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2� 17� 1851 <br /> Q�E�3 �F TRU�T � <br /> La�r� �Vo: S���G��7� ���t1t1t1U��� Pa�ge � <br /> threatened li#igat��n ar claims of any kind by any person relafing to such rnatter�= an� �3� Except as previously <br /> disclased ta and acknowledged by Lend�r in writing, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenant, cvnfractar,ag�n#or other <br /> auth�rize� user af the Pr�perty shall use, g�ner�t�, manu�acture, s�are, treat, disp�s� af�r release any Ha�ardous. <br /> 5u���an�s on, under, about or from#he Propsrty; an� ��} any�u�h a�t���ty shall 1ae �anduc��d in complian�e with <br /> all appli�a�le federal, state, and lo�al laws, r-eg��a�ions an� ordinances, including w�th�ut limi�at��n a11 <br /> Enviranm�ntal Laws. Trust�r autharizes Lender and i�s agent� ta �nter up�n the Property �� rnal�e such <br /> insp��ti�n� and tests, at Trustor's ex�ense, �s Lender rriay de�m apprapria#e ta d���rrnin� corn�liance o� �he <br /> P�-oper�y vtiri�h �his s�c�ian af the i�e�d �f Trus�. Any inspe�tions ar tests mad� �y Lender sha�i be �F�r L�nder's <br /> purpa�es onIy an� shali na#be �ons�ru�d t��rea�e any respons�biiity ar liabi�ity vn�he part of Lender�o Trustvr or <br /> ta �ny ath�r p�rsan. The representations and w�rranties cantained herein ar� �ased on Trusf�r's due di[igenCe in <br /> in��stigat�ng the Property far H�zard�us SuE�stances. Trus�or h�r�by 4'1} r�l�ases and waiWes any fu�ure claims <br /> against Lend�r far indemni�y �r �antri�ution in #he even�T�ust�r be�om�s liahl��Far �leanup �r o�her c�sts under <br /> any such laws; and ��� agrees t� ind�mni�y, de�f�nd, and hold harmless Lend�r against any and ali �la�ms, i��s�s� <br /> �iaaili�ie�, damag�s, pena�ties, and �xpenses which Len��r may dire�#ly ar indirectiy susfain or suf€er resulting fram <br /> a br$ach of this $ectian of the De�d ��'Trust or as a consequence af any use, generatian, manufa��ure, stvrage, <br /> �ispasai, release ar�hrea�ened r�leas���curring pri�r to Trustar's own�rship or int�r�st in the Praperty,wh��her a� <br /> n�t �h� sam� ►nras or shouid have been knawn tv Trustor. The pr�visions of this se�tian of th� De�d af Tru�t, <br /> inc[u�ing�the�b[igativn t�indemnify and def�nd,shali sunriWe the p�yment af the lnd�b'��dness and th�satis�actian <br /> and r�canweyanc� of th� lien�f�his Dee� of Trust and shal� na�he affe�ted �}1 Ler�der's acquisitian af any in��rest <br /> in th� �rop�rty,whether by f�re�losur��r�thenrvis�. <br /> Nuisan�e, INas'�e. Trustar shall nvt caus�, conduc� o� permit any nuisanGe nar cammit, p�rmit,. or suffer any <br /> $tripping of or w�s�� an ar ta the Prv�erty �r any p�r�ion of�he Property. Without �imiting the �ene�ality �f th� <br /> fore�ving, Trust�r will nofi remove, o�-grant to any o�h�r party the right tv remave, any fiimber, minerais ��nc�uding <br /> ail and gas}, cQa[, ciay, s�aria, soil, grav�l or ra�l�pro�ucts without Lender's pr�or written cansen�. <br /> Remaval of lmprv�ements. Trustar shali not d�molish or remove any lmprv�ements from the Rea�Praperty withaut <br /> Lender's prior w��t�en ��ns�n�. As a candEtian to tha rem��a� of any