, 2� 17� 1851
<br /> C�EEC� �F TRU�T
<br /> L�arn N�: �72���8�4 ����1�i�1 u��� Pa�� �
<br /> insuranc� p�Iicy afsa shal� includ� an �nr�orsem�nf pr��iding fihat ca�r�rage in faW�r of Lender wEll not be imp�ir�d
<br /> �n any way by a�y acf, �mission�r defaul�of Trust�r or any�ther person. �h�uld th� Real Proper���e lo�ated in
<br /> an area designat�d �y#he Adrr�inistrator�f the FederaE Emergency Management�hgency a� a spe�ia�fl��d haza�d
<br /> ar��t, Trustar agrees ta ���ain �nd mainfiain Federa� Fla�d Insurancs, if �v�ilabl�, far #he maxir�um amaunt of
<br /> Trust�r's credif line and the full �npa�d principa! ba�ance af any prior�iens �n�he p�aperty se�uring the Ioan, up t�
<br /> the rna�imum poli�y Iimits s�t under the Nati�n�[ Fio�d Insurance Pr�gram,�r���therwise r�quir�d hy Lend�r, and
<br /> t�rr�aintain su�h �n�uran��far th��erm of the�oan.
<br /> e4ppl�c�ti�r� �f l�r�cee�s. T�ustar shal! pr�mptly notif�L�nder of any IQss�r damage to the Prvperty. Lender rr�ay
<br /> make pr�fl� a� lass if Trustor �ails tv da so within f�fieen �'i 5} �ay� �f�he �asua[ty. 111�hether �r naf Lender's
<br /> s��ursty is irnpa�r�d, Lender may, a�Lender's e�e�tion, rec�ive and reta�n the pr�ce�d� of any insurance and apply
<br /> the prace�ds ta th� r�ductian �f�he inde�tednesst payment of any lien aife�fing the Pr�perty, ar the restarat«r�
<br /> and �-epair�f the Property. !f Lender�l�cts ta apply#he proceeds ta restarati�n and repair, Tru�tar��al� repair vr
<br /> r�pla�� �he damaged �r d�sfrvyed Irr�prvv�ments in a rr�anner satis�F�ctory t❑ Lendere L�nd�r shall, upon
<br /> safisfa�f�ry pr�of of �uch �xpendi�ure, pay vr re�rnburse Trustor frorn th� prviceeds ��r the ��asonabl� c�st af
<br /> ��p�ir �r restorat��n if Tr��t�r is n�t in defau!# �nder this De�d af Trust. Any pra���ds which have nat been
<br /> disbursed lnri�hin 'I�0 d�y� aft�r fh��r r�c�ipt and which Lender has n�t �arnmitfed t� the repair or restarativn �f
<br /> the Pr�perty�hall b� �sed first to pay any ar�t�unt nv�ring #a I�er�der under th�s D�e� of Trust, th�n t� pay accrued
<br /> interest, and tl�� rerna�nder, �f any, sha�f be appEied to #he �rinci�af balan�� of ti�e [ndebtedness. If Lender ho�ds
<br /> any prn�e�d� after payrr��n� in ful� �f �h� lnde�t�dn�s�, such proceeds shall b� paid t� Trustor as Trust�r�s
<br /> �nt�r��#s ma�ap��are
<br /> Co�rtp[ia�c� ►rvi�h Ex�sting �ndeb�edness. During �he per�ad in whi�h any E�cisting [nd��tedn�ss d�s�rib�� ���ow�s
<br /> in �ffec#, cvmpiian�s with th� insura�c� pr4�isiQns �ontained ir� the �r�strumen# e�idencin� suGh Exis#ing
<br /> lndebt�dn��s shafl �anstitute e�mp�iance �nrith the insuran�e �r��isi�ns und�� fihis Dsed of Trust, ta �h� �xten�
<br /> c�rnp[ian��with the t�rms �f th�� D��d af Trust would c�nstifu�e a duplicati�n of ins�ran�� requiremen�. !f any
<br /> praG��ds fr�m�he �nsurancs bec�me paya�le on #oss, �h� pr�visians in fhis ❑��d �f Trust f�r divisian �f prace�d�
<br /> shall a�p�y�n�y t��hat por�ian s�f th� pra�eeds not p�yabFe�o fhe hol�er af the E�ist�ng Indebt�dness.
