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<br /> r � 9o—ia�ai2
<br /> i if Lender required�ortgage insur3ntx as a condition of m�cing the toan savrad by this Security Insuument,
<br /> � Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurince in effcct unti�such time as the rcyu�rement far the
<br /> insuraace terminates in accardaacc witY�Borrowe�s aad Lendes's written agreement or appiica6fe law. -
<br /> 8. Inspectioa. I.ender ar its agent may malce reasonable entries upon and inspectians of the Property.Lender
<br /> sflall give Borrower notice at the time of ar priarto an inspection specifying reasanablt cause far thc inspection.
<br /> 9. Coade�natton. The proce�e�s of eng award or claim fos daanages,d'srect or consequential.in connection aith
<br /> _ , any wndemnation or otha taking of any�SSUCOf tI�r Pcoperty,or for conveyaace in lieu of condemnation,are hereby .
<br /> �ssignod and shall be paid to Le�der. -
<br /> � In the evcnt of a total tutiiag a;the Pcoperty,the procads shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrummt,whether or aot thm due,wit6 any excess paid w Boaower.In the event of a pardal taking of t�e Propeaty,
<br /> unless Borrower and Leader atIiera�ise agrea in writing,the snms secnrod by ttus Security Insm�ment shall be rodcced by
<br /> the amonnt of the��mnItiptied by the following fraction:{a}tbe total amount of the sums secured itnmediately
<br /> before thc taking,dividai tsy(by t.�e fair markei value of We Property i�mediately before the taging.My balance sha116e
<br /> , paid ta Horro�var.
<br /> If the Property is abintdts�by Bnrtnwer,or if,aRer notice by Lender ta fic�rawer that the candemrsor offers to
<br /> � maYe an award or.sr�t�e a st�im far�mag�,Harrower faiLs to resgond to I,ender wi�a 3t�day�after the date the norice is ��
<br /> � � � �ven,Lendes is audiatiaed.tcrc��Iect and ag�3y the proceeds,at its option,either to r�toratiaa�tc cepair of the Property or .
<br /> R to the sums secute�t��r�iii�S�itX Insirument,whether or not thrn due.
<br /> ! � Unlcss I.usder ari�Atimswer otherwise agree in wrifing,any applicatian af proceeds to principal shall not exterid or
<br /> � gostpm�the dae date af tha taar�tiily payments referred to in paragrap&s 1 and 2 ac change the amount of such paymenis.
<br /> � lpl BorroRe� Not Bet�sed;Forbe�uranoe By Lender hot g!?Yai�er. Extension of the time far paymeat ar
<br /> � modi&ration of�amflrtization of t6e sums secured by this Securiry IASxrumtnt granted by Lende�to any succ�ssar��
<br /> : interest af Borrowet shall not operate to retease th�liability of'the ori87Tru Borrawer or Borrower's successors in interest. '
<br /> � Lender shall not be requised ta commence proceedings against any�:.^cessor ir.interest or refuse tu exte�d time far
<br /> - � paym�nt rar otheswise modify amortization of the sums secared by this Szcurity Instr�ent 6y reason of any�and made
<br /> ; by the ar�ginal Bonower or Bonawcr's succsssars in interest.Any fer�irsnce by F��er in eaercising any right or remedy
<br /> � shall not be a waives�+�r prcclude the exercis�nf any right or remedy. • - • •
<br /> � il. Suc�ts�nd Assi�s Boond;daint 9nd Se�eral Lia6iiil���j�ers. The cc.�:�ants and agreements of � •. •
<br /> � this Security Instrtstr�i shall bind and benefit the successors and assi�:'s�,�fLend�:�Borrodver,subject to the provisioas
<br /> � of paragraph 1�.Borraartr's covenants and agreements shall be jaint an�several.��c,•�orrower who co-signs this Security �
<br /> Instrument but do��:ot execute the Note:(a)is eo-signing this Socur:s:��Instrumer.2 onty to moRgage,grant and convey ...
<br /> � that Bonower's int:c�;t in the Property under the terms of this Securty Lnstrument:(b)is not personally obligated to pay
<br /> ; the sums scxured Ts� ihis Security Instrument;and(c)agtees tiu►t Lenc�er and any other Banower may agree to eatend.
<br /> j modify,forbear ar make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without �� .;-
<br /> � that Bonaaer's consent.
<br /> ZE. I,aau Chargts. If the loan secured by this Security(nstrument is subjcct to a law�tiich seta maaimum loan _
<br /> charges. and that l�w is finally interpreted so that the interest or oiher loan charges colteYuxi or ta be collected in �
<br /> connxtion with the toan excad the pem�itted limits, then:(a)any such loan charge shall � :educed by the amount .';._
<br /> ` necessary to reduce the chprge to thc permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected fram Borrower which eaceeded
<br /> . permitted limits will be refund�eo Bonower. Lender may choose t4 make this refund by reducing the pri.acipal owed
<br /> under the Note or by making a du.z:vt paymeni to Bonnwer.If a refund roduces principal.the reductian will 6e treated ag a
<br /> ; partial prepayment without any prepaymtnt charge under the Note.
