2� 17� 139�
<br /> �Cantinued} Page 5
<br /> rents, issues and pro-�its of�h� Property, inc�uding �hase pas� due and unpaid, and app�y the same, less
<br /> costs and exp�nses of op�rativn and callec�ion attorneys' fees��o any indeb�edness secured by�his❑eed
<br /> of Trust, all xn su�h vrder as Lender may deter�mine. The entering upon and taking possess�on of the
<br /> Praperty, the callec�ion ❑f su�h ren�s� issu�s and prafits, and �he`�application thereaf shaEi nflt cure �r
<br /> wai�e any default or notice of de�aul�unde�-this Deed ❑f T�'ust❑r-�n�aljdate any acf dane in respanse�o
<br /> such default or pursuant�o such no�ice of defauI�; andr notwi�hstanding the continuance in possess'ran of
<br /> the Property or�he collec�ion, receipt and application of ren�sr issues or profits, Trus�ee ar Lender shal�
<br /> be ent€tIed ta exerc�se every r-igh�pravided far in the Cred�t Agreemen�ar the Re�a�ed Qacum�nts ar by
<br /> law upan the❑cGurrence of any event of de-FauItr including the right to exercise the power ofi sale;
<br /> �b} Commence an action to�foreciose�his Deed af Trust as a mortgag�r appoint a recei�er or sp��i�Fically
<br /> en�rarc�any ofi the covenants het�eof; and
<br /> �c) Deli�er to Trustee a written de�laration of de�ault and demand for sale and a writken no�ice❑�default
<br /> and eI�ction t❑ cause Trustor's inter�st in the Praperty�o he sold,which na�ic�Trustee shall cause to he
<br /> duly filed far recard in�he appropriate❑ffices of the County�n whi�h the Prvperty�s loca�ed; and
<br /> {d} With respec�t❑ ail ❑r any part of�he Persona� Praperry, Lender$hall ha�e all the rights and remedies
<br /> af a secured part}�under�he Nebraska Unifo�rm Cammercial Cade.
<br /> Fareclosur�by Power of Sa[e. lf Lender ejects to fareclose by exe�cise of�he�ower vf Sa�e h�rein cvntained,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shaII deposit with Trus�ee this Deed o�Trust and �he C�edit Agt�eement and
<br /> such re�eipts and e�idence of expenditures mad�and secured by fhis Deed of Trust as Tru�tee may require,
<br /> �a� Upon re�eipt of such notice from Lender,Trustee shall cause t� be record�d, pubisshed and deli�ered
<br /> to Trus�or su�h Notice of ❑�fauit and Na-�i�e of Sale as then requit�ed by iaw and by this Deed of Tru��.
<br /> Trus�ee shal�, withvut demand an Trus�or� aft�r such time as may �hen be required by �aw and after
<br /> recordation o-F such Nv�ice�� ❑e-�auIt and after Nflti�e o�Sa1e ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, seIj
<br /> the Properry at the tim� and p(ace of sale fixed by it in such Na�ice ❑f Saie, either as a wha�e, o� in
<br /> separa#e �ots or parcels or items as Trustee shaIl deem expedient, and in such order as x�may de�ermine,
<br /> at public auctivn to the highest bidde�far cash in lawfu� money of�he Llni�ed 5tates payable at the trme
<br /> of sale. Trustee �haii deli�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereo� �fs good and sufFicient deed nr
<br /> deeds canveying the property so sofd� but without any co�enan� or warranty� express or implied. TF�e
<br /> r��itals in such deed ❑�any matters ❑r facts shall be conclusi�e praof of the tru�h�Fulnes$ �hereo�, Any
<br /> person, including withaut�imita�inn Trustor,Trus�ee� or Lende�-* may purchase at such�aIe.
<br /> {by As may b� permitted by law, after deducting aII costs, fees and expenses ot Trustee and vf �his
<br /> Trust, including costs of evidence of title in connection with sale,Trustee shall appIy tha praceeds❑f sale
<br /> to paymen� �f �i} all sums expended under the ter,ms af this �eed afi Trust or under the terms o�F�h�
<br /> Credit Agreement no�then �epaid� incIuding buf n�t jimi�ed �o accrued interest and la�e charges, �ii� afl
<br /> a�her sums then secured hereby, and �iii� �he remainder� i�any�to the person or persans legaIIy en�itCed
<br /> the�eto.
<br /> {�} Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by Iaw pos�pone sa�e o�F all ❑r any portion❑f the Property.