<br /> l.EfVDER'S E�CPEhl�IT�RES. lf Trt�stor fails �A} fa ke�p th� �roperfy free �f a[[ taxes, liens, se�u�ify interesfs,
<br /> �ncum��ar���s, and v�her clairr�s, �B� to proWid� �ny re�uir�d Ensurance an the �r�p�rfy, 4C} �a ma�e repairs�o th�
<br /> Property or�a �amp[�with �ny vbligatian �a main�ain Existing lnde����ness ir� goQd standin� a� r�quired b�l�w, then
<br /> L�nder m�y d� s�. �f any �c�ion flr prflcee�ing is e�e�-imenc�� fhat w�uld mat�r�al�y ��f�c� Lend�r's inter�sts in �h�
<br /> Rroperty, then Lend�r an Trus��r'� b�half may, E�u� is no� r�qu�red to� take �ny acf�an tha� L�nder b�lieve� �a b�
<br /> appropriat� t� prvt�ct L�nd�r's in�er�s�se �111 expenses in�urred vr paid by Lend�r�or such Rurp�ses wil� �hen b�ar
<br /> �n�teres# �t #he ra#� �harged ur�d�r #h� �redi� Agreement frvm �he date incurr�d or �aid by L�nder t� #he dat� t�f
<br /> repayment �y Trust�re All such �xp��ses wil� become� �art af fhe indebtedness and, at L�nder's ap�ion, will [A} b�
<br /> payabl��n d�mand; �B� be add�d �a the ba[ance mf�h� Credi�r��r�em�nt and be ap�a�rti�ned am�ng and b� payable
<br /> v►rith �ny instal�ment p�ym�nts to �ecar�+�due during�ither �'l} �he t�rrr� af any ap�li�abfe insuran�e palicy; ar ��} the
<br /> r�rrtaining ferrr� of fihe �r�d�f Agre�men�; �r ��� be�r�at�d as � bafloon p�yment which wili be due and pay��le at the
<br /> Gredit Agreement°�maturi��. �he De�d vf Trus#a[so will se�ur��ayment af th�se am�un�s. The rig��s provid�d��r in
<br /> �hi� p�ragraph shali �� in ad�iti�n �� any �the� rights ar�ny rern�dies fo whi�h Lender may be entitl�d on a��ounf of
<br /> any cie�ault. Any sucf� actian �y L�nd�r sha�! not be construed �s �uring th� d�fault sa as to bar L�n�er fr�rn any
<br /> r�m����ha�Et atherwis�w�u�d hav� h��a
<br /> VI�ARRAN�Y; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The fvl�awing pr��isi�ns r�fating to ownership af�he F�r�perty ar��park of this Deed
<br /> af Trus�: �
<br /> Title. Trustar warran�s that: {a} T'rusfor holds goad and ma�ketable �itle �f recQrd #o th� Property �n f�� simple,
<br /> fr�� and �I�ar af all liens an�i encum�r�nces flfiher#h�n those set �'�rth in th� Real PrQp�r�y d�scription �r in #he
<br /> Ex�sting ind�hfedness se�tion befow ar in any ti��e insurance p�licy, �i�l� repor�, or�ina��it[��pinion issued in fa�or
<br /> of, and ��c�pfed by, Lender in �anne�tion with this Deed of Trus#, and �b} �rust�r has�he full righ#, p�wer, and
<br /> authority fa exe�ute and de[iver this D�ed af Trust to Len�er.
<br /> �efense �f Ti�le. Sub��ct fo the excep���n in th� paragraph a�ove, Tru�tar warran#s and v►ri�l forever def�nd the
<br /> �itle fio the �rop�r�y agains�th� lavufuf c[aims of all ��rsan�. In the eW�n��ny aGtian vr prac��ding is commenc�d
<br /> th�t questians Trustor's title�r�he inferest af Trustse or L�nder under th�s Deed of Trust,Trustor shalf defen�fhe
<br /> acti�n at Trusf�r's �xpens�. Trusto� rr�ay b�fhe nominal p�rty in su�h pr��eeding, bu� Lend�r shall be en�itled #o
<br /> participat� in the prace�dir�g and to b� represented �n �he prac�eding hy c�unsel �f L�nder's own ch�ic�, and
<br /> Trustar vvill deli�er, or ca�se�o h� d�liWered,t� Lende�su�h instruments as Lender may�equest frorn�ime ta�ime
<br /> to p�rrr�if s��h partiCipa�i�n.
