__c a.,'�'5.�;,� i[ , J` �y�r`}:.�;i;+,'�t, 'f� �a�_ta�- eS;?:. .c• .. Fa: t`:. 5j, , . .. �
<br /> . T}...;ce .i i- 4: � ��/� �'.�.�p��E:'� �3a�,�C,�.��`p��t�'i � . '�F�lttu„r.✓r.i`C:S`[�p _.
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<br /> ; � If i:en�tEr"t�uirect.rnottgn�e imurance as a condition of making the l�an secured by this Security Iastrument, .
<br /> Borrower"slaaii pay'thc prtinit�t�s r.quirec�to maintain the ensurance in effect until such time as the reqvirentent for the
<br /> insurance teim�ates in accprdattce�►�ith�onawrr's anci i.eade�s a-ritten agreement or applicai�Ie daw., ' .'
<br /> - 8. I�eetYe�r. Lrndes,or its a$ent may make reasanable entries upon and insgections of the Prcperty. Lender
<br /> shall give Borroe:��s norice at the rime of or prior to an inspectioa speeitying reasonable cause for the inspecd�n. .
<br /> ' 9. Coademeatlon. The proceeds of any aaard or ctaim for damages,direct or consequential.in connection with
<br /> � any condemnation or other taking of any part of!he Property,or for conveyaace in lieu of condemnarion,are hereby
<br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> -- � ,�, In the event of a tota)taking of the Property.the prviceeds shall be applied ta�the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument,wheiher or nflt then due,with any eacess paid te Borrower. In the event of a partial taking:of Eh$YropeRy,
<br /> : ur3sss Bonower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Security Instrument shat�L•e reduced by
<br /> the acnount of the proceeds inaltiplied by the following fraction:(a)the.total amonnt 4f the sums stetued immediately
<br /> . before the taking,divided by @)the fair market value of the Property immediatefy beFort�2he taking.Any balance shall be
<br /> paid to Borrower. :
<br /> If the Property is a+L�n�3uned by Borrower,or if,after notice by I.e�d���o Borrower that.t�e c�r3emnos offe�s to � ,
<br /> t�il�:an award or settle a.e,:€i�for damages,Boriower fails to respond to�r�c��'within 30 davs s�s��tt�3�ate the notice is , ,
<br /> ' p�:7+;�,Lender ss suthori�sit't�collect�s�,apply the proceeds,at its option;e:ti�r-to restcrszi�:i�or re�::af the ProFerty or ' : - . '
<br /> � r_-�;;:e sums s�red by t���rity,��s',�•.;ent,whether or not thcn due. '
<br /> � ' Unless Lender anc:�6�'rtower c.ra}�ise agree in writing,�v.w applicatian of proceeds:v principal shali not eatend or '
<br /> � . � � ' �rs�gone the due date o!'tl�u�-�mthly payrimenu referred to in pazagraphs I and 2 or change the amcunr of such payments.
<br /> - 10. Borro�eer n��:II;.."s��ased; Forbepr�nce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the ti�r for paymrnt or
<br /> medi8cation of amortizati,;.i of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grante8 by Lender to any succ��or in ' `
<br /> � interest of Bonower shall not�perate to release the tiabiiity of the original Bonower or�atrower's successors in uzte:est.
<br /> � Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest pr refuse to extend ti-ne fot
<br /> � payment or otherwise mod#"�-��.��nortization of the sums secured by this Securiiq.Instrument by reason a£any demand made
<br /> "� by the original Borrower or�'+�;rrower's successors in interest.Any forbeararc��J Lender in exercising-.��y right or remedy
<br /> shall rtai be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of any right or remedy. ,
<br /> � 11. Sutceawr9 and Assi�s Bacuad;Joiat and Several Liabiltty;Co-signers. �?a�covenants and agreemcnts of
<br /> � this Security Instrument shali bind and E��efit the successors and��s af Lender and E:,izawer,subject to the provisions '•
<br /> � of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joi��and se+w�:.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ,
<br /> Instrument but do�s not er,3��te the Note:(a)is casigning this Security Ir�:�.:nent only to mortgage.grant and convey �
<br /> that Bon�wer's interest in t�;e Property under the terms of this Security lnstrs:nent;(b)is not personally obligated to pay , �"
<br /> ' the sums secured 6y ihis Sezurity Instrument; and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, •�
<br /> modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Insirument or the Note without .
<br /> that Borrower'sconsent. ,
<br /> : . 12. Loae C6Yrge� If the loan secured by this Security lnstrument cs�ubje�t to a law which sets maximum loan __
<br /> c�-sges, and that law is ��*.ally interpreted so that the interest or other laa?� charges collected or to be collected in � _
<br /> � cc��ection with the loar��ceed.he pe�-�:itted limits, then: (a)any such :�an ch�rge s!hall be reduced by the amount ''��-.
<br /> � r.�ssary to re3:��.x thc cf�arge to the�*_:sied limit;and(b)an��sums already collected�am Borrower which exceeded •��-��
<br /> � � peccnitted limits wilt be ref�:nded to Borrnwer. Lender may c�;a�a�,�to make this refund �e reducing the principal owed '•
<br /> ; under the Note or by makin�;.3 direct payment to Bc�r�wer.If a refund reduces principal,the reductiarL will be treated as a `
<br /> ; partial prepayment withaut:�:ay prepayment charge cn��er the 1`o:e. �.
