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. 2� 17� 1479 <br /> �f Lender receives a payment fram BQrrow�r for a delinquen� Periadic Paymen� �hic�a inc�udes a <br /> sufficient amounti �o pay any late char�e due, �he pay�.nen�m.ay be app�ied�a �he d��inquent payment <br /> and the la�e charge. If more than one Periadic Paymen�is auts�and�ng,Lender may app�y any pay�nen� <br /> recei�ed from Barrow�r �o thc repayrnen� of�he Periodic Payments if, and to �he ex��nt that, each <br /> pay�ncnt can be paid in fu��. To th�ext�nt that any excess exis�s after�he payment�s appl�ed to the fu11 <br /> pa�ment of one or morc Pcriodic Payments, SUG�.1 ex�ess may be appl�ed �o any lat� charges due. <br /> Voluntar� prcpayments sha11 be applied f�rs� �o any prepaym�n� charges and then as described in the <br /> Note. <br /> Any applica�ion of pay�nen�s, insurance proceeds, ar Miscellaneous Proceeds to pr�ncipal due under <br /> �he Note shal�not extend ar postpone the duc dat�,ar change the amount of the Periodic Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Funds for Escr�w Items. Barrower sha11 pay to Le�der on the day Periodic Payments ar� due under <br /> the No�e, until�he Note is pa�d in ful�, a sum�the "Funds"}�Q provide for paymen�af amoun�s due for: <br /> (a} taxes and ass�ssmen�s and o�her�tems wh�ch can at�ain priorit� o�er�his Security Instrum�nt as a <br /> 1�en or encumbrance on the Proper�y; �b} 1eas�hold paymen�s or ground ren�s on�he Property, if any; <br /> �c� premiums for any and a1� insurance requ�red by Lender under Sec�ion S; and �d} Mor�gage <br /> �nsuranc� prerniums, if any, or any sums payable by Borrawer �o L�nder �n lieu of�he payment of <br /> Martgage Insurance pr�miums in accardance�vi�h the provzsz�ns of S�ction ��. These items are called <br /> "Escrow Items." At origina�ion or at any time dur�ng �he �erm of�hc Loan, Lender ma� require that <br /> Comrnun�ty Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, be escrow�d by Borrov�er, and such <br /> dues, fees and asscssmen�s shall be an Escrow Item. Borrower shall promptly furnzsh �o Lend�r a�l <br /> no�ices af amoun�s to be paid under this Sec�ion. Borrower shall pay Lender �h� Funds for Escraw <br /> Items �1ri1�55 Lender wai�es Borrower's obligation tfl pay the Funds far any or al� Escrow Yt�ms. <br /> Lender �nay wai�e Barrower's obligat�on to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrov�r �tiems at any <br /> time. Any such waiver may anly be in writing. �n �hc �ven� of such wai�er, Borrawer shall pay <br /> direc��y, v�rhen and where payabl�, the amounts due far any Escrovv Items for which paymen�of Funds <br /> has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish �o Lender rece�pts e�idencing such <br /> paymen�within such�ime per�od as Lender may requ�re. Borro�ver's obl�gatxon to make such paymcnts <br /> and�o pro�ide receipts shall for ai1 purposes be deemed to be a co�cnan� and agreement cantained in <br /> this Security �ns�rument, as the phrase "co�enant and agreemen�" is us�d zn Sectzon 9. If Borrower �s <br /> ob�igat�d ta pay Escro�v�:tems direc�l�,pursuant to a�va��er, and Borrawcr fails�o pay the amoun�due <br /> far an Escrow I�em,Lender may exercise i�s rights und�r S�c�ian 9 and pay such amoun�and Borrawer <br /> shall then be abligated under Sect�on 9 �o r�pay to Lend�r any such amaunt. Lender may revok� the <br /> waiv�r as to any or aI1 Es�raw�tems a�any�ime by a notic�given in accordance w��h Sec�xon �5 and, <br /> upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and �n such amoun�s, �hat arc �hen <br /> requ�red under this S�c�ion 3. <br /> Lender may, a�any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount�a} suffici�n�to permi�Lender�o appiy <br /> �he Funds a�the time specified under RESPA, and�b�na��o exceed�he maximum amount a lender can <br /> requ�re under�.ESPA. Lender sha11 estima�e the amoun�of Funds due�n the basis of current datd and <br /> reasonable est�mat�s of expendz�ures of future Escrow Ite�r�s ar o�herw�se in accardanc� v�i�h <br /> Applicable Law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an inst�tutiion whose deposits are �nsured by a fedcral agency, <br /> ins�rumen�ali�y, or �nt��y �zncluding Lendcr, if L��nder is an inst�tution whose depasi�s ar� so insur�d} <br /> or �n any Federal H�me Loan Bank. Lender shal� apply the Funds �o pay �he Escrovv ��ems na �a�er <br /> �han the �ime spec�fed unde�•RESPA. Lendcr shall nat charge Borrower for ho�d�ng and applying�he <br /> Funds, annually analy�ing the escrow ac�oun�, ar verzfyzng the Escrow �tems, un�ess Lender pays <br /> Borrower in��rest on�h�Funds and Applicab�e Law permits Lender�o Ynake such a charge. Unless an <br /> agreemen�is made in vvr��ing or Appli�abl�Law requ�res xn��res��o b�pa�d�n th�Funds,Lender sha�l <br /> na�be required�o pa�Borrower any in�eres�or earning��n�h�Funds. Borrovver and Lender can agr�e <br /> NEi3RASKA-Sinylc Fa�niiy-�'annie�',faelFreddie Nac UyI�UR�71�1�'1'I�U��:�T Fari�i 3U28 11U1 <br /> �Q 200�-201G Lonipliance Systcros,Inc.e5lcic�e-bc�2a59ee-�Q�f.482.1,4 � <br /> Singl��'anaily Rcat Estate-Security Instrurticr�t llL24�7 �agc 4 pf 1�4 ��;� <br /> ii i i II,il il ; I,;i �i,;I; i; �i ,..,., ,;�;:3 ,i ;;' I!!I�I� `'; ��'I I i i �; �:; ;;;�I '!!il �'I I; <br /> �fl��I������I I��I���I��i��l����I���������I�I�11�I����I���I f�El����II���II��1 l:I I{��III���I��I������;II��I�ll��I�,Il,���11111;:I������I����������f���� <br /> * Q L 2 0 4 7 -8 8 0 'I 9 6 9 3 7 3 - � Z � 7 1 7 - 1 � 2 1 - B Ll R L I A 0 1 * <br />