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<br /> ���nt�nued} Page 4-
<br /> any proceeding nr purchase in Iieu o�candemnation. Lende�may at its electi�n require that a!!o�any portion❑f the
<br /> net proceeds of the award be app�i�d to the �ndeb�edness ar the repair or restorafi�on of the Praperty. The net
<br /> praceeds ot�he award shaI1 mean the award after payment❑f atI reasvnable Gosts. expenses� and attomeys' fe�s
<br /> incurred by Trustee ar Lender in �onnection w��h the �vndemnatian.
<br /> IMPQS�T��N �F TAXFS, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERIIiMENTAL AL)TH�RITIES. The tollowing p�o�islons re�ating
<br /> t❑ gavernmentat taxes��ees and charges are a part o-F this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lende�, Trustor shafl execute such dvcuments in addi�ion to
<br /> this Deed of Trust and take v�rhate�er❑ther action is requested by Lender ta perfec�C and continu� Lender's �ien on
<br /> the Rea� Prvperry. Tr�ustor shai� reimburse Lende� for a�l �a�eesr as described beFow, #ogether with a1I expenses
<br /> incurred tn recarding, perfecting ❑r continuing this I�eed of T`ust, inciuding without limitatian a!1 �axes, fee�,
<br /> documentary stamps� and other charges for r�cvrding or reg�stering this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fallowing shall cons�itute taxe� to whi�h this sectian appfies: �'[3 a specific tax upon this type of
<br /> Deed o�Trust or upon a�� as any part o�the �nd�btedness se�ured by this Deed of Trust, �2} a specific�ax ❑n
<br /> B�rrawer which Borrvwer is authorized ❑r required to deduct�rom payments on the Indebtedne�s secured by�his
<br /> type of Deed a�Trus�; ��} a tax on this type of❑eed of Trust c�argeable agains��h� Lender ar the holder af�the
<br /> Credit A,greement; and �4) a specific tax❑n a�l or any portion❑f the indebtedness or on paymen�s of principal and
<br /> interest made by Borr�ower,
<br /> �ubsequent Taxes. lf any tax to which this section �pp�i�s is enacted subsequent to the da�e af this Deed ❑t
<br /> Tru�t, this e�ent shall have �he same effect as an E�ent o� Defau�tr and Lender may exer�Ese any or all of its
<br /> a�aifabfe remedies �vr an E�en� o� Defaul� as prowided berow unless Trustor either {'1] pays �he tax befo�e it
<br /> be�nmes deIinquent{ or �27 contests the tax as pro�ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens sec�tion and depasits wi�h
<br /> Lender cash or a sufficient Garpara�e surety bond �r vthe�security satis�Factory to Lender.
<br /> SE�UR�TY AGREE��NT; F�NAN��III� STATEM��ITS. The fvllowing pro�isions re�ating to �his Deed of T�ust as a
<br /> s�curity agreement are a part of this Deed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Security Agreement. This instrument sha�f consti�ute a Security Agreemen� -to the extent any o�f the Praperty
<br /> constitutes fix�u�es, and Lende�-sha�� ha�e a�l flf the rights of a se�ured party under the Uni�orm Cammerciai Code
<br /> as am�nded�rom time to�ime�
<br /> 5ecurity [nterest. Upon �request by Lender, Trustor �ha�� take wha�ever action is requested by Lender to per�ect
<br /> and �ontinue Lender's securit� interest in the Personal Property. In addition to recording this Deed of Trust in�he
<br /> r-eal property records, Lende� may, at any time and wi�hout �Further authorization �rom �1�`rus�or, fife execu�ed
<br /> counterparts, copies or reprvduc�ions a-F this ❑eed ❑� Trust as a financin� statement. Trustor shall �-eimburse
<br /> Lend�r�or ail expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this security intere�t. Upan detault, Trustor shall not
<br /> remo�e, se�er ar de�a�h the Personai P�-vperty from the Froperty. Upon de�aul�t Trustvr shaI� assemble any
<br /> Personai Property nat affixed ta the Property in a manner and af a place reasvnably conv�nient to T�-us�kor and
<br /> Lender and make i� avaifab�e to Lender within three t3� days after rece�p-C a� written demand fram Lender t❑ the
<br /> exten�C permit-tied by applicable law,
<br /> Addresses, The maiiing addresses o� Trustor {debtar� and Lender {secured party} �ram which in�o�mation
<br /> concern2ng the security interest gran�ed by�his Deed o�Trust may be obtained �each as required by the Uniform
<br /> Commercia! Cvde� are as stated on th�first page ot this Deed Qf Trust.
<br /> FURTHER A5S[JRANGES; ATT�RNEY-�N-FACT. The folIowing provisions relating to furth�r assurances and
<br /> att�rney-in�-�act a�e a part of�his Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and from time ta time, upon request❑f Lender,T�ustor ws�l make, execute and
<br /> deIiv�r, or wiII cause ta be made, executed vr defi�ered{ta Lender or to Lender's designee� and rrvf�en requested by
<br /> Lender� cause tv be filed, recvrded, re�ifed� vr re�-ecorded. as the case may ber at such times and in such ❑�ffi�es
<br /> and places a$ Lender may deem apprapr�ate, any and aII such mortgages� deeds ot�rust, security deeds, securi�y
<br /> agreements. financing statements, continuati�n statements, instrumen�s v� �urther assurance, certificates. and
<br /> o�her dacument�as may� in the sole vpinion of Lender� k�e necessary or desirable �n order to ef-fectua�e, �ompiete,
<br /> perfe�t, continue, ❑r preserve {'f} Borrower's and Trustor's obligations under the Credit Agreement,this De�d of
<br /> Trus�. and the ReIated ❑ocuments, and {�� �he 1ien� and seGurity interests ct�eated by this ❑eed of Trust an �he
<br /> Praperry� whe�her nvw ❑wned ar hereafter acquired by Trustar. Unless prvhibited by law vr Lender agrees t❑ the
<br /> �on�rary in wri�ing, Trustor shaIl reimburse Lender for a�I costs and expenses incurred ln conn�atinn with th�
<br /> matters referred tv in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fac�. lf Trustor fails tv do any of the things referred ta in the pre�eding parag�aph, L�nder may do so
<br /> far and in the name of T�ustor and at Trustor's expens�;. For such purposes, Trustor he�eby i�r�e�ocabfy appoints
<br /> Lender as TrustorTs�ttarney--in--�act far the purpose ❑f makingr executing� delf�er'ing� filingf re�ording� and doing a��
<br /> other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sole opinivn, �o ac�amplish the ma�ers re�erre� to in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANGE. If Borrower an�i Trus�or pay af[the �ndebtedness when due, terminates�he credit f ine accaun�,
<br /> an�T�-usto�otherwise perFarms a�l the obl�g�tions impased upon Trustar under this ❑eed at Trust, Lender sha�i execute
<br /> and de�iver to T�ustee a request fvr �ull recan�eyan�e and shall execute and deIive�to Trus�or suitabl� statemen�s af
<br /> termina�ion vf any financing sta�ement on file e�idencing Lend�r's security interest in �he Rents and the Persona!
<br /> Property. Any r�conveyance fee required by!aw sha�f be paid by Trus�or� if permitted �y app��cable faw.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Tru��or will be in de�Faul�under�his Deed of Trust it any of�he follaw�ng happ�n: {A} Trustor
<br /> �ommits �r�ud or makes a materia!-misr�presenta�ion a�t any time in connec�ion w�th �he Credit Agr�ement. Thi� can
<br /> in�Iude,for example, a false statemen�abou�Sorrower's ar Trust�r's incame, assets� �iabilities, ❑r any other aspects af
<br /> Bor�ower's�r T�ustar's#�nancia� condi�ion. {B� Borrower do�s not meet t�e�epayment terms af the Credst Agreemen�.
<br /> (C} Trustvrrs ac�ion or inaction adr�ersely affects the coIIateraI ar Lender's rights in the collateraj. This �an include,for
<br /> example, �af�ure�o maintain requi�ed insurance, was�e ar destructi�e use af the dwelling, �ailure to pay ta�tes, death at
<br /> aII persans Iiable on the account� transfer o� tit�e or sa�e ❑f the dwel�ing, creation of a senior Iien on the dweiling
<br /> without Lender`s permission,�Foreclosure by the holder❑fi anvther lien, ❑r the use of�unds or the dweIling�or prohibited
<br /> purposes.
<br /> F�IGHTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. If an E�en�of DefauIt oc�urs unde�this Deed of Trus�, a�any time thereafterr
<br /> Trustee❑r Lender may exer�ise any❑ne or more o��the fvllvwing right�and r�medies:
<br /> Accelaration Upan I]efauIt�Additianal R�madies. If any Even�af Defau�t occurs as per tMe terms ❑t the Credt't
<br /> Agreement secured here�y, Lender may declare �!� lndebtedness secured by this ❑eed ❑f Trust tQ be due �nd
<br /> payabje and th�same shall thereupon hecome due �nd payable wsthou�any p�esentment, demand, pratest or
<br /> noti�e o�any kind, Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} E��her in p�rson or by agent, with ❑r wi�thout bringin� any activn ar proceedingr or by a recei�er
<br /> appointed by a �aurt and without r�g�rd ta the adequacy af its security, enter upon and take possessi�n
<br /> af�hs Property, or any part thereof, in its own name or in#he name vf Trustee, and do any a�ts which it
<br /> deems necessary ❑r desirable to pr�senie the�alue, mark�tabil�ty ar rentability of the Property, or part❑f
<br /> the Property or interest in the Praperty; �ncrease the income�rom �he Property vr protec��he security of
<br /> th� Property; andr with or without taking possessivn n� the Property, sue for or otherwise �aflect the
<br />