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<br /> 94-- 1�09�.3
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY RIDER � �
<br /> _ r ��.�._�.w _ _ �.�:���
<br /> 'I�IS !�1 i�ARtt�.Y itft315R is m�de this 22nd�y of Februa'ry , e9 90 .
<br /> �0 i� incorpotslal inM��ttd sht.�.hbG decmad to amend and supplement the Marc�r;`e. Deed of Trust or Securiry I3eed
<br /> Iq1� "Security [mwmenP') of tltt Fattte date given by the nndersignod (the "�u+..�r")to secure Borrower's Nots to
<br /> The �qui�tehle BuSl.c�r.np ,end Loan Assoeiat3on, Grand Is����,. �lebraska (�t►e ••Lender'>
<br /> af du aaisoe d�1e �nd coti�trin$tf�property described in the Security.instrrs�.w..����,::d loeuted at:
<br /> _ 315-�17 Enst �isr�r��k�, Gxand Islend, �ebra I� 688L�� �
<br /> operty ress]
<br /> _ trl�AMILY C(lRi��Cl�A3�1�'i'S. In udtiitian to the covenants and agreers:en*s��ir:::,5:..��:Fr��.�.Barmwer : .
<br /> a.�d Lender fuNxr cUti•enu�t.and agrce as follnws: �. �; � �
<br /> A.USE QF!�l'EA'I'Y;CUMPL�ANCE WITH LAW. Borrawer shal!�c;.seaa�c, agree to or make a change in t;n � '. .
<br /> use of tfie Properiy nr ita 7�ming classification, unless Lender has agreed in writi����ihe change. Bonower shall comply �
<br /> � with all laws. ot[iitsvt�:�:s, n3gulatiaes and requirements of any govemmental L*�?.� applicabte to the Property.
<br /> I!. SUBORIDII�'!13'F. I.Ik;N9. Exccpt as pe►mitted by federal law, Borrower shall not allow any lien inferior to the
<br /> — Secuflty (nsttument•tn.be perfected against the Praperty without Lender's prior written permission
<br /> � C.I�N'�' fA6S 1N9LTRANCE. B��rtower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addition to th�.other hazards
<br /> for which insurran:r. i5 rcyuircd by Unifarm Covenant 5.
<br /> � � D. "BORR�OW�R'9 RIGH't TO ltEINSTATE" DEL�T�D. Uniform Covenant IS is e�.�eted.
<br /> ' E.A5SIG1`h}EN'i' UF LEAISFS. Upun I.ender's request, Borrow•er shall assign to Lcr:3er all leases of the Propez�r � . •
<br /> and all secutity depo3its m�dc in cannecti�n with leases of the Property. Upe� a�,.e zss°�n:�t. Lender shall have tlte ,
<br />— right to mcdify. extencl�tir temiinate the existing Ieases and to exerute aew teas�,.in Le��ei s sole diseretion. As used in .
<br /> this puaglapb �. tht wonl "lea�;e" shall mean "sublease" if the Security� In�rr.�,.; is a�s a leasehold.
<br /> F.ASSIGhlitEK7' UF RENTS. f3uauwer uncanditianally assigns and trar.sf:?s to Lender all the rents and rere-�;a�:� � `�
<br /> of the Prapetty. Hum�wer auttu►rize�; l.ender or Lender's a�ents to collect the re°a��:3 revenues and her�7n�.�direc�s :a:�h -
<br /> tena��t of tha Propeny to pay the rents tu l.endcr or l.cnder's agents. However. �T�t� Lender's Notice 2a�o.•rawes of . �
<br /> Botrower's bteach of any covenant or Agrcement in the Security Instrument. 8arr�::er shai! aal!ect and��ceivd�t r�,-ss -
<br /> and revenu�.g of the Ptnperty as tcustce fos thc hencfit of l.cnder and Borrower. This assir:�Tner:t of re-�!� const:t;�w,�<�< .� -
<br /> . absolutc assignment and n�t ar► assisnment far additi�,nal �ccurity only. ',
<br /> � ; If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower. (i) all rents received by Borruwer shall be held by B�:ro+u.er as trus:ee ���
<br /> ! for benefit of L,ender only, ta he applied ro the sumy �crured hy t he Sccurity Instrument: (ii>L en der�li�l �be entit l e d to
<br /> ' colloci and rece�ve all of the rems of the Propeny;and (iii)cach tenant of the Property shatl pay all rert�s rtut and unhaid
<br /> , , to l.ender �r Lcndes s agcnt an I.cndcr'S writtcn drmand tu thc tenant.
<br /> Bomower has not eaecutcA any pfior assignmcnt af thc rents and has not and wiU not perf'ortn ani a� 'h�: ur^u!'�3
<br /> ' pnvent Lender from cxercising its rights under Ihis paragr�ph F. .
<br /> � 1 cnsier shal! not be tequired tu enter upon, takc amtr�►1 of or maintain the Propeny t�fore or aftcr giving notiee ef
<br /> ; breach to Batmwer. However, Lender or �jiidicially ap�x�inted receiver may do so at any time there is a breach. �.ny '
<br /> application of rents shall rwt cure ��r waive any dei'ault ur inv�ilid�ite any �ither right or remedy af Lender. This assign- �-
<br /> � ment of rents of the Pruperty tihall temiin:ite when thc de;ht secured by the Securiry Instrument is paid in full. ' �
<br /> — C.CR065•DEFAUl.T PROVISIUN. Nurr��wer'�dcf"auU��r brcach undcr any nate or agrscment in which l.ender has �
<br /> an inter�est sh�ll be a breach undcr ihr Sccuri�y ln�tnuncm and I.cncler may inv��ke nny of thc rcmedies permitted by the
<br /> Security lnstlument.
<br /> _ 8Y S[GNING BELOW. Bom�wcr nc�cpt� ;i��d ut;r�:ca tu�hc tenns�nd pr�visic�ns cantaincd in this 1•4 Fami{y [tid:r.
<br />_` . .
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<br /> .� •BOffOYMEf .
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