lmprovements, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make ar�-angementS sat�sfa�tor� ta L�nder t� r�place such improvements with lmprovernents of a# least equal <br /> value. <br /> Lender's Righ#tv lEnter. Lender and L�nder's agents an� representatives may ente�- upon the Real �raper�y at a[I <br /> r�as�nable times t❑ aitend �to Len��r's in�erests an� �o insp�ct the Real Proper�y f�r purpvs�s v�f Trustar's <br /> �ompliance wi�h th�terms and c�ndi�ions af this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> �ompliance with ���ernmental Requir�men�s. �rustor shall promptly G�mply with all laws, ordinances, and <br /> regulatiflns, now or hereafk�r in effeG�, vf all ��Wernmentai auth��-iti�s applicable t� the use or o�cupancy of the <br /> Proper�y. T�ustor may contest in go�d�aith any suGh law, o�dinance,�r re�u�ation and wi�hhoid camp�iance during <br /> any pr���eding, in�luding app�a�riate app�als, s� I�n� �s Trus�ar has notified L�nd�r in �nrriting priar t� dving s� <br /> and �v I�ng as, in Lender's s�l���ainion, Lend�r's int�rests in�he Prop�rty ar� n�t jeopardi�ed. Lender may requi�� <br /> Trus�ar to post adet��rate s��uri#y Qr a surety bond, reasan�bly sa�is�'a�ta�y t�L�nder,ta prvt���Lend�r's inter�st. <br /> Duty to Pra't�c#. Trust�r agr�es neither ta a�andan ar �eave unattended �he Prflperty. Trustar shall do all other <br /> �cts, in addition�to those a�ts se#forth a�a�e �n thi�secfiian,wh�ch frvm the char�Gter and use �f the Prop�rty are <br /> reas�nahly necessary to pro��ct and preserW�the Property. � <br /> DUE �N SALE � CDNSENT BY LENDER, Lender may, at Lender's a�ti�n,d��lare immedia��ly due and payable all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed of Trust upon ths sale or t�ansfer, r�rithaut Lender's priflr vv�it��n�vns�nt, �f a1l �r any par�t of th� <br /> Real Property, �r any in#erest in �he R�al Prap�rty. A"sa�e or�ransfer" m�ans th� canv�yance af Rea1 Praper��r any - <br /> right, ti�tle or inter�st in th� Real Praper�; wh�th�r ��ga�, b�nefi�iaE or equ�table; whether voluntary or in�v�un�ary; <br /> wh�ther �y �utri�ht sal�, d��d, ins�allment sal� �ontraGt, land �vntrac#, �on�ract far deed, I�aseha�d intQrest with a - <br /> term grea�er than�hree ��} years, ieas�-option contract, �r by safe, assignm�nt, �r transf�r vf any b�neficiaf �nterest in <br /> ar tv an�fand �rus� ha�ding #��tle �❑ th� Rea� Pr�per#}�, �r hy any other methc�d vf can�eyanGe o�an in'��r�st in �he Real <br /> Praperty. Havve��r, fihis ap�ion sh�l� not b� exer��s�d by Lend�r if �uch ex�rcise is prahibit�d by federal l�w ar by <br /> Nebraska Iaw. <br /> TA}�E5 �4ND LIEIVS. Th� foll�wing �ro�risians relating �o the taxes �nd liens on the Prflp�rty are part of�his De�d of <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymen#. Trus#vr shali pay wh�n due �and in al��v�n�s pri�r tv del�nqu�ncy}ali�axas, speGi�l tax��, a�ssessr�nents, <br /> charges �including water�nd sewer�, fin�s and impasi��ons l�vied against or an a�G�unfi o�th� Praperty, and shall <br /> pay wher� due all c�aims f�r work dan� an or�ar servi�e� rendered ar ma�erial furnish�d �a�he Pr�pe�y. Trustar <br /> shal� m�intain fh� Prop�rty free of ai! liens ha�ing prio�iiy�ver-Qr equal