. t�1
<br /> .=:a..._.�.......rr, ,y' '..�ts �� J ..CC.� '�ax• :a�;bbu.: °..�-_�.:.�i3'r' '�c:L•, sy�� ' E��;ti+'F%$-S4 L�,� ��.fT�b '�feYi�A�..�.Y i xu �'�s�v__ ' _.= .
<br /> - ��1�i�}li n�Y�ii'R�a�wi.��s. ' -- _ __
<br /> ' _ _-_ � .. _" _ �
<br /> �, ' .
<br /> PLANi��D UNIT D�V�LUPIl�i�N1` RID�R �
<br /> 90���0��
<br /> . ..,
<br /> Tt11S PL+�NNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RIDER is made this...23fl�.............dny oP.........F�BRIlA1iY............ tS! °� `
<br /> � ..... ..,� .
<br /> and is incorpamted into and shel!be deemed to amend and soppte�nent the Mort�ge.Oeed of Truse og Sccs�si:y [hzod(a�r. �
<br /> � "Sesurity Inst�mrnt"j of thtsame dat�.givtn by tho und�rsig�ic�(the"Do�rativer")to sccure Borco�vcr's h�te tc►........ ......
<br /> ............................�Q�4�Ql��llS...f.�A�ffAI,..SAII�!lGS..�Ak1K.............._......................................................-------(ch�'°�c,;��:�'^p.
<br /> of 1he samedate�nd covering th�Property d�scribed in�lie Security lnsirument and lacat:ci as: -
<br /> � � ...................._......725..��1#R�H...RttAA...Cf���:li�..IS�.t1t�A.N���t��SKA.....�A.�t}�...................................__.._...:.__....._,.....,.,. :
<br /> �rop[riy AQdr¢�s
<br /> "t'he Yranerty indudes.bul is not limiltd tn.a parce)ot fattd improved with a dnelting,tegetitcr rrsLh o�f�er sect�Qucc�3 aso;-:. �
<br /> cer�aincomrttonareasandfacilitia.asdescribedin ....LQT..SE�l�,bt...(T�.,...�VOT�INGHANt..ESIP,.TES.SlII�I�r`�S.I£I?�,....^
<br /> .........AI�..ARR�T.I�IN...T.A..T�f�..CXS.Y...OF..GAANt1..I.�I.AAli1,..�.Al.A...CAUN.�X,..I�JE�EIe�IStCQl.---------•..................._............_
<br /> (thc"Declaration"j..71te Fraperty is a art of a pla�med unit dcvelopnient knoivn�s................................._......�_,...�_�...�.,,..
<br /> ..........................................................N$�NGHA[M..�STAY�S . . :. .........................:............ .....
<br /> ♦ (�lsme o PbnneO �nft Qeve}opment�.. '. . -----•-~•-•-'""..�.�.`....
<br /> , (the"PUD"�.1�7se Properly also�ncludes Borro�ver's inte�est iu t3ie homeo�s ners associut;r;n or ec�u�•rAlect e�:ily o•n�sr�:;r.,�cr.
<br /> ei^anaging the ccmttion ateas and facililies oC the PUD(Uie"Oivners Associatian"j and Ute uscs,..Eacsa£�s a:rc.r,���p�cev�ctt-�
<br /> , �£i�srpwer'S interes�'• '
<br /> : PUD Gt�vEt�tANis.ln additian to the covenants ar.� sx��eemeuts made in tl�e 5ecurity P:�tru��:u:', IIucrn�He,.:�-r,r.�
<br /> Lendcr f4r�f,2er cova�ant and agree as foltons:
<br /> A. �'t7D 06llgatioa�. Honower shall perCorm all af Uarrower's obtig�tions ure�e� t?�r, ��l�"s Ccnn�;t.�text!
<br /> �gc�acsie�iRs.l'he"Coastituent Documents"are fl�e: �i}Declaration;(i�3 acFtcirs of incor�orat;an..t.tuasivaL ui��a�tt;�c any
<br /> cquivalecit cEa�umeut which creates the Owners Assaeintion;�r.d(iiij any byJaws or ottcer rtties or rs�s1�:_r,nn�l;t'i�CT��ners
<br /> ; Assaciaticn. L�orranrtr shat! promgr.(;G-nay, when dne. att:�u�s and Assessments i:rrpae:d pu�suss�t.. tC•i,:l�i�csstituent
<br /> , Documents .� �
<br /> � li, �IAzard Insurance.So long as the��vrers Asseciatian maintains,�vith a ge��erally accept�d insurance casrier.a �
<br /> � "master"or"blaukeY'policy insaring the Pro(�er4.�wh�cb is satistactory Io Lcndcr�nd�vhich providcs insuranca cover�ge
<br /> in Ihc ar�o�n�ts.for the periats�and against the hazards Lender r�uires,i�icluding fire ard fiazards included witheRtf.e tetn� � •�'
<br /> "eatende.�.c��•trage."Ihen: : ' '
<br /> ,,`�:
<br /> �t� Lender waives the provision in Uniform Co,�.ra��t 2 for the montlrly payment to Lender of a�e-twelftli of
<br /> a:l���carly premium installn.r.cnts far hazard insuraR.�,:,.;�thc Property;aitd ,
<br /> �. (ii) Borrowe:�c�bligalion und'er Unifi��Covenant 5 to mainE_�r�:'�azard i;��aance coverage ou the Property is � _
<br /> �=enud satisAed to the eatent that the r.���ired ca��rage is prov�ded by the Otvners Ass��rc}•i��i policy. � �
<br /> Dorrotver ahap give L.ender pres;�gt notiee of any lapse in reqaired hazard insurs,�,.�:a�verage provided by t�;r mastet ,
<br /> • c.r blanket policy. '
<br /> .. In the event of a distribution oi hazazd i�r,.�ycance proceeds in lieu of restorntion or repair.��Sotiving a loss to the . .
