�•,..:,z.s • :. .••.� . ; %�: „�: .,�Fi.,v:a67.. - �., . . , . �x, s.:..::' id � _. ti� - v:c e�f�v:a:=
<br /> � �c;�+.:.�:�c._,�
<br /> �._e��a+�`t�s�s�u�s.c.r °.LSav�irr�mii���.�:�^s��\S�.'sho"a"C�1�.c�x41�:4=,�idEti�` __'sn'a§;3E:`'=?���i�l���tit _ ' .�'�tC��s.:i1=��$:S#'�.��L��x.x.:r-•_ -
<br /> � ' � �...��__. 1 �
<br /> � ' n♦ •
<br /> � � - NotwUNlFOx�t C�ve[awty'js.BomoMer aad Leader furtha canenant utd aga ss foUows: 9i��V j���
<br /> . U Accdeeatk�; lte�e�iies. Le�ie�dnil �I�e �ottee to Barowa�Hor to acceleratioe followiag Borrower's�
<br /> ire�c�otw coTe�■t o��eeiest if ttiL Sec�y I�trw�t lMt eot pior to�ceeleriti�eader p�ragrapfis 13 aed 17 .
<br /> aks�aNiicMik hw��a ottierwise).'ILe aodce�iall�irl.W tDe defi�l�(i}tie i+ction rtqnfred to care tbe �
<br /> � iefad�(e)a d�ta,aot k�tLas 30 eLp��ro�n the�ate Hie aotise it gt�es tQ Borra�►er,by wMch tbe defaWt must be cared;
<br /> aii(al tl�at taiive to cvt tbE ietult oa a before 4tie date s�ified 3s ttle eotice euy rault�acsclerttioe of the sums
<br /> sette+e�6y tib Saca�tty F�trmrt�t sad ale ot tt�e Pra�eeiY.lke r,ottce�hatl tart6tr idtorm Bo�ow�of the�iglt to
<br /> reh�htte�lter aa�atia�ud t�e r�t to brFy�a ca�rt actioa to a�ert tie��e=bteuoe of a detault or any otber
<br /> �eftde of Borrower to seoderaHos aai sak.If ti�dcfsnit is eot eAC+ei os or retore tle datt apeei9cd in t�e aotice,I.enckr
<br /> • ' at[b o�tioe�r rnpire ias�te py�eei fa lrll ot aU smi�car+ei Up t�is 5ecuity IashQm,eut aithont turtHer
<br /> de�d�d may fuTOl�e tl�power of s�k a�d aap ot�er rese�iea ps*aitted by�llcabk I�w.I,tider s6a11 be eai[tkd to
<br /> cdtect all e�� �itc�rei ia /�rs�iy�ti�t e+e�eii�s �rodieit i� d�is}�n�ra�Y 19,iacl�di�g, bnt aot lieited to,
<br /> r�We attuneys'fea a�i ooas ottitlt crjde�ce. �
<br /> If tie pwer ot s�k is ia�oi�ed�Tnrtse tialt reoocd a�otice ai deh�lt i�q�cb county in w6k6 say part ot t6e
<br /> Pro�ertY Is bcated a�l sWili w�i!to�tes af�ch iotjce is t�e ma�eer pre�aribei tiy aMl�ca,bk 4w to Borrowu u�d to t6e
<br /> otLer persans prtseri�ed 6y�pUdible faw.After tle tirt�e rtqafnd bg�sppticable taw,Tr�tme slult gtve pnblic aatice oi
<br /> ssle to ti�e persoes�d ia tr�e sasaer lcacri5ed Tsy�ppiiable Iaw.Tru:ta.�►Itl�wt�esaad ao Barrawer.sLall selI t6e
<br /> Prdperty st poblic a�c�io�tm the�t bWdes at tbe tlme aad plsce and ander We ter�s daignated In the notice of sile in
<br /> � aui or erame prrcels ud i�s�y orier Tr�sta detere�tea.Trodee msy post�ose aale ot all or�ny parcei of tbe Prol�rtY bY
<br /> ��Itc a�aa�t at tl�time aee��lace at aay pre�ioutly schednkd sale.Leeder or ita dai�ee may pnrebase We .
<br /> I'roperty at a�saie.
<br /> ilpoa re�t a��at oi t6e price btd,Te�tee eLall deltstr to tke pnrchaser Trusta's dee�comeyi�g the .
<br /> , �o�erty.TYe reciais 8a R�e Tr�ta's deed sbaII be orima f�cie e�Idence ot the trutb of t�e statemeets made thaeia. � ::;;
<br /> Trasfee tia11 ap�ly tie procee�s ot tte sale h t�e�ollowiag order.(s)to all e:peases of t6e ssle,inclodjng,bnt aot Wiattd �z�:'
<br /> : xo,�'rastet'��a as penattted by sppf¢ct61e I�w ana rawnable attoreeys'fees;(b)tu all snms seca�red 6y tLis Seca�ity .
<br /> ' Instramee��d(ca any e:ceso to tl�e person or peraons teg�Uy eatttted tu i� .
<br /> <.�
<br /> 2Q.I�eader in Pos�sion.Upan accelerauon under p�ragraph 19 or abandonment of Ihe Property. Lender(in .