t�th� int�rest�f L�nder under�his ❑�ed af <br /> Trust, �x��pt f�r th� lien �f taxes and assessrnenfs not due, axcept for #h� Existing lndebtedness r�ferred �a <br /> below,and except as o�henNis� provide� in this Deed�f Trus�. <br /> Right ta C�ntest. Trustar may wifihhald paymsnt�f any tax, assessr7n�nt, ❑r ciaim in cannsc�ian 4nrith a g�od faith <br /> dispu�e over the obligation�o p�y, $�[an�as Lend�r's in�eres�in the Property is n�t jeopardi�ed. �f a lien arises ar <br /> is fl�d as a re�ult �� nQnpaym�nt, Trustor shai� within fif�een �1�� days ��ter the lien arises orq if a �ten i� filed, <br /> wi�h�n fift�en �'15} days �fter Trustar has natice of�he filing, secure the discharge af the Iien, ar if requ�st�d by <br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient carporate surety bond ar other s�curity sa�isfa���ry ta Lender in an <br /> amount suffcier�t tv discharge the li�n prus any costs and attarn�ys'fees, or ather charges that cou�d ac�rue as a <br /> result o�a f�rec�vsure or sale under the lien. �n any con�est, T�ustor shall defend i#self and L�nder and shal�sat�sfy <br /> any a�verse judgrnent be�are�n�or��m�n#against fh� Property. Trustor shall name Lend�r as an addi�iona!ahligee <br /> und�r any�ur�ty bvnd furnished in the��n#e$t pra�eedings. <br /> Evid�n�� af Payr��nt. Tru�tar sha�! upon d�mand�urni�h ta L�nder�a#isfa�Gtary ��iden�� af paymen��f the�axes <br /> or�ssess�en�s and sh�ll au�hori���he app�ap�iate gav�rnrnental �fFicial t� del�v�r#o Lender a�any time a wr�'���n <br /> ��atem�nt af th�t�xes and ass�ssments against'�he Pr�p�r�y. <br /> I��tice �f�an�tructi�ne Trust�r�h�Il no�tify Lender at least fi�te�n �'��} days h�fore any wark is c4rnmenced, any <br /> ��rv�ces are furnished, �r any materia�s �re�upplied t�the Prop�r�y, if any m�chani�'s lien, ma��rialm�n's lien, ar <br /> ather�i�n ��u�d �� ass�rted �n a��vunt vf the w�r�C, serui��s, ar mat�riais. Trustor wi[I upon request�f L�nder <br /> furnish �� Len�er a�vanc� �ssurances satisfac#vry #o Lender that Trustor can and �nrili pay #he cast af such <br /> impro�sments. <br /> F�ROPERTI���411AAGE INSURANCE. Th�fvElowing provEsians relat�ng�o insuring�he Property are a part of this De�d of <br /> �rust. <br /> iVlair��er�an�e of �nsur�nce4 �T'rus�or shal[ prvcure and m�int�ir� palic�es �f fre insurance vvith standard ext�n��d <br /> ��verage endars�m�nts �n a r�pla�ement �asis f�r the full insurable Walue co�er�ng aIl �mprv�emen�s �t� the R�al <br /> P�operty in an amaunt suffi�ient t� avoid appEic�tior� of any coinsurance clause, and with � standa�d mvrtga�ee <br /> claus� in f��or of L�nder,t�gether wi�h such othe�hazard and �iabil�ty insuran��as L�n��r may reasvnably r�quire. <br /> P�licies shal� be wrE�ten in f�rm, amoun#s, c�v�r��e� and ha�si� reas�nably acceptahie t� L�nder an� issued by a <br /> c�mpany ar �ompani�s reas�nably a�c�ptat��e t� Lender. Trustar, upan r�quest vf Lend��, wil6 de�iver to Lende� <br /> from#im�t�time#h� p�l��i�� or cer�ifcates o�insuranc� in f�rm satis�'act�ry fia Lender, including stipul�tions that <br /> co�era�es will n�t be �ancelted ��dim�nished wi�h�u# at leas�#�r� ��D} days �riar writt�n noti�e ta Lender. Each <br />