<br /> Remedies Nat ExcIusive. Trus�ee and Lenderr and each of th�m, shalI be enti�Ied to enfarce payment and
<br /> perFormance o�F any indebtedness❑r❑bliga�ions secur�d by this�eed of T�-us�and t❑ ex�rcise afi ri�hts and pvwers
<br /> under this Deed o�F T�ust, under the �redit �4gr�ement, under any ❑f th� Related Dacuments� ar under any vfher
<br /> agreement or any laws nQw ❑r hereafke�- in force� notwifhs�anding� some or aII af such indeb�edness and
<br /> ob�iga�ivns secured by this ❑eed a�Trust may now vr her�after he otherwise secu�ed, whe�h�r by m�rtgage, deed
<br /> of trust, pledge, lien, assignmen�or othe�-wise. Neither�he acceptan�e of this Deed of Trust nor its en�Forcement,
<br /> whefher by cvurt actian ❑r pursuant to the power ❑f�ale or ather powers cantain�d in this Deed of Trus�, sha�i
<br /> prejudiGe or in any manner affect Trustee's or Lende�{s right t� realize upon or enforce any other secur�ty naw ar
<br /> hereaf�rer heId by Trustee or Lenderf i�being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each of them,shaII be entitled�o
<br /> en�or�e this Deed o�Trust and any other security now ❑r hereaf�er h�Id by Lender or Trus�ee in such order and
<br /> manner as �hey or either of them may in their absa�ute discretion determine. No rer�edy conferred upon or
<br /> reserved �o Tru�tee ar Lender. is intended to be exclusi�e af any other remedy in �his Deed of Trust or by law
<br /> pro�ided nr permitted, but each shalI be cumuIa�ive and shall be in add'rfion to e�ery athe�r rem�dy gi�en in �his
<br /> ❑eed of T�us�or nvw or hereaftet-exis�ing at Iaw ar ir� equify ot-by s�a�u�e. E�ery pawer❑r remedy gi�en �ay the
<br /> �redi� Agreemenf or any o� th� Related Documents to Trustee ar- Lender or �a which either o�F th�m may be
<br /> o�f�erwise enti�fedr may be exercised, concurrent�y or inc�ependentiy, fram time fa time and as o1`ten as may be
<br /> deemed expedient hy Trustee or Lender, and either of them may pursue inconsistent remedies. No�hing in this
<br /> Deed o�F Trus�shall be construed as prohib�ting Lende��From seeking a de�Ficiency judgm�nt against�he Trus�or to
<br /> �he ex�ent such action is permi�ed by Iaw.
<br /> Elecfion of R�medies. A[I of Lender's rights and remedies w�Ii be cumulatx�e and may b� exercised atone ❑r
<br /> �ogefher. l� L�nder d�cide� �❑ spend mnney ❑r ta p�rFarm any o�Trusfarrs ❑bIiga�ion� under thi� Deed ❑f Tru��.
<br /> after Trustvr`s #ailur-e�o da so, that decisian hy Lender will nvt aff�ct L�nder`s righ�t❑ declare Trustor in default
<br /> and�o exercise Lender's remedies.
<br /> Request for N�tice. Trus�vr, on behaI�af Tru�tot-and Lenderr F�ereby requests�hat a copy of any Natice ❑f Defauft
<br /> and a copy� vf any N��ice ❑f SaIe under this De�d of Tru�t be mai�ed fo them at�he addresses set forth in th�tirst
<br /> paragraph o�f this Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> A�arneys` Fees; Expensas. lf Lender ins�i�utes any sui� or action tv e�force any of the terms of this Deed ❑�
<br /> Trus�{ Lender shall be entitled ta re�o�er such sum as the court may adjudg� reasonabie as�tzarneys' fees at�rial
<br /> and upvn any appeal. Whether or nat any cour-t ac�ion is inval�ed, and t� the extent nat prohibited by iaw� a�j
<br /> reasonable expenses L.ender incu�s that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any �ime �ar the protection of its
<br /> "rn�eres�or�he en�orcemen�of it� rights shalI become a part a�the lndebtedness payable an demand and shall bear
<br /> in�erest at the Credi� Agreemen� rate from �h� date of the expenditure unt�� repaid. Expense$ cvvered by �his
<br /> paragraph include, wi�hout�imita�ion� hawe�er subjec�t❑ any iimits under applicable Iaw, Lender`s at�orneys� �ees
<br /> and Lender's Iega! expenses, wheth�� or no� ther-e is a Iawsui�, including attorneys' fees and expenses for
<br /> bankruptcy proceedings {inciuding effvrts�o modify ❑r vacate any au�omatic s�ay ❑r in�unction}, appea�s, and any
<br /> an�icipated post-judgment collec�ion services, the aost v�F searching records, obtaining �itie repvrts �including
<br /> fareclasure reparts)� SII�V��IQrS� reparts, and appraisai�Fees�titIe insuranc�� and fees for th�Trusteer tv the exten�
<br /> permitted by appli�able Iaw. Trustor a[sa will pay any cvurt casts, in addition to al�other sums pravided by law.
<br /> Rights❑f Trus�ee. Trustee shall ha�e al�of the rights and du�ies of LendeC as set fiorth in�his s�ction.
<br /> r
<br /> P�WERS AND �SLtGATI��V� �F 7RUST�E. The fo��awing pro��siorts re�at�ng t❑the powers and a��iga��ons o�Trustse
<br /> are part o�F this De�d❑�Trus�:
<br /> Powers af Trustee, ln add�tion to ail pov+rers❑#Trustee arising as a mat�er of law,Trustee�hall have the power�n
<br /> take�he fo�Iawing actions with respec�t to t1�e Property upon�he written requ�st of Lender and Trus�Q�: {a} join in
<br /> preparing and fi��ng a map or pIa� af the Rea� Property, €ncP�ding the dedicatian vf stree�s or �ther rtghts ta t�e
<br /> public, {�} join in granting any eas�men�t or crea�ing any restricfion on �he Reai Prvperty; and �c} join in any
<br /> subardina�ion or❑�ther agreement affecting this ❑eed of Trust or�he in�eres�of Le�der under this ❑eed ❑f Trust.
<br />