<br /> . i�r.�perty ar to common areas and facilities ei t:;c�iJD.any procecds paynbtc to Q�rrower are lie�et��.�sigaed a..nd shal)be
<br /> paid to Lender. Lender shel! apply lGe prQ�:eds to the sums sccured by the Scruriry lnstrument,aith any excs:.55 y1�:1/CI�O
<br /> � 13orrmver. �
<br /> C. Publfc Liabt[ity Insurance.Borrun�e.r�.�Sall takc such actions as may be reasonable to insure that tfie O�vr��ts
<br /> /�wsocintian maintains a�;sbl�c linbility insur�_�ce�r,;�:icy acceptable in forn�,^rz�ount,aud exle��t oPcoverage to Lcnder.
<br /> U. Condemnatlon.The praceaj.��Pany a�z•ard or claim for damages,direct or cor.sequential,payuble to Dorrowcr in
<br /> .C�,:!"i1tC1101t��ith auy condemnalloi�ar utt�:r taking of Al!or an�•}I�rt of the Praperty or the�mmon nreas and f�cilities oC the '
<br /> ' (fC;.�i'J,or for�ny canvey�nce in lieu of co�idemnatiqn.are Iicr�isl�assig��ed and sh�116e paid to Lender.Such procecds sl�all
<br /> �a!=��pplied by I.ender!a lhesums secured by the�e.ui:iy lnslr�mcnt as pro��ided in UniPom�Covenant 9. ` �
<br /> ', E. Lender's Pr�or Consenf. Borrower sl.r:�ti nat, excc�t after notice tv Lender �nd �vith Lender's prior written � '
<br /> � consent�titl�er partition ar svbdlvide ihe Property ar conser,t t�- �
<br /> � (i) the abandoument or termiu�tion of tlie PUD,cszept far abandonment or tern�ination re�uired by Pa•.�=in thc . .
<br /> - c�se of subslantial drstructiau by fire ar other c�sualty or in the case af a taking by caidcrnnatian or eminent doma9n; .
<br /> ' (ii) any enirndment to any provision etHic"Coaslitueut Documcuts"if Ihc provision is for the express bcr::�"�t '
<br /> of Lender; �
<br /> (iii) tertnination of professioual managcuunt ar.�assumptian of self n��ua�.�:�:ent o1'the O�vners As:sca.aation; '
<br /> or '
<br /> (iv) eny action whicti�vould have N�s etfect of rendering H�c public iiaGitity insnrnncc ca�ernge maintained by
<br /> � Ehc pwners Assoeiatioi�unnceeptable to L.ender.
<br /> t: Remedies.If Borrower does not pay I'Ub ducs and Assessmeuls when due� then Leuder n�ay pny th:m. Any
<br /> amounts disbursed 6y Lende�undor this paragrapii f'sliall become additional debt of Unrrower setured by the 5ecurity
<br /> � fnstoununt.Unless[3orrower snd Lender agree to uthcr,terms of payment,lhese nmounts shnll bear intarest from Nu date oi
<br /> di.�ursement ai the Note rrie and sGall be payabte.with tnterest�upon notice fram l.eudcr to I3orrower requesting paynunt.
<br /> I3Y SIGNINp QELOW.Dorrowtr accepts and agrecs to Ihe tcrms and� visions can�nineci in this I'UD[tidcr. _
<br /> . � _ __- --
<br /> � ^(�[�} ` ,
<br /> ���......�.._..!.... ...... . ...l...�..t!`?��.................. .(Seal) i
<br /> ' BETTV J t40 �� �oorronc�
<br /> • �
<br /> �
<br /> .......... ............ ...........................................................(Scap : -� ;
<br /> . eor,owc,
<br /> �
<br />' • , o ��
<br /> , Y
<br /> �a --
<br /> PnULT151'A�E PUD t�lOER---,,tF;�� caf,:rj ��u.1A/F1![fdC Ut1�P01t�,� ir�srr►�rae�+r En�„� 31�Q t71fI.� �
<br /> .-�;r ntt . � � 1
<br /> _ � : :-: =�
<br /> ° ::#Se,r�y,!rf�., _. ; '+'� - - — —- — - -- .��-�� ,:aj�., :,:a t, '' .. ,�- •- -r --. -"s � ..
<br /> _'Hi-Al .�f ��'!"'.i�.i`{T�;�ifl7M�r:'�IfNt'�'Yd�i��.w 4 13j5 4� 'T`t.f.
<br /> � . ._ ,' ' ..-. . , _ . .. .:. . . ...__. , . _._. , .:., c'C__ -, .t; � . . . ` , , -... . . . ,
<br /> , v
<br /> ' __ _.._ ...___.,._ .__.._�._,�__. _" "...,_.. ,_ '—"'_, ' _ ' _ ' _'_ _ "_ ' _ __' ' ''_.-.
<br /> .._...''__'_"'_'_�__" __'_' __""'
<br /> "- . _.. _ ... .
<br /> — ,-..._ ,.._--�,-� --- - . _ . _ _ —... ___ , —_ r�• -_. -__._. _ __..� __.._.,-_ . r.___— ' - _._ _. � . _ _ ...
<br />