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<br /> � :::�=-.�`�:�i��$13 �
<br /> N�x•Urt1FORM Cov�rl�NiS.Borrower and Laidsr furthcr cov�aq�x:an3�s���fo�v�::�
<br /> 19. Accetentlon; Re�nedfe�. i.e�der s6i11 St�e aotice to Borr�i�nm�or'�ta,:accet�an foliowing B,orroxe�s <
<br /> 6�e�8 of any corenant or a�reeinent in tAis Security Instrumtat(but not�r��pce�eratia�imder paragraphs 13 and 17 �
<br /> unIes�appl�cable [aw pro�Jdiw othen�isei.'t'�he notfce shall agecify:(aT t���a�`�`tt}}tb�e�ction required ta cure t6e
<br /> - � defir�it;(c)�date,eat kss th�n 30 Asys trom the date the notice is givea:ta�r:�-*�R�i,6y�.-��e default mvst be cured; _ .
<br /> snd(d)t6at laiiure to carc ti�e dei�ult on ar 6etore ttie date specified�:�eh�.:�s�y r�Yti�acceleratian of t6e sums
<br /> — eer�r�t bg tkls Sscr�►ity f,atttvm�at�nd atle of tbe Property.The ao�iae.��r i��r��orroser of tf�e right to
<br /> reindate stter�ecet�etadoe aad tbe ri�ht to Drtng a coart act[on to����is�c.�a dehuIt o�any ot6er
<br /> ' defeASe ot Boerowtr ta accelentio�i And sale.Itthe default is not cured c�i���z�+e�.��it����in t6e notfce,Lendtr
<br /> �E tts opttan may require immedLte payment ia fnll of�all�ums sea�+��:�.����3i�':�ment wiWaat further :
<br /> �' deeund�i msy ieROke tfie po�e�of s�le�ed f�y ot6er nme�ies per�it�l�`�iii�6te:�i�i�:�xader sh:l!be eatltled to '
<br /> mllect aU r�peases is�wmd in pursrL�g t6e remedYes prnvided ia tlu�:��h=��,;�ii�?udu`��; but not IlmitM to,
<br /> - rasosaWe attaseys'[ees and ca�b oi title e�idence. �:: .� ` .
<br /> T!tIK oowee of ssle ts inroked,Trustee�6all record a noHce of defa�nai r�c6 co�r s.�w�aay parE of the
<br />_ Prq�erty is loeated snd shall mtll copies of sucb notice in the atanner prescifb���p�Usst�'�e�usv�:a Bi�Wer and to the
<br /> - " ok6er persons prescri6ed by appltcable law.Afttr the time required by ap��;��:��,Tc�t����e�ublic notice af ,
<br /> sde to the persan.s and in the m�nner ptrscrfbed by appltcable lasv.Tr�sta�.,e�t�rna�t�fa9ar���.�rro�y s4a11 sell tbe
<br /> • Property at�ublic auction to the highat bidder 4t tbe time and pl�ce and u��aslhe.�smas.d�.�sY�s!in tT��.�i�ice of sate in
<br /> one ar tnore parcels and in pny otder Trustee d�termines.Trustee m�y past��seti�.rt�,�:3�r�c3 parce!ar��'o�serly by
<br /> - pablic annoancemcet at t6e t�me and place of�ey p�e�touily scheduted sale.IIi�ea c�nr�s�gnee.may ipp��ase�e
<br /> Propertyacanysale. � � .�� . :
<br /> � Upon receIpt of payment ot the pdce 61d,Trustee shsll delirer to the�a.�is�ser�'��e's:deed can8�;�g-�e .
<br /> Property.The recitals in tMe Trustee's detd sBil!be prims tute eddence of t�,�s��o#'��atemer�aa�de there:a.
<br /> ' Trustee�hall apply the proceeds of the sale in t6e follow3ng order.!a)to aU e:pe�a�'�the s��,anciudix�;�,�rt not limited
<br /> � to,Trustee's fees as perntitted by appllcable I�w and reuonable attorneys'fees;{if��'�at.�s�secure��this Secaru�ag
<br /> � Instrument;ted(c)any excess to the person or�erson�legailly entitled to i� . .. .