<br /> � 13. LegislsSJ�n ARecting Lender's Rigbts. 1f enactment or expiratian ns applica�.E�laws has the effect ci: � , s�
<br /> rendering any pror.'�wan oPthe Note or this Security Ir�trument unenforceable according to its terr�s,Lender,at its�ption, • '
<br /> � may raQuire immediate payment in full of all sums seeured by this Security Instrument and may invoke:��ny remedies �'-.�
<br /> ` permittr�i�y paragraph 19.lf I.ender eaercises this oplion.l:�.Ynder shall take the steps specified in the secon�paragaph of .
<br /> � � paragagn 17. . ��:
<br /> � 14. NoNces. Any noiice to Bono���:s provided for in this Security Instrument shall be�:ven by delivering it or by I ��-
<br /> ; meiting it by first c:ass mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad. The notice shall be directed to the �
<br /> � PropeRy Address or uny othrr.a,d��ress Borrawer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shaU be give�� by ,
<br /> � first class mail to Lender's addr�..�s s:tated herein or aay other address Lender desigre3tes by notice to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> provided far in thi�,�sa:arity Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Barrower or L.cnder when given as provided
<br /> in ttais paragraph.
<br /> � 19. Coventtag Iaw;Severability. This Security Instrument shall be gavemed by federal law nnd the law of the
<br /> � jurisdictian in which the Propeny is located. ln the event that eny provision or clausc oF this Sccur;ty Instn:,ment or the
<br /> Note canflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not:iffect other provisimis of this 5ecuri.ty Instrument��r the Note
<br /> , which can be given eflect withaut the conflicting provision.To this end ihe provisions of this�et:us�ty Jnstrument and the
<br /> Note are declared ta i�e severable.
<br /> 16. Borrowar`a Copy. $orrower shall be given one canforrned copy of the Nate and of ihis Sccurity lnstrmnent.
<br /> 17. Transfet•of the Property or a HeneHctal Ieterest in Horrower. If all or any p�rt of the Praperty or any
<br /> interest in it is suld ar transferred(nr if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfcrred and Borrower is not a natural
<br /> � person)withaut Lend�r s prior written consent,Lencler may.at its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums
<br /> seeured by this S:CUrity lnstrument. However,this opiion sha11 not be exercised by l.ender i�exercise is prohibited by =_ _-_-_-
<br /> , federal law as of the date of this Security lnstrument. �
<br /> li'Lender exercises this apiion.Lender shall give Bnrrower rtotice of acceleralinn.7he nutice sh�ll pravidc a period
<br /> � oPrtot less than 3Ud�ys from the date the notice is delivered or ms�iled within which tinrrowcr must pay all surns secured hy '
<br /> this Security lnstrument.If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this periad.Lender may in��oke any
<br />_ tetnedies permitted by this Secutity lnct��amrnt witl�o�t!'�trth!r notire or�eu3an�!nr_L�srot�er. '
<br /> 18.Borrorer's Ripl6t to Reinstate. If Borrower meets cert�in ccmditi��ns, Borrower shall havc the right tn have �
<br /> enfc�reement of this 5eeurity Instrument disco��tinued et any time prior tn the earlier of(a)5 days(�r such other periud as
<br /> � �pplicable law may specifyr for reinst�tement)b�fore sale of the Propetty�+utsu�n! t�any pnwer c�f sale contauicd in thi�
<br /> Security Instrumrnt;or(b)entry of a juclgment enforcing t6is Security Instrumem.Those conefitiuns arr ihat H��rro�xcr:
<br /> (a)pays L,ender all sums which ihen wonld be due under this Security lnstrument and thr tinte had uo ar�cleratic�u �
<br /> cxcurrcei; (b► 6ures uny defauh uf any,athet covenaats �t agreements; (c)pays�ll rxpenticv incurred rn cnf��rcmg thic �
<br /> Security Instrwner�t,inrlud�ng,hut not limited to, reasunabte attuttreys' fees: arid(d)�al�e�sur}r:�ctin►� n� lxndrr mc�y .
<br /> rtatitrnabty reyuire t�r assure�hat the lien ui'I}vs Secunty Insuument. Y.ender'� ngh�•��� tltc 1't�qr�r�y and H��tr��wc�'4 ., �
<br /> — _ ubl�gatu�n t�� pay ihe �:um� serured py thic Secvnt} Instrument �hatl rpnUuuc uncirany,r�i l'p,m reu��tatcmcnt ny
<br /> F3utre►wet.�hw Secunty tnstrument und th,��bl�gatt�u�s tiecured hereh}'shnll reu�aur ful ly e(Yc�t��c.�+�f'a��accetrr�u��r►h�J
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