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2� 17� 1479 <br /> in wr�ting, howcver, tha� in�erest shail be paid on the Funds. Lender sha�l give t� Borrovv�r, without <br /> char�e,an annual accoun�ing flf th�Funds as required by RESPA. <br /> If �here �� a surplus of Funds he�d in cscrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shal� accoun� to <br /> Borro�nr�r for �h� excess funds in accordance �vith RESPA. �f tiher� is a sh�r�age of Funds held zn <br /> escrow, as defined under RESPA, L�ndcr sha11 notify Borro�ver as required by RESPA, and Borro�ver <br /> shall pay �o Lender the amflun�necessary�o make up the shartag� in accardanc� with RESPA, bu� �n <br /> no more �han 12 mon�hly payme�ts. �f�here �s a defxciency of Funds he�d xn escrour, as defined under <br /> RESPA, L�nder sha�l no�if� Borrower as rcquired by RESPA, and Barrawer sha11 pay �a Lend�r the <br /> amount n��es�ary �o make up �he deficiency in accordance �z�h RESPA, bu� in no more �han �.� <br /> mon�hly payments. <br /> Upon paymen�in fu�l of a�I sums secur�d by this Security�ns�rument,Lender sha11 promptly refund to <br /> Borrow�r any Funds heid by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges; Liens.Borrower sha11 pay alI tax�s, a5SeS5m�n�5,charges,f�nes,and impositions at�ributab�� <br /> �a the Proper�y �hich can a�tain pr�ority o�er this Security Instru�nent, leasehald payments or ground <br /> ren�s an the Praper�y, if any, and�am.munity Associa�ion Dues,Fees,and Assessmen�s, if any. To the <br /> �xtcn��hat these z�ems are Escra�w �tems, Borro�er shall pay them in th� manner provid�d �n Section <br /> 3. <br /> Borrower sha11 promp�ly discharge any �i�n which has priority over this Security Instrument uniess <br /> Borrower: �a} agrees in wri�ing �o the paymen� of the obl�ga�ian secured by �he �zen in a m.anner <br /> accep�abl�to Lender, bu�only so�ong as Borrower is perfarming such agreem�nt; �b}contests the�ien <br /> in goad fai�h by, ar def�nds against enforcemen� af tihe lien in, 1egal pr�ceed�ngs which �n Lender's <br /> op�nian opera�� �o prc�ent the enforcement af th� �ien vvhile those proceedin�s are pendin�, but only <br /> untx� such proceedings are canc�ud�d; �r �c} secures from the holder of the lxen an agreemen� <br /> satisfactory�o Lendcr subordinat�ng�he��en�a this Secur�ty�nstrumen�. If Lender de�ermines that any <br /> par�of�he Property is subj ect to a lien which can at�a�n pr�or�ty o�er this Secur�ty �nstirumenti, Lender <br /> may give Borr��v�r a notice identify�ng the lien. Wi�hin �D days of the date an �vhich tha� no��ce �s <br /> given, Borrav�er shall sat�sfy�he 1�en or take nne nr more of the ac��ons se�for�h abo�e in this Section <br /> 4. <br /> Lender m.ay require Barrower t� pay a one-tiime charg� f�r a r�al estat� tax �erifica�ion andlor <br /> repor�ing ser�ice used by.Lender xn conn�ctian with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property InSurance. Borrower shall keep the �mprovemen�s n��v existing or hereafti�r crec�ed�n�he <br /> Property insured a�a�ns� �nss by f�re, hazards �ncluded�vithin the term "extended ca�era�e," and any <br /> otiher hazards including, but not limited to, ear�hquakes and f�oods, for which Lender requ�r�s <br /> �nsurance. This insurance shall be main�ained in�h� am�unts �inc�ud�ng d�ductibie levels) and for the <br /> per�ods tha� Lender requires. �hat Lender rcquires pursuant �o the pr�cedin� s�n�ences Gan change <br /> during the �erm of tihe L�an. The insurance carr�er pro��ding th� insurance shall be chosen by <br /> Borrower subj�ct�a Lend�r's righ��o disapprave Borrower's choice, which righ�sha��no�be exere�sed <br /> unreas�nably. Lender may requir� Borrawer �� pa�r, zn connectxon wz�h this Loan, either: �a} a <br /> on�-�ime charg� for flflad zane determinat�on, certificatian and tracking ser�ices; ❑r �b} a one�time <br /> charge for fl�od zane de�erm�na�ion and ccr�ifica�ion ser�ices and subsequen� charges each ��me <br /> r�mappings ar similar changes occur v�rhich reasanably migh� affect such de�ermina��on or <br /> certif�catian. Barrawer shall a�sa be responsib�e for�he paymen� of any fees impos�d by �he Federa� <br /> Emcrgency Manag�ment Agency in connect�on w�th the re��ew of any flood zone de�e�7nination <br /> resuiting fr�m an obj ection by B orrower. <br /> �f Borrower fai�s ta maintain any of �he co�erag�s described above, Lender may ob�ain insurance <br /> coverage, a� Lender's ap�ion and Borrovver's expense. Lender is under no obligat�on to purchasc any <br /> par�icular typ� ar am�un� �f co�erage. Theref�re, such coverage shall co��r Lender, but m��ht or <br /> N��3HASKA-Singlc Pamily-Fanuie i��aelFreddie Il�ac UNIT�RVI INSTRU�YIE�T Form 3428 llDl <br /> C�'�2�D4-2Q 1 G Cornpliance Sys�cros,Inc.e51 c 1�fe-bd2a59ee-2�16.48Z.1.4 <br /> Singie F'ari�ily Real Estate-Security Instrument llLZQ47 1'age 5 af i4 ��� www.�amplian� <br /> �� `;3;i �:_ ��' Ili :i I I� I..j �;,: �.�, i,; ;: i,;:;','� ';:�;' �I� �!�':;:j��'� ';;;'1;;; <br /> r:ll��;�������I��{1���,�f II���I�I?:I i��I�ii I��:I���i I I�:1�l�� ,II�!��!:II��1�����I����I��LIL��I��I���i��1��:1��lh��L��i i�I�::II����I�!��i I�l,i���i If <br /> * D L 2 � 4 7 -- S 8 � 9 9 5 9 3 7 3-� ❑ z z 7 'I 7 - 1 � 2 1 - B U R L I A 0 1 * <br />