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2� 17� 1479 <br /> T�CrETHER '�VITH a�� th� irnpro�ements now or hercaftcr erec�ed an �he pr�perty, and all easemen�s, <br /> appurtenances, and f�xtures n��v or hereaf�er a part of the property. Al� replacements and additions shal� als� be <br /> correred by �his Securi�.y �ns�rument. AI� of thc faregoing is referred to in �his Security rnsti-ument as �he <br /> "Prflp�r�y." Barrower understands and a.grees �ha� MERS ho�ds �nly lega� �i�le �o the interests �ran�ed by <br /> Borrower in th�s Security �ns�ruxn�nt, but, if necessary ta comply with 1aw or cus�om, MERS �as n�minee for <br /> Lend�r and Lender's successors and assigns} has �he right: to exercise any or a�l �f�hose interests, including, �ut <br /> not 1im�ted�o,�he r�gh�to foreclose and sell the Property; and�o�a�.e any ac�ion r�quired of Lender inc�uding,but <br /> not limi�ed ta,releasin�;and canceling this Security Zns�rumen�. <br /> BC3RR��VER�C)VENANTS �ha�Bc�rrow�r is la�vfu��y s�ised of the estate here�y con�eyed and has the right to <br /> grant and canvey �he Property and �hat tihe Property �s unencurnbered, except far encumbrances of r�card. <br /> Barra�ver warran�s and w��� defend general�y the �i��e �o �he Proper�y against all claims and demands, SLI��j�C�ti� <br /> any encumbrances af record. <br /> THIS SECUR.�TY�NSTRUMENT com.b�nes unifarm caWenants for nat�onal use and non-uniform co�enants w��h <br /> limi�ed varia�ions by jurisdic�ion�a cons�itu��a uniform secur�ty znstrum�nt�overin�;real praper�y. <br /> UNIF(]RM��VENANTS.Barrower and Lender covenan�and agree as foliflvvs: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items,Prepayment�harges,and Late Charges.Borrower <br /> sha�l pay when due the principal of, and interes� on, �he debt e�idenced by the Note and any <br /> prepaymen� charg�s and late charges due under the Note. Borrov�er sha1� also pay funds far Escrov� <br /> �t�ms pursuant�o Sectian 3. Paymen�s due under tihe Na�e and�his Secur��y Ins�rument sha�l he made <br /> �n U.S. currency. Ho�ve�er, if any check or other ins�rumen�recei�ed by Lcnder as payment under the <br /> Note or this S�curi�y Ins�rument is returned to Lend�r unpaid, L�nder may require �ha� any or all <br /> subsequcnt paymen�s due under the No�e and this Security Instrumen�be made in one or more af�he <br /> fo�law�ng forms, as selcct�d by Lender: �a� cash; �b} money �rde�-; �C� C�1"�1�1�C� C�1�C�, bank check, <br /> �reasurer's check or cashier's check, pro�ided any such check �s drawn upan an institution whose <br /> depos�ts are insured by a federal agency,instrumen�ality, or en�ity; ar�d�E�ectronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s are dee�n�d receiv�d by Lender when rece�ved a� �he 1aca�ian designated in �he Nate or at <br /> such other loca�ion as may be designa�ed by Lender in accordance w��h tih� notice provisions �n <br /> Section 1 S. Lender rnay return any payment or partzal paymen�if�he payment or par��al payments are <br /> insuff cien� �o bring�he Laan current. L�nd�r may accep�any paymen�or par�ia�payment insufficient <br /> �o bring the Loan curren�, wi�hout vvaiver of any righ�s hereunder or�rejudice to its ri�hts to refuse <br /> such paymcnt or par�ial pa�rnents in the future, but Lender �s no�obligated ta app�y such payments at <br /> the time such payments are accepted. �f each Periodic Paym�n�is applied as of its schedul�d due date, <br /> �hen Lender n�ed not pay �n�erest on unappl�ed funds. Lend�r may hold such unapp�z�d funds until <br /> Borrower makes paymen� �o bring �he Loan currcn�. �f Borrovver does no� do sa with�n a reasonable <br /> per�ad of�ime, Lender shail either apply su�h funds or re�urn thern�fl Borra�er. If nat app�ied ear�ier, <br /> such funds wi1� be app�ied �o �he outstanding principa� ba�anc� under the Note �mmedxa�ely pr�or to <br /> for�closure. No offset ar claim vvhich Bnrrow�r might have now or in �hc fu�ure against Lender shal� <br /> relie�e Barra�ver from making paymen�s due under �he No�e and �h�s Securit}� Ins�rument or <br /> performing�hc co�enants and agreements secured by this Securi�y Ins�rument. <br /> 2. App�icatian of Payments vr Proceeds. Except as oth�rwise described �n this Scction Z, a��paym�nts <br /> a�cepted and applied by Lender sha11 be app�ied in tihe fo�lowing order of priority: �a} interest due <br /> under �he Not�; �b} prxnc�pal due under �he No��; �c} amflun�s due under Sec�ion 3. Such paymen�s <br /> shall�e applied�o each Periodi�Payrnent in the order�n which xt became due.Any remaining amounts <br /> shal� be appli�d first�o �ate charges, second to any ather amoun�s due under�his Securi��ns�ru�.n�nt, <br /> and then to reduc�the princ�pal balan�e of t�e�o�e. <br /> ��1FBRASHA-Singlc Paniily-�annie ti1aelFreddie Viac U,'VI�URIL�IiVSTRllNEyT �arm 3028 31U1 <br /> �2004-201 G Conipliaiicc Systc��is,Inc.e51 c 1 cfc-bd2Q5gcc-201 G,482.1.4 � �. <br /> Singte Far�zEly R�al Estate-Security Instrumcnf DL2Q47 Page 3 of�4 �.�� www.compliaricesysie���s.can� <br /> i::.: :j'I� j,;I:.�.I �;I iii 'i i'i, :i:E; j��i i �ill I �j� j';�� ::`:;I ii "�I i:`:��� �I"�' II I'� I�1� <br /> �:..;.� �� i ;i ';: ::i�'';:' :I's: I�::�! 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