<br /> ; 13. Leg�slatfon �1t�eeNng I.ender's RigMts, li enact�r.c�t or eapiration oi'applicable laws has the effect of !:
<br /> � rendering any provision af t.°.ze Note or this Security[nstrument e::cr�forccable according ta its terms,Lender,at its aption. ,
<br /> may require immediate paj.ment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumer:and may invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted.by paragraph 14.�i Lsnder eaercises this optian,Lender shall take c�:steps specified in the second para�raph of � .
<br /> : paragraph 17.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this 5ecurity I:�:rument�.hall be given by detivering it or by .���
<br /> mailing it by firss cta�.s mail unless applicable law reqaires use of another method. T�►a r.3tice shall be directed to the �
<br /> ' Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice tu Ler_jer.Any n�.i„e to Lender shall Ue given by '
<br /> � first class mail to I.ender's:��dress stated herein or z.r.s�other address Lende:d•�<.:gnates by rioiice tc,B�rrower.Any notice '
<br /> provided for in this Se:.un t}. lnstrument shaU be deer•:d to have been given tu Q�rrower or Lender whr:�iven as provided
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> l5. �4rerr.ie�I.�s;5everabiliry. This Security lnsir;mc_�t sha11 hc governc�ts::federal law and thc law c�f r.?��
<br /> jutis�lictian in v��rich the P��perty is located In the event that a��y provision or rtause r�S't:�is Security instrument,:-:t�e
<br /> Note conflicts with app!:c;i��le law,such conflict shall not affeet other pro�i::;r,�:�s of this Security lnstrumcnt dr the Nate
<br /> _ which can be given effeet�:s:'.hout the conflicting provision.To this end the s�rn4 isions of this 5ecurity instrument and the
<br /> Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> l6. Borrowee's Copy. Bonnwer shali be given one ronfonned copy of the Nate attd uf'this Security Instrument.
<br /> 17. Tr�etfer of the Property or a Bedeficlal Intcrest in Borrower. lf all or any part nf thc Proprsty or any �
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Horr�w�er i�satd or tr�nsferred�nd Qotroa'cr is not a natur�►I '
<br /> personl withou�I.endePs prior wntten consent, I.e�►der may,at its c�ption.reyuire immediate p�yment in PuU of all sums
<br /> " secured by this Security lnstrument. Nowever. this�ptian shall nat be exercised by Lenaer if exercise is prohibited by
<br /> ` federa]law as oFthe date of'this Security Instrument. �---�
<br /> lf Lcnder cxercises this optian,Lcnder shall give Borrower noti:.e of�ceeleration.The nrnice shall prnvide a period '
<br /> o4'nr�t less than 30clays frotR the date the natice is delivered or mailed within which Harruwer mutit pay<+Il�ums sccured!�y
<br /> � this Security lnstrument. If Nntrower fails tn pay these sums prior t�Ihe expirUtinn of thir periE�d. I.cader tt��+y iJi�oke uny
<br /> -- � remPS�L�S�+'�'fI2lff��y t�lFS S¢i'lLlt�lRSIn!IIl�RL K+l2I1Qtlt F1lit�lQ£P_OtIC'Q oI�E��II�QR�UFTC�WCF . . t
<br /> -� 18.Borrower's Ailtht tu Reinstate. If I3��rraw�er meecs certam conditinn5,llorruwer Sh.sU hc�vr tlie r�ght to have
<br /> enforcement ofthic Security bstrument d�uuntinucd at any tivne prinr te��he earlter uf�{;�)S(��y'ti{t��Slll'I11�lItl'1'rtt'IUIJ Ati 1�
<br /> ` � �pphcable►aw may spccif'y fnr reinst�temcnU hcfore sate of thc Prc+perty pursuant t��any p���ver��f�:�le cuntained in th�s
<br /> 5ecuriey Inst�ument: ur fh)e.n�ty nf,�judgaiient e�darcing this 5ecuruy lnstrument. '1'hnse cemdihouv:,re�h:it l3nrr�+wrr.
<br /> (a) pay� l.ender all sumv whirh there w��uld be du� untlrr thi�Srcurity In5/rEimcnE and t1�e :V��te had nE�a��elerauau • •�,,,
<br /> er�curred: tb)curev �uy defnult af���y otl►er c�,ren���ts ur a�;reemcnt�: (c)pays ali cx��em.�'iircarrrc4 rn eni'i,rrni�;lhis . �ap�
<br /> Secunty tnvtrument, includmg. b�t not bm�ted.t�, reasunable �ttarney.s' fec�, aT�d (d► t��kc. tiuch acU�m .i. 1 cn�icr tna}• M��
<br /> rcasanahi� tcqiurr.tu�cs��rc[t�at th�t hc�ti ��i thi�.SGCUrity lnsrrumenr, I.cuctcc's ricthtc in ch� I rczperty a�tct 19arruncr'c
<br /> � '' e�bl�gal�utt tn p�p It�c rutn� �ctu:cd hy tluti Sccurily I��tilrtatncut �hat! Lnutuutr inr�h�i����•�! ('���+ir rrinct��temc��t hy ° '
<br /> ti�tirr��wer. ih�:5ecuttly Invtru�ri:•nt,u��E tYie ctt,lz�;;�t«�s�«rrurtrf here•hy tiF�,�#{tetrt��in fully�r(}i�:tttie.���f n„.�.crlre;itu•�r ha�i
<br /> 1,. excurred lluwc�er sli�;r�ftF�t te•retn.t.�:e!.hal!ni�t��j±�l} u�t}te t:�tir�,f';+r�cter:ilo��u undcr r,4F.1�•r,���l�. !i�+E t 7
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