amen�ed, 42
<br /> U.S.C. �e��iora �5�1, et s��. �"CERCLA"}, th� Superfund Amendments and R�authori�ativn �ct af 1�8�, Pubo L.
<br /> No.�9-49��„SAF�A"�,the Hazar��us Material�Transportatian Act,�-9 IJ.S.G. 5ecti�n '�8�'1, �t s�q.,the Resource
<br /> Canservatior� and RecaWery Act, 4� U.S.C. S�c�ion �9�'I, et�eq., �r�ther applicabl� state vr federal lawsf ruies,
<br /> �r r�gulations ado�ted pursu�nt theret�.
<br /> Erren�of Default. The�rv�rds"E�ent af Defaulf"mean any vf the events af defaul�se�far�h �n th�s C�e�d of T�ust in
<br /> the eW�nts of defaul��ection of this De�d a�Trus�.
<br />