<br /> �erson,hy agent or by judicialty appointed rxceiver)shall be endtted to enter upon,take possession of and manage the
<br /> � Property and to coUect the rents of the Property including tltase past dut.Any rents collected by Lender ar the receiver .
<br /> shall be apptied 6rst to paymtnt of tl�s cosu of management�f the Property and collection of rrnts,including, �tts�ot
<br /> limited tc�r;.�iver's fas,preauwns on receiver's bonds and reas�na(�le attorneys'�'ees,and then to the sums secure�t�y
<br /> t�isSccurii�r�strument.. .
<br /> 21.Rxon�eyaa�:T,Tr�on payment oi all sums secured by this Secarity Instrument,Lender shall cequcst Trustet to
<br /> s�tcr��re'►t���ruperty an�'shall surrernder this Sxurity Insirument and all not�s evidencing debt secured by this Secu,.-�,.`y
<br /> I���-,�t!�'f�ustee.Trusta shaDl n�nvey the Propea�,r without warranty and without charge to the person or g�rs.rs � -•
<br /> . tr.���..c�;;k�.,�to i�Saeh person or pe�sons shall pay a��a rec�rdatian costs. : j:r
<br /> 32.Subsf3tate Trastee.Lender,at its oprian.c�:ay from time to time remove Trustce and appoiut a successor sr�s:� � �`�'.
<br /> ,;;.,,,,,
<br /> E��any Trusiee appointed hereunderby an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instsument is rec�r�. ♦`"�
<br /> � Without ca��;�eyance of the Property,the successor trusta shall succxed to all the title,power and duties conferred u�n -
<br /> Trusta heres�;�d by applicable_law. '
<br /> 23.�t for Notices.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's � _
<br /> address which is ttte Pr����Address. �E � � .
<br /> ' 24.RIdeis to tbis�arity lnstrument.If one or more riders are eaecutal by Borrower and recorded together wath '��
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument,the cavenants and agraments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> supplement t'�e covenants and agreements of this Socurity Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> � Instnameax.j��leck applicable box(es)]
<br /> � � ❑ H9justable Rate Rider C�f.:�ndominium Rider [] 2-4 Family Rider ,.* �,
<br /> � ❑ Graduatod Payment Rider � Planned Unet Development Rider {� '
<br /> ' ❑ Other(s) (specify] , •
<br /> : BY SIONING EdiUG'�, Borrower acce�.s .xr�9 agrees to thc terms and covenants contained in this Security ' '�'
<br /> � .�,-
<br /> Instrument a:�d in any rider(s)taecuted by Borroa�_r and reco ed with it. �
<br /> � �EBORR�WR.(�� FURTHER REQU£5T� THAT � � �
<br /> COPI ES �f" THE NOT I CE OF d��'AULT "':�..... ....... ..... ..�1�•��+,�.......................�Seal) .
<br /> �x NOTlCE OF 5AlE BE SENT TO EACH BETTY J SS —�«o'^"�+'
<br /> tHE ADQl�SS OF SlJCH PERSQNS SET ........................................................................................(Sea!)
<br /> FORTH I�I�L-IN. —earow«
<br /> , [SOac� Rd�u�r Tlis I,kN For Ackno�Ndpn�rHl
<br /> srn�rt or• .°-!� ' :a..�r.c..s.....:.4. �
<br /> , `��'. �,� ` • �SS:
<br /> COUNTY d� �-:E�:V�rl:,.. . '�...........
<br /> . _
<br /> I.��•�:•'P:�"���a:..:.':....:.�'7�u:��:�-:..,,a Notary Publtc in and for said caunry and statc,do heraby certify that --- -
<br /> EEIIY.3.l10SS.....................................A•SINGI.E•P�R�O�l. ......•.....•....,personally appeared
<br /> ;
<br /> before me and is(are)known or proved to me to be the person(s)who.being informed of the contcnts of the forcgoing instrument. '
<br /> have executed same.encl acknowled�ed said instiument to t�e...hgtc...............tree and valuntary act and deed and that �
<br /> (his.her.their) �
<br /> _ : -..
<br /> .S�t�.................exccutc8 said tnstrument for the puTposes and uses thercin sct forth.
<br /> . � (he,she.they)
<br /> ,
<br /> Witaess my l�and nnd oflTtial aeat 1hiS.........?3r�...............day of..,�ebruary � 90 '
<br /> .................. f9...... �.
<br /> ' s;a����ii0U1S FkASER ' �`� ;/1 ,1 ' �
<br /> f ,� , ,
<br /> N01Mr rl�UC-Gu.scar� ',•' 0 .,�., '.:" i:, _. . � -�r._. .' (SEAL) cs. 4
<br /> 61MI O�GO C°3U'� ....:.......:.t.:....: ......................... . ..
<br /> �y0�nrn.Er�r��W: tt,ts�z Notury Pub12c
<br /> Yi:is tnstrum,ens ���e prppa►ed by.....�Ul.11t1Ht1'; I!EtF Rl1! '�A'J t�J[�`: F�APdK . ..................................
<br /> Qa•r�i .. . .............. ........ �
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