<br /> Camp�ian�� Vlli�h Laws. Trusfor warr�nts tha# the P�operty an� Trusfar's us� af fhe Pr4��rty c�mplies wi�h ail
<br /> existEng appli�able laws, �rdinanc�s,and regu�a�i�ns af g�v�rnmen�al auth�ritEes.
<br /> Sunrival of Promis�s. A[l pr�mises, agreemenfs, an� s�at�men�s Tru��or has mad� in this aeed a� Trus� shall
<br /> surWi�e the execution and d�li�ery af this De�d of Trus�, shall be can�inuing in nature and shall remain in fu[I forc�
<br /> and efFeet until such�ime�s Trus#ar's Indebtedness is�aid in full.
<br /> E�C[�TtNG 1NDEBTEDNESS. The fo�lowin�pra��sians G�ncerning Existing lndebt��n�ss ar�a part of this De�d of Trust:
<br /> Existin� Lien. Th� lien �f this a�e� of Trus�securing th� Indebtedness may be se�andary and inf�ri�r ta �he li�n
<br /> s�curing pa}�ment af an �xisting o�li�ation �o l�l�ells Fargo. The existing ob�i�ation has a currenf principa! b�lan�e
<br /> �f a�pr�xima�e�y $'114,79�.0� and is �n the ariginal principal am�unt �f $'�2�,'[��.��. The ab[iga�i�n has the
<br /> folla�rvin� paymer�# #�rms: $1,4$6.�� per Month. Trus�ar expres�ly GQWenants and agr��s �o pay, or see tv th�
<br /> pa�lmen� af, the Exi�ting 1n�eb��dness and �v preven� any �efault on such indebtedness, an� defau[t under fhe
<br /> �ns�ruments evidencing such indebtedn�ss, or any default und�r any security d�cuments for such indeb�edn�ss.
<br /> No IlAadificafian. Trustor shail na� en�er into any ag�'e�m�n�with �h� halder af any m�rtgage, d�ed �f�rust, ar .
<br /> �#her sec�ri� a�re�ment which h�s pri�ri�y a�er this Deed �f Trust by v+�hich that agr�em�nt is madifed,
<br /> am�nded, extended, or ren�w�d without the prior �vr�t�en c�nsent a� Lender. Trustor shall neifher request nor
<br /> acce,pt any�utur�ad�ances under any�uch se�urity agre�m�nt without fh�prior writ��n Gonsen�af Lende�.
<br /> ��NDEMIVATi�iV. Th�fallawing pro�isions r�Ia�ing to condemna#ian pr�ceedings are a par��f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Pro�eedings. !f any �r�c�e�ing in condemna�ian is filed, Trustor shall prornptly nofify L�nder in wri�ing, and
<br /> Trust�r sha�[ prvmp�ly ta�� such st�ps as rr�ay b� necessary t� dsfend the ac�i�n and ab�ain fh� a�rva�d. Trustar
<br /> may��the nomina� party in such p�oce�ding, but L�nder sh�ll b� entifEed t�participate in�h�praceeding and to be
<br /> represented in the p�oce�ding by counse� af its �wn �h�ic�, and T�-us�or vwi�l deli�gr ❑r cause fa b� deli�ere� to
<br /> Lertder such instruments and �#a�umentati�n as may be r�qu�s�ed �y Lender �ram time tv tim� �o permit sueh
<br /> parti�ip�fian.
<br /> Appl��a�i�n o�Net PrQceeds. ff al� or any par�af#he Praperty is cond�mned by eminen�d�main proc�e�ings or by
<br /> any proc��din�flr purchase in fi�u�f condemnatian, Lend�c may at its e[ectian requir�e tha�afl ar any po�tEon�f th�
<br /> ne� �r�ceeds of the award b� applEed ta �he [nde��edness ar the r�pair ❑r resto�atian af�he Praperty. Th� net
<br /> proceed�of th�award sha[[ mean the avrrard a�ter paymen�af all �easonabl�costs, exp�nses, and attorneys'fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee ar Lend�r in conne��i�n with�h�candemn�#i�n.
<br /> _ _ _._... _ _. . -. _ - - _--�-- -.. . - � - .._ �. _----
<br />