<br /> - Z0. Lender ie Pogses9ian. Upon acceleration under paragtaph 19 or ab�-�c;-:.-�:,�2,!�r3e Pro�y, L.ender fin
<br /> Ferson�by agent or by judicialty appointed receiver)shal) be entitled to enter u;��rs.,t�se�L�s.°ssion es�'r�crnanage tt.t
<br /> Property and to collect the rents of thc Property including those past due. Any rer�.i���l:�t�:�'y Le.�da:rs the tece:-.•�
<br /> � � �. shall be applied first to payment of the coste,of managemeat af the Property and c�":��:n��a u�«�:�.i.nc'k�ing,hu'.��.:
<br /> limited to.;eceiver's fees.premiums an receivet'F bonds and reasnnable attorneys'fees,�:a�;L-��s.�r�.:y°�,cros sec�.�a�� .
<br /> • this Security Instcument. � , �
<br /> Zl.Reconvey�nce.Upon payment of all sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument,A.e��:�:s shal:r,e�a,.�t Trustee to �
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidenciri�d�:ct secer�i L�c,�ebis Security �
<br /> . Instruinent to 7rnstee.Trustee shaU reconvey the Property without warranty and without ch��`�.=so tt*_,���n or pe:sans �
<br /> , , legalty entitled to it.Such persan ar persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 22.Su6stitute Trustee.Lendes.at its optian,may from time to tirne remove Trustee an�.�g�eir_t a��;�cessor 2cc�stee ' _°�
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Sec�.�~��Ins�t:+a��az2is recarded. � _
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property,she succ.tssor truatee shal!succeed to all the title,poher,:.�.��ds�:i:�•�:,fened ugon =
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable taw. `-
<br /> �
<br /> Z3. Request for Notices.Bonower requ�ts that copies of thL natices of default a��::z b� s�t to Barf���ers _
<br /> address w�ich is the Property Address.
<br /> -� 24.Riders to this Securfty Instrumen�1P one or more riders Are exezuted by gonower 2��:cecc�r�+�t:�:t�:es w:;h ���:'_
<br /> this Security Instrument,the covenants and agrcements of each such rider shall be incorporatert;.����n:;s!�P's�ame.*.��.�d -
<br /> � supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) wer� :w�:�� �d�"�I:is S�n:�;"y
<br /> Instrument.[Cheek applicable boz(es)J .
<br /> � [] Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Ridcr ['j S-� F��i+1� �ti�:� ._,_
<br /> � Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Ridcr
<br /> �X] Other(s) [speeify] 1-4 FAMILY RIOER (Assignment of Rents) .�
<br /> $Y SI(iNINd BELOW, Borcower accepts and agrees to the term� nnd covenants contairted r� tr:� 5��:;T�ty '�.
<br /> . Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower nnd recurded wi�h it.
<br /> ,, /
<br /> � ........................................................................................ ......(.� (:.t.r..........f f..�.c:......:�/.!l.f:t::t:ZC:!........... A�$)
<br /> , Elle May Gressof ����-�G��:��
<br /> - ........................................................................................ .....................,......................,.,................................ , .f��
<br /> .. . �•i�.77�i1M1`R
<br /> S'raY�:;�i� Nc�ansxn. Hall. � „u��i� ti�:
<br /> � �
<br /> ' � E7Cn t�is 22nd day c.i' Fobruary .1�� yU , hef��rc nie, ihe iindcrtii�;ned, a Notary Put�iic
<br /> dsh c�mmissioned and qualificcl for said ci�►un�y,�l�i�IIIIiIIIL L'.�mc �1l.Ft Mr�y Grosso� F7n unmarried por�cr�
<br /> , tu mc kncwu tc�bc�t[;�: - -
<br /> = ide:!1ir:11 person(s) whose namr�s) are �uhycrihed tu thc In1,4 nu}� u��uum��n� :�iul acknm�lee.lged �he e!�ecutica �--�-�
<br /> ,� t1:Yr��nf to be h8r v�Yluntary act an�l decd.�/� `
<br /> � Witness my h�nd and notarial ual at Grand IsXond, N tsr�sk�� iu�uid cEnint�,�I�c !
<br /> 4
<br /> d�;Ee aforts�id. --7 �
<br /> !�ay C�mmissiun cxpires: �/-r{�} � � /
<br /> L . ��',' . . W��. �.
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<br /> �r,�,/r KF(�UI•ti LF� !{�,t t IN 'I l,�ti( t , �.
<br /> ' �'c,.T wMaiyt�i�ILl.t� �
<br /> �
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<br /> �
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<br /> IIUtC IR ItG�tC��Iftt) 1�11� �)�'Ct� 1�� �►IISt, u��t�lt�IFI' �Irl�tiftil lu�- ht, ,nu1 �.� f� �,.ir•.�� �titflll�,ll ��dra,lhi�. :1�� II�C�'